[Help for leaders: This Life Group gathering is going to be a little different from usual. You are going to have an opportunity to disciple your group in how they handle money. It is going to be very practical.]

CONNECT IN with one another What tends to make you the most stressed or worried? [This is a way of getting people to open up about how difficult they find it to live out Jesus’ teaching in Luke 12. Yes, Jesus says “Don’t worry”, but the aim here isn’t to make people feel guilty about their disobedience. It’s to help them see how much they need to respond to the Bible passage you are going to look at together this week.]


Ø  Ask somebody to read Luke 12:13-48.

Ø  Which of Jesus’ commands in this passage do you find hardest to obey?

Ø  The Elders of Everyday Church have written a booklet entitled “Money Matters”, which aims to summarise the Bible’s wisdom on finances so that we can all live in the good of it. Let’s read the seven sections together and discuss them each in turn. [Help for leaders: The booklet is attached as a PDF to the Sunday sermon alongside this Life Group Guide. You don’t need to print out copies (unless you want to). Just email it to all your group members so that they can follow on their phone/tablet.]

Ø  Read the Intro & Section 1: Money Is Not Evil. Discuss points raised by the group. [Help for leaders: Nodding at the Bible’s teaching on money is easy, but you’re aiming at something more than that. Really help people to grapple with the Bible’s teaching so that they fully embrace God’s Word on each of these 7 points.]

Ø  Read Section 2: Money Cannot Satisfy. Discuss points raised by the group.

Ø  Read Sections 3-7 in the same way. Take plenty of time to discuss each section in turn. Your practical wisdom and coaching is of huge help to those you lead.

Ø  End with a time of prayer for one another, particularly around the financial principles you have discussed together from God’s Word. Pray the promise of 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 for one another. We don’t believe in a prosperity Gospel but we do believe in a God who richly blesses those who honour him more than they do Money.

Ø  CONNECT OUT with the non-church people around you

Ø  Each of us know people who are in need. Pray for them by name together, that the Lord will use you to be a blessing to them as you follow Jesus’ commands in Luke 12:13-48.

This week was a little different so we hope you enjoyed the variety. This is on-the-job discipleship. Well done!