
Narrator: Liriope, a river nymph from long ago in ancient Greece gave birth to a beautiful child. She took her son, Narcissus, and asked the blind seer, Tiresias, to tell her his destiny.

Tiresisa: Your child will live a long life but only if he never comes to know himself.

Liriope: I am not sure I not what you mean, for surely my child will grow to be very old.

Narrator: As Narcissus grew he became more handsome and all the wood nymphs were in love with him, but he never seemed to notice. He grew annoyed by all the attention he received and eventually he had nothing but scorn for others.

Narcissus: I don’t know why all the nymphs around are so taken by my good looks. Can’t they just think how annoying it must be for me? I have too many deer to chase and rabbits to trap to be bothered by their constant flirting.

Narrator: There was a wood nymph by the name of Echo who had angered the goddess Hera as she was searching for her husband, Zeus.

Hera: As anyone seen my hubby, Zeus? I know he has been lurking around in the forests. Can anyone tell me where he might be?

Echo: Oh my grace. You look mighty beautiful today. Why your hair looks especially nice with the color of your eyes. Are your eyes blue or is that green? Why your coloring is far better than any peacock. Why do you choose to have the peacock as your symbol?

Hera: I fear that you are trying to distract me, Echo. I know that Zeus has been here. How dare you try to delay me with your incessant conversation. From now on your words will not be your own. You will only be able to repeat what is said to you. You will no longer be able to fool others.

Narrator: From that point on, Echo could only repeat the words that she heard. When she followed Narcissus in the wilderness, she waited for the opportunity to speak. But he had to speak to her first.

Chorus: One day Narcissus was wandered away from his friends while chasing some animals deep in the forest. He tried to locate his companions and did not realize that Echo was nearby.

Narcissus: Hey, is anyone around here?

Echo: Here!

Narcissus: Come to me.

Echo: Come to me!

Narcissus: Do not avoid me. Let us meet.

Narrator: At that moment Echo stepped out from hiding

Echo: Let us meet.

Narcissus: You are not who I seek. I would die before I would be near you.

Echo: I would be near you.

Chorus: Haunted by Narcissus’ rejection, Echo hid in caves and covered herself with leaves. She began to waste away until only her bones were left and they became rocks. But her voice remained for all those who came to the caves. As to Narcissus, another curse would befall him.

Narrator: Narcissus was cursed by the goddess of righteous anger, Nemesis, when she heard the cries of another nymph who too had been rejected.

Nemesis: The wood nymphs have been taken by the beauty of Narcissus, but he only spurns their love. He too shall come to know what it feels like to be broken-hearted.

Narrator: And so one day Narcissus found himself staring at his reflection in a pool of water. He had tried to take a drink of water to quench his thirst, but was struck in awe by the beautiful face he saw staring up at him in the water.

Narcissus: Oh my gosh, who is that beautiful face looking up at me? I cannot believe how handsome he is. Why he is most gorgeous-looking man on earth. I finally find the love of my life but I cannot reach you.

Chorus: How sad to see, Narcissus had fallen in love with his own reflection. He can no longer eat or drink. He will merely waste away. The wood nymph Echo stays by his side though invisible, she weeps for her lost love.

Narcissus: Alas

Echo: Alas

Narrator: Narcissus had fallen into the pond and died. When the wood nymphs went to retrieve his body, all that remained were the beautiful flowers of white which became known as the narcissus in honor of the one who came to know himself and fell in love.