Digital Solutions Rubric
Working Below Expectations / Working To Expectations / Working Above Expectations1.
Defining problem & solution /
- Only uses 1 of MM or Scratch;
- Originality-is a direct copy of an example shown
- Usefulness-not useful or not created in order to benefit our world
- Create success criteria- between 0-2 criteria written to evaluate personal success at completion
- Uses MM & Scratch combined together so that things that are done on makeymakey make things happen on scratch
- Originality-develops and changes a concept shown on example videos
- Usefulness-demonstrates something that could be developed further to help benefit our world
- Create success criteria- at least 3 criteria written that will be used to evaluate your product when complete
- Uses MM & Scratch & something else-has output as well as input- so something happens in the world, not just on scratch
- Originality-is a concept that is not like any seen on example videos
- Usefulness-could be used in the real world to make a change that would benefit our world
- Create success criteria- an extensive list written of what you will have/see/do at the end of the project if you
Plan & generate /
- descrition of problem and solution does not explain how this solution will benefit our world
- list of required materials
- instructions not complete or not detailed enough to use to create your solution
- description of what the coding on Scratch not complete
- diagram not labelled and does not make clear what the device does
- no circuit diagram drawn
- descrition of problem and solution and how this solution will benefit our world
- list of required materials with sentence explaining why that material is chosen
- instructions to create your solution
- description of what the coding on Scratch will do
- at least 1 labelled diagram showing parts
- labelled circuit diagram drawn
- detailed descrition of problem and solution and how this solution will benefit our world
- detailed list of required materials with sentence explaining why that material is chosen referring to the properties of the material
- detailed list of instructions needed to create your solution
- description of what the coding on Scratch will do including algorithmic language/flowchart
- several diagrams drawn of whole and parts
- circuit diagram drawn carefully using correct symbols and labels for parts
Create & produce /
- Coding not complete
- Building not complete
- Testing not complete
- No debugging or modification
- Coding created and shared
- Circuit created with makeymakey
- Solution is tested, debugged and modified
- Some modifications are written about
- Coding created and shared
- Circuit created with makeymakey
- Solution is tested, debugged and modified using feedback from an outside observer
- All modifications are written about and explained
- Diagrams updated to indicate modifications to original plan
Evaluate /
- Feedback from outside observer not written up
- Not all team members use highlighter to assess using this rubric
- Written evaluation and reflection not complete
- Outside observer attempt to use and give feedback
- Feedback from outside observer written up
- Each team member use highlighter to assess using this rubric
- Written evaluation and reflection mentions success criteria created in stage 1 and includes some of what you are proud of and what could have been done better
- Team members collaboratively write separate reflections
- Outside observer attempt to use and give feedback
- Feedback from outside observer written up
- Modifications made to address feedback
- Each team member use highlighter to assess using this rubric
- Written evaluation and reflection addresses each of the success criteria created in stage 1 and includes detailed description of what you are proud of and what could have been done better
- All team members independently write separate reflection
Team work /
- Often difficulties were not managed thoughtfully
- Roles have not been shared, one team member has done very little towards the project
- Tasks not completed on time due to poor management or teamwork
- Students attempt to work independently rather than collaboratively
- Roles allocated according to ability and strengths but maintaining balance
- Students regularly checked in with one another’s progress
- Students offered assistance to one another when needed
- Monitoring of progress
- Communication respectful
- Difficulties were managed thoughtfully with assistance
- Reflection at end of unit showed understanding of the importance of collaborative skills
- Roles allocated according to ability and strengths but maintaining balance
- Students regularly checked in with one another’s progress
- Students offered assistance to one another when needed
- Monitoring of progress
- Communication respectful
- Difficulties were consistently managed thoughtfully
- Reflection at end of unit showed understanding of the importance of collaborative skills