1. / SUBJECT: Looked After Children (LAC) Pupil Premium & Allocation of
To inform School Forum of the responsibilities for utilisation of the monies and agree use and administration of the funding.
The proposals set out in this paper do not affect the allocation of pupil premium for those children that have been through the care system but are no longer LAC.
3.2 / To inform School Forum of the process and requirements for allocation of the LAC funding and the expectations on schools.
Option 2 is recommended
4.2 / Option 2 is recommended so as to limit the impact on funding to schools in 2014/15 following DfE notification of funding allocations.
Following the implementation of this proposal, there will be a review in the 2014/15 academic year to determine if there is a need to retain fully the LAC Pupil Premium centrally with the Virtual Head to determine use of these funds.
5.1 / In February 2014 the DfE announced the Pupil Premium guidance for 2014/15 which included changes to funding allocation and utilisation of funds.
5.4 / One of the main changes to the guidance was the amendment to the LAC Pupil Premium. The changes are outlined in the next two paragraphs.
Basis of Allocations to the Local Authority
The Department will allocate a provisional allocation of £1,900 per child for the number of children looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2013 Children Looked After Data Return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2012. This allocation will be updated and finalised in October 2014 based on the number of children looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2014 Children Looked After Data Return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2013.
Use of the Looked After Children Premium
The grant allocation for Looked After Children must be managed by the designated Virtual School Head in the authority that looks after those children to be used for the benefit of the looked after child’s educational needs as described in their Personal Education Plan (PEP). The Virtual School Head should ensure there are arrangements in place to discuss with the child’s education setting – usually with the designated teacher – how the child will benefit from any pupil premium funding. The local authority is not permitted to carry forward funding held centrally into the financial year 2015-2016. Grant held centrally that has not been spent by 31 March 2015 will be recovered by the DfE.


6.1Option 1 –Retain all funding centrally and Virtual Head to determine and allocate LAC Pupil Premium for each LAC pupil.

6.2Option 2 – Allocate £1,000 per pupil to schools to deliver schools support and retain the remaining £900 per pupil to provide support through centrally funded programmes as determined by the virtual Head for LAC. If the Virtual Head for LAC has concerns about the use of funding for LAC within a school, the Virtual Head has the ability to enter into discussions regarding the removal of the full pupil premium for each individual LAC from the school budget, to enable the Virtual Head to develop a more individualised package of support.

6.3Option 3 – Devolve all LAC Pupil Premium to schools (£1900 per pupil). Where the outcomes/progress are not deemed effective in supporting a LAC to achieve their potential, the LA can recover the pupil premium to deliver a more personalised package.


6.1The performance target for LAC children is for85% of LAC to make 2 or more sub-levels of progress/ academic year in accordance with their ability. This is an appropriately challenging target with the previous year’s performance being 72% of primary aged LAC and 67% for secondary aged LAC achieving 2 or more sub-levels in 2012/13.

6.2 A progress report will be provided to Schools Forum on an annual basis.


7.1The LAC Pupil Premium funding will be provided on an allocation basis of £1000 per pupil to schools (with £900 to be centrally retained by the Virtual Headteacher for LAC), with lagged pupil numbers as at 31 August 2013, see para 5.3 for further details.

7.2 The Local Authority will centrally retain & consider the distribution of funds for all LAC who are placed in schools that are out of the Wakefield District.



9.1 n/a

Contact Officer: Marium Haque, Programme Manager Inclusion

Telephone No:01924 305303

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Contact Officer: Neil Hardwick, Group Finance Manager (Children & Young People)

Telephone No:01924 307764

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