The Sam Nunn School
of International Affairs / /

Director of National Intelligence

Centers of Academic Excellence

February 24, 2010


Spring Colloquium on National Security Studies

Technology Square Research Building

Banquet Hall – Rms 132-134

To RSVP Click Here

8:30 – 9:00 Registration, continental breakfast

9:00 – 9:15 Welcome remarks

·  Kenneth J. Knoespel, Interim Dean, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts

·  Dr. Roy George, Chair, Department of Computer and Information Science and Principal Investigator, ODNI Center of Academic Excellence

·  Dr. Lenora Gant, Director, Office of the Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence

9:15 – 9:30 Introduction to the Intelligence Community, Dr. Lenora Gant

9:45 -11:45 Cyber Issues and 21st Century National Security

·  Moderator: Professor Seymour Goodman, Professor of International Affairs and Computing, and Co-Director of both the Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC) and the Center for International Strategy, Technology and Policy (CISTP).

o  Mustaque Ahamad, Director, Georgia Tech Information Security Center, and Professor of Computing

o  Don Jackson, SecureWorks, Inc.

o  Chris Rouland, GT alum, former CTO at IBM ISS and now CEO of Endgames

o  Neal Ziring

o  Respondent: Karen Nance

12:00-1:30 Lunch and Keynote Speakers

·  Introduction: Seymour Goodman

·  Speaker: TBA

1:30-2:45 Changing National Security Issues in East Asia

·  Moderator: Professor Brian Woodall

o  John Garver

o  Justin Hastings

o  Steedman Hinckley

o  Margaret Kosal

o  Michael Murphree

o  Respondent: Professor Brian Woodall

2:45-3:00 Break

3:00-4:15 The 21st Century IC Enterprise: Challenges and Opportunities

o  Moderator: Bob Kennedy

o  John Garver

o  Steedman Hinckley

o  Fred Manget

o  Jeff Moulton

o  Neal Ziring, Technical Director, Vulnerability Analysis and Operations, NSA

This panel will be composed of ODNI personnel and Georgia Tech students and faculty. It will discuss emerging challenges and how the IC is meeting them. Panelists will also offer their observations hiring and clearance requirements and competencies and skill sets required to be competitive for IC employment. The panel will allow time for audience questions and answers.

4:15–4:30 Concluding remarks

·  Brian Woodall, Acting Chair, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology

·  Dr. Lenora Gant, Director, Office of the Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence

4:30-5:30 Networking Session

An opportunity for students and faculty to meet and interact with Intelligence Community personnel, including recent graduates now working in intelligence.