San Francisco Police Department Written Directives Unit Summary

Fourth Quarter 2016

Police Commission Meeting

DGO 2.01 – Rules of Conduct

OCC recommends to have the Department incorporate procedural justice language into its DB’s, DGO’s, manuals and training materials. (Ex: DGO 5.03 Investigative Detentions, 5.17 Police Prohibiting Biased Policing, and 2.01 Rules of Conduct.)

DGO 2.09 – Personal Use of Social Media

On 9/22/16 Police Commission adopted resolution 16-56. On 10/26/16, DB 16-179 “DGO2.09 Personal Use of Social Media Update Packet #53” was issued and posted to the SFPD website.

DGO 3.01 – Written Communications

The Written Directives Unit is making revisions to DGO 3.01 based on suggestions from Command Staff. 5/13/15

DGO 3.10 – Firearm Discharge Review Board

As part of the OCC’s recommendations to enhance police-community relations, OCC recommends the Department to re-examine its policies, training and evaluations of force incidents including officer-involved shootings. 9/18/15

DGO 5.01 – Use of Force

On 12/21/16, Commission adopted revised DGO. On 12/27/16, DB 16-219 was issued announcing the revised DGO and posted on SFPD website.

DGO 5.02 – Use of Firearms

Issued DB 16-221 “Rescinding of DGO 5.02, Use of Firearm.” The contents in 5.02 are now included in DGO 5.01.

DGO 5.16 – Obtaining Search Warrants

This revision is still on hold per Command Staff. 12/22/14

DGO 5.21 - CIT

On 12/21/16, Police Commission adopted resolution 16-77. On 12/27/16, Written Directives received DGO and is currently working on DB to announce DGO.

DGO 6.08 – Aggressive Solicitation

Per Lt. Nevin’s request, WD sent Word versions of DGO 6.08 to start updating process and DB 12-012 for new language for re-issue. Currently with Lt. Nevin. 8/13/14

DGO 6.15 - Property Processing

SME started to revise DGO 6.15. Several Units involved in the revision of this DGO. 1/12/15

DGO 7.01 – Policies and Procedures for Juvenile Detention, Arrest, and Custody

OCC recommends the Department provide training designed to address police interactions with youth and to make presentations at middle and high schools regarding “Know Your Rights” for youth. 9/8/15

DGO 8.07 - Hazardous Materials

Updated draft sent to Samara Marion (OCC) for review on 4/11/16. The Department SMEs are Captain Daryl Fong, Lt. David O’Connor and Officer Dino Zografos. All the changes have been tracked, and this has gone through concurrence at the Command Staff level.

DGO 8.11 –Investigation of Officer-Involved Shootings and Discharges

OCC recommends holding community meetings in the district where the OIS occurred and amend DGO 8.11 to state within 10 days of an OIS resulting in fatality, the COP will notify the public and convene a meeting at a location within the affected community to provide factual info the Department can release and answer any questions and address concerns the public may have. 9/18/15

DGO 10.08 – Use of Computers and Peripheral Equipment

  • Written Directives received draft DB "SFPD Members' Expectation of Privacy Use of Computers, Peripheral Equipment and Facilities" for concurrence from Chief of Staff's Office as part of the DOJ recommendation #24.4.
  • Written Directives received draft DB "Pop-up Network Acceptable Use Stmt for Workstations" for concurrence from Technology as part of the DOJ recommendation #24.5.

Proposed Policy for Searching Transgender Individuals

Working group drafted DGO X.XX. Officer Broderick Elton and Theresa Sparks met with Sheriff Hennessy on 8/23/16 and mutually agreed to change some of the definitions and other languages.

Sent out for concurrence to SFPD Legal and Deputy Chiefs.

8/26/16 DC Garret Tom of Professional Standards & Principled Policing Bureau reviewed draft and the only concern he has is within the section that states officers who have not received training in strip search shall not be expected to conductsearches that they have not been trained for. DC Tom poses the question "What if no one is trained. Does the Dept. not search?"

8/26/16 Commander Lee from Airport Bureau wanted additional clarification regarding the availability of TGI from San Francisco to be dispatched to the airport if needed for a TGI search. Otherwise he is checking with San Mateo Sheriff's Dept. for clarification.

Investigations Manual

Per Capt. Pedrini, the revised Investigations Manual is in the process of being edited and updated for concurrence approval.

Department Bulletins

As of 12/31/16, for the fourth quarter of 2016, the Written Directives’ Unit issued 70 Department Bulletins. (27 “A” bulletins, 36 “B” bulletins and 7 “C” bulletins)