Fall 2013Chui Z Yao
Riverside Community College District
Tuesday & Thursday 11:25-12:25amCourse ID: yao19479
Instructor: Chui Z Yao
Office: SA 106 Office Hours: M 12:25-1:25 pm & 8:05-9:05pm
Office Phone Number: (951) 571-6428 Tue. & Thu. 12:37-1:57pm
Email address: ebpage:websites.rcc.edu/yao/
See the instructor after your class if you have questions or problems. You may also enroll ILA-800 to get help in the Math Lab. The Math Lab is located at Humanities 220.
This course is an introduction to the study of algebra. Some of the topics that will be covered include positive and negative real numbers, solving equations and inequalities, factoring and using operations on polynomials, variables as they are involved in binomial and trinomial expressions, exponential expressions, radical expressions and absolute values. Graphing equations and solving word problems are included as well.
In the Hybrid Math 52 course, you may have noticed that you attend lecture for only half of the number of hours as the traditional Math 52 class. The homework component is done online using a program called MyMathLab. In the Math Lab, you will be able to meet with tutors and instructors who are available for assistance with homework problems. You are encouraged to work collaboratively with other students in your class.
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Perform arithmetic operations on real numbers and polynomial, rational, and radical expressions.
- Evaluate algebraic expressions.
- Solve equations involving linear, quadratic, rational, and radical expressions.
- Graph linear equations and inequalities given the equation and find the equation given the graph.
- Factor polynomials.
- Apply algebraic principles and techniques to the solutions of applications.
- Use the symbols and vocabulary of algebra to clearly communicate mathematical concepts.
HOMEWORK: The homework problems do not come from the book. You will be doing your homework problems using “My MathLab.” The problems that you receive from the software program and the problems in the textbook will be closely related, but not necessarily the same. Your answers will be inputted using the computer software.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: To get the most from the spotlight sessions, you must take notes. Usually, a loose-leaf notebook works best so that you can insert any papers that may be distributed to you in class. Also, you will need notebook paper for homework. Homework is to be done in pencil. Even though we will be using computer software for portions of the class, you will need paper and pencil to do the work. Finally, you will also need internet access either at home on your personal computer or at school in the Math Lab.
NO CALCULATORS: Because we will be stressing basic calculations, calculators will NOT be allowed for any tests. Therefore, it would be best if you do not use a calculator for homework problems. Instead, perform all of the calculations by hand.
MYMATHLAB: The software program, MyMathLab, will be your means of completing your homework assignments. You will be given a grade based upon how many of the homework questions you answer correctly. If you are working on the homework and you input an incorrect response, MyMathLab will inform you of your error and give you the opportunity to re-try the problem. Each of the problems in MyMathLab will have numbers that are different for each individual, so do not simply copy your answers from another student. The problems will be similar, but the numbers will probably be different.
MyMathLab also has many other benefits that you can use. There are step-by-step explanations to problems, which they call “Guided Solutions” that will show you how to arrive at the answer. You can also use the multi-media features of MyMathLab that will give you a video explanation to the answer. (For sound and voice, you must provide your own headphones.)
MATH LAB TUTORING: If you would like to seek assistance with a math lab tutors, please see your instructor for an ILA 800 referral form. You are always welcome to come into the math lab and work on your homework with MyMathLab, but if you would like to schedule up to three 30 minute session with one of our math lab tutors, you will need a referral for ILA 800 turned in first. There is no cost to you for this tutoring. Please see your instructor for a referral form.
TESTS: Four tests will be given on the computers in the Math Lab. The tests can be taken at any time during lab hours during the following weeks:
TEST #1September 13th – September 20st
TEST #2Oct. 4th – Oct. 11th
TEST #3Oct. 25th – Nov. 1st
TEST #4Nov. 15th – Nov. 22th
Sign up sheets will also be available to guarantee a time for you to take your test. The lowest test score will be dropped at the end of the semester. No late test will be given for any reason. If you are caught cheating on any of the tests, you will receive a score of zero for that test and it will not be counted as your lowest score to be dropped.
FINAL EXAM: A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester. You cannot pass the course and you will receive a “FW” grade for the course if you do not take the final exam.
QUIZZES: Quizzes are assigned for each chapter. Once your complete your homework, you can attempt your chapter quiz. The quizzes are to be taken at any time before its deadline and you will have two (2) attempts per chapter quiz. MyMathLab will record the higher of your two scores for each chapter quiz. Therefore, it would be to your advantage to take your first attempt before the deadline, study the material that you missed, and then take your second attempt when you are more confident and comfortable with the material.
GRADING: Your course grade earned is based upon the following approximate percentages:
1.My MathLab (homework)15%B89%-80%
3.Final Exam grade20%D69%-60% F below 60%
Incomplete will not be given.FW If you do not take Final Exam
ATTENDANCE: Attendance is expected at every lecture. Any student who accumulates more than 3 absences from lecture may be dropped. If you are falling behind, you may be dropped. If you choose to drop the class, it is your responsibility to fill out the appropriate paperwork and turn it into the Admissions and Records office.
MAKEUP: Work missed for unavoidable cause may be made up with the instructor’s approval. Under no circumstances will absences for any reason excuse the student from completing all work assigned in a given course. After an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to check with the instructor regarding the completion of missed assignment.
1)Be prepared to work!
2)Do not talk unnecessarily in class, but do ask questions.
3)No food or drink is permitted in the classroom at any time.
4)Be on time and do not leave before being dismissed.
5)Turn off all cell phones/pagers before entering the classroom.
6)Cheating will not be tolerated. (See student handbook for details)
My MathLab is an online system for learning mathematics. It is accessed over the World Wide Web on any suitable computer, whether at home or at school, and keeps a record of your progress on the My MathLab server. If you wish to use My MathLab from your home computer, you will need the following:
Operating System and Browser:
Please check the following website
RAM Memory:
At least 64 MB or more.
Internet Connection:
Cable/DSL/T1 or other high-speed connection (recommended for multimedia textbook)
56K modem (minimum)
Plug-Ins: You will need to install the plug-ins before using My MathLab from home. The computers in the Math Lab already have the plug-ins installed.
If you feel that you may have a disability that will inhibit your ability to perform mathematics in this class or use of the computers in this class, please seek assistance from disabled students services (DSPS) in Humanities 222 as soon as possible.
- Do not fall behind in your work.
- It is better to work for an hour every day than to work seven hours in one day.
- Attend classes as often as possible.
- Office hours are available for people who need more time than allowed for in the classroom.
- ILA 800 is available at no cost to you. Please see your instructor for a referral form.
Instructor reserve the right to change and modify the syllabus.