Call to order
A meeting of GOTeam was held at DH Stanton’sMedia Center on 10/18/16.
Attendees included.
Ann Fowler / Devyi Portee / Barbara Colbert / Alicia DecrescioYaquetta Crockett / Robin Robbins
Members not in attendance
Members not in attendance included.
Shirley Freeman, Aiyana Cottman
Voting Results of Candidate Nominations
Community Candidate 2-year term
Candidate 1 (insert name) / Candidate 2 (insert name)List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Community Candidate 3-year term
Candidate 1 (insert name) / Candidate 2 (insert name)List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Swing Seat Candidate 3-year term
Candidate 1 (insert name) / Candidate 2 (insert name)List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Call to order
A meeting of GO Team was held at DH Stanton’s Media Center on 10/18/16.
Attendees included
Ann Fowler / Devyi Portee / Barbara Colbert / Alicia DecrescioYaquetta Crockett / Robin Robbins
Members not in attendance
Members not in attendance included.
Shirley Freeman, Aiyana Cottman
Approval of minutes
Approved Minutes.
Unfinished business
We have 2 open parent positions. Marketing Communication-Place flyers in the courier to parents who are interested in speaking at the GO Team meeting. Place on the marquee with dates they are allowed to speak. Place on DH Stanton’s home page. Place flyers in the front office and pass out in the carpool lane. Communication response should be through courier and on website.
New business
Robin discussed district deadline to have strategic plan complete by Dec. 16. Would like for GO Team members to be a part of creating the plan. Set aside work time to complete this. Noletha stated other schools have set up Google Docs for members to input info and collaborate afterwards to discuss final product.
4 performance indicators are: Beg. Level, developing, proficient, and distinguished. We showed gains in every area except for Math on our Milestones data 2015-2016. We will go into consultancy on Nov. 7th with Math Solutions. They will observe in every classroom. Nov. 8th-Data will be taking and go into Foundations of teaching mathematics of students and afterwards coach the students. Target K-2 to make sure students are ready.
Intervention Team SWAT school wide assessments team during personalized block and Emory tutors to support our students. We have an AR and Lexile lift. Star 360 deficits in Reading and Math identifies their prescriptions and RTI/SST students are assessed more frequently to make sure they do not fall behind. Major focus in District on word parts. We have a different one each week for students to break those word parts down. Literacy focus is a huge lift. Discovery Academy on Saturday 9-12 more literacy support through partnerships with HOA. SI funds-Writing boot camp will start next Wednesday for 3rd-5th grade. Program for writing-Write score. Baseline scores will be taken to milestones readers and they provide lesson plans for each student. Strategic and intentional strategies in place for Reading, Math, and Writing will teach them how to go back and find the ideas in the reading.
Math Solutions-Common Core manipulatives. PD Training will be provided to use the manipulatives for K-5. Focus groups after school on 10/8 to plan with teachers. There is a writing piece in Math. Tests will now be on computer.
Coble will place Emory students to work with students during the day and will use SEL strategies as well.
Robin stated SEL has seen a major difference using SEL. Starting as soon as they get out of the car.
Team discussed DH Strategic Plan. As a team we need to develop key performance measures. Need done before Nov. 17th Principal’s meeting.
Literacy Night and other nights are scheduled to bring parent in. Look at our sign in sheets to look to see if we have improved with parent attendance. We have 40 members now in PTA. Last year we had 4 members. We need to fill out parent seats for GO TEAM. We have 60 days to fill seats. Refer to Michelle Walker. This is about building culture in the school and increasing student achievement. Confirm parents at next meeting.
Motion to adjourn. Second. Meeting adjourned at 6PM.
Writing Bootcamp will start Next Wednesday 3rd-5th grades.
Yaquetta CrockettSecretary / Date of approval
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