Today / 05/25 / 06/1
Announcements / Porter / Wertz
Song / Anthony / Comeaux
Prayer / Johnson / Lake
Preside @ Table / George / Marbury
Assisting / Wedge / George
Assisting / Lake / Medina
Assisting / McKenna / Porter
Prayer / Marbury / Merritt
Evening Worship* / 05/25 / 06/1
Announcements / Porter / Wertz
Song Leader / Anthony / Comeaux
Prayer / Johnson / Lake
Communion/Prayer / George / Marbury
Wed. Evening Worship / 05/28 / 06/4
Announcements / Porter / Wertz
Song Leader / Various / M. Maiwald
Invitation / Dollard / George
Prayer / Neal / Porter
1. Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to perform an assigned
2. Notify Tim Wertz and Karla Anthony of any changes.
3. Please be at the worship service 5-10 minutes early
May / June / July
Prepare Communion / Dollard / Frazier / TBD
Lockup / Wertz / Anthony / TBD
Men’s Breakfast / 6/14 / 8:00am / OCB
Elders/Deacons Meeting / 6/14 / 9:30am / Building
Helpful Email Addresses:

Special Days
Happy Birthday, May!
Christine Liddell / 27 / Sue Bilbrey / 30
Special Days
Happy Birthday, June!
Bobbie Girard / 2 / Jim Anderson / 3
Sara Brown / 4 / Melissa Maiwald / 13
Stephen Urban / 26 / Eric Wertz / 28
Happy Anniversary, June!
Jesse and Beatrice Okiyi / 7
Lee and Denise Porter / 9
Jason and Catina Cottoner / 17
Mark and Barbara Frazier / 29

"For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."


Who Wants To Be Baptized?

Last week Brother Mike Neal sent me an interesting link about a “church” in Stafford. They gave their requirements for baptism. This is their statement, “To be baptized, you must be at least eight years old and attend a short class with Pastor Rick right after services nextSunday, May 18. Our baptism celebration will be held sometime in the next month or so. Talk to Pastor Rick today or email him if you have questions.”

Brethren I wonder what God would think of this. Well let’s just ask Him. We can look to His word for the answers on Baptism. What is the scriptural mode of baptism? Many religious organizations recognize sprinkling, pouring, and immersion as scriptural modes of water baptism. So we need to ask is baptism sprinkling, pouring, or immersion? Baptism (the Greek noun baptisma) means, "consisting of the processes of immersion, submersion and emergence" (W.E. Vine, Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words). Baptism is a burial (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12). Only immersion (burial) symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord (Romans 6). Water baptism is an often controverted subject. In fact, differences over baptism have led to the inception of denominations. There have been questions about the subjects of baptism, the act itself, and the purpose of baptism. Before one is baptized, one must believe, repent and confess Christ's deity (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Romans 10:9-10, and Acts 8:36-37). One must also have sin to be forgiven (Acts 2:38). There is also the necessity for some understanding of sin, God, and his word (Acts 8:26-40). It is not surprising, therefore, to read: "And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women" (Acts 5:14). Also notice how quickly one was baptized when they learned the truth (Acts 16:33). All examples of baptism were done right away they did not wait for some special baptism celebration day.

So I ask the question have you been scripturally baptized? Are you a member of a church which teaches the truth about water baptism? If not, why not? Ernie

For our Prayers May 25, 2014


Ø  Logan Dollard had her surgery last Wednesday to replace her feeding tube.

Ø  Patty Wiggins fell last week and broke 3 toes on her left foot. She continues to also heal from a broken right foot.

Ø  Ametha Carr, a former member at Woodbridge, fell last week and broke her hip.

Ø  Steve Bradley, Roger Merritt’s nephew, who has been on our prayer list for a few weeks, lost his battle to leukemia last Sunday. Our prayers and condolences are with all of the family at this time.

Ø  Carole Carkhuff, friend of the Merritts, suffered a mini stroke causing lose of her short-term memory.

Senior Living/Rehab

Ø  Gayle Swabb (Greenfield Senior Living)

Ø  Betty Perez (Westminister)

Continued Prayers for Family and Friends:

Ø  Omer Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's brother) Cancer

Ø  Debbie Vickers (Denise Porter’s sister) COPD

Ø  Lucille Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's sister-in-law) Cancer

Ø  Harry Sweet (Cancer)

Ø  Lenny Skutnik (Crohns)

Ø  Sharon Ragan (Bobbie’s daughter) Crohns

Ø  Tom Stander (Katie Wedge’s father) Cancer

Ø  Gloria Anthony (Eric’s Mom) Parkinson’s

Ø  OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) Alzheimer’s

Ø  Bootsie Martin (Ernie Maiwald’s Aunt) Cancer

Ø  Eric Owen (Tim Wertz’ neighbor) Cancer

Ø  Jeremy Johnson (friend of the Dollard’s) Cancer

Ø  Marlene Cooper (friend of the Dollard’s) Cancer

Ø  Logan Dollard (feeding tube)

Ø  Mary Ann Wold (Mike Neal’s mother) lung cancer

Ø  Gerardo Medina (Dan’s dad) recovering from surgery

Ø  Joe Comeaux (Perry’s dad) waiting heart transplant

Continued prayers for our members:

Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Sue Bilbrey

Katherine Wertz Colleen Wertz Robert Lake Christine Liddell Charles Swabb Will Davis

James Roberson Ed Wiggins Patty Wiggins Tom White Dollard Family