May 8, 2006

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Present: Chairman Bill Harlow, Vice Chair Richard Simoneau, Amy Pineau

Barry McDonald, Steve McCourt, and Town Manager Ruth Marden

Guests: Shiloh Ring, Code Enforcement Officer; John Shoen, Alternative Ed teacher; Steve

Gettle, Forester; Donna Perry, Sun Journal; Abby Nixon, Livermore Falls

Advertiser; Hyla Friedman, Al Landry, Cindy Bennett, Rick Rush, Shane Morse,

Richard Sproul, Pearl Cook

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Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00 P.M.


Minutes of the April 10th Meeting accepted. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Barry McDonald, 3-0-2 Amy Pineau and Steve McCourt abstained.

Old Business


Election of Chair & Vice Chair

Bill Harlow was nominated as Chairman to the Board of Selectmen. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Amy Pineau, 4-0-1. Bill Harlow abstained.

Rick Simoneau was nominated as Vice Chairman to the Board of Selectmen. M/M/S Bill Harlow, Barry McDonald 4-0-1. Rick Simoneau abstained.

Public Hearing on Junkyard Permit/Autobahn Hi Performance Inc.

Shiloh Ring explained that Ora Haskell intends to remove many of the vehicles located at 1280 Main Street. He will then clear an area for the Automobile Junkyard, which will include natural screening to the yard. The public hearing closed at 6:15 P.M. The Selectmen approved the Automobile graveyard/junkyard permit for Autobahn Hi-Performance Inc. under the conditions listed on the permit. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Amy Pineau, 5-0-0

Public Hearing on Special Entertainment Permit – Spruce Mountain

Spruce Mountain Ski Club has requested to hold an outdoor concert at the ski area this summer to benefit the ski club. No alcohol will be allowed on the premises and police will be present.

The public hearing closed at 6:22 P.M. The Selectmen agreed to grant the Special Entertainment Permit for Spruce Mountain Ski Club. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Amy Pineau, 5-0-0.

Elected Officials Workshop

Ruth Marden encouraged the Selectmen to attend the workshop. If anyone is interested in attending please contact Ruth.

Placing of Welcome to Jay Sign

Hyla Friedman ordered a 45x78 oval Welcome to Jay sign. An anonymous donor paid for the sign. Hyla has also arraigned to have it installed at no cost the town. She would like it installed on the lawn of St. Rose church. The Town purchased a sign to be placed at the same location a couple of years ago. The new sign will be stored at the Community Building for the time being. The Selectmen tabled placement of the sign until the May 22nd meeting.

Selectmen’s Meeting Location

The Selectmen have had problems with noise and double booking of the meeting room at the community building. The Selectmen will be holding the next Selectmen’s meeting at the North Jay Library. There are two meeting rooms available upstairs which are accessible by elevator.

Chief Shink/Fire Department By-laws EMA Director

No one was present to discuss.

Alternative Ed/Tree Harvesting

John Shoen, Alternative Ed Teacher, was present to discuss the use of the Town’s wood lot behind the High School. Mr. Shain would like to use the land for teaching purposes; possible forestry of the land in conjunction with Mt. Blue Forestry Program or local professionals. Steve Gettle was also present to discuss all of the Town owned land. He suggested that a forestry plan be developed for the land around the Transfer Station and East Jay Gravel pit and a separate plan for the land behind the school. The School land would be a more extensive management plan for a minimum of 25 years.

The Selectmen gave preliminary approval to research the project. Ruth will meet with Steve Gettle and John Shain and to come up with a plan and discuss it at the 1st Selectmen’s meeting in June.

MMA Nominations

Ruth Marden is now on the Executive Board for the Maine Municipal Association. She has an opportunity to put her name in to become Vice President and wanted to know how the Board felt about her taking the position. If Ruth becomes Vice President it will be a three-year commitment with some travel required. The Selectmen gave Ruth approval to submit her name to become the next Vice President of MMA.

Other Business

Ruth stated that a Selectmen is needed to fill Alan Labbes place on the Jay Development Committee. Bill Harlow volunteered to fill the vacancy.

Ruth Marden also told the Selectmen that the Office staff is working to have a circus come to town. She requested permission for ticket to be sold at the Town Office and to set up a dedicated fund for the proceeds to go into a fund for a Town Clock. Preliminary approval was given.

The Franklin County Municipal Officers will be meeting May 23. Bill Harlow encouraged the Selectmen to attend.

Executive Session:

Meeting went into Executive Session at 7:40 P.M. under MRSA Title 1 Chapter 13 Section 405 Subsection 6 for the purpose of discussing negotiations, Personnel issue, and legal issue. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Amy Pineau, 5-0-0.

Meeting returned to regular session at 8:48 P.M. No decisions were made. Meeting adjourned. . M/M/S Barry McDonald, Rick Simoneau, 5-0-0.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, May 22, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. at the North Jay Library.

Respectfully Submitted

Ronda Palmer

Town Clerk