LEHS Soccer Handbook

Soccer Players & Parents,

Only you have control over your behavior with the choices that you make. You need to know that once you make a choice only you are responsible for the results of that choice.The coach’s approach to discipline is to teach you to take responsibility for your actions and the results of those actions.


Sports do not build character. They reveal it.

Heywood Broun

This purpose of this handbook:

This handbook is to be used by all parents and athletes involved in the LEHS Soccer Program. This handbook sets policies that will be enforced by the coaching staff. Changes and additions to this handbook may occur at anytime. If a question arises about a policy, then the parent should contact the Head Coach.

Head Girls Coach: Head Boys Coach

Carl SpotoPaul Witt


LEHS SoccerPhilosophy:

Athletics can play an important part in the life of a student. Our young people learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic athletics. Such participation is a privilege that carries with it responsibilities to the school, to the sport, to other students, to the community, and to the athletes themselves. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition, and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of the LEHS Soccer program.



RESPONSIBILITY TO YOURSELF: Your academic studies andyour participation on theLEHS soccerteam are to prepare you for your life, as well as build physical strength and character. However, if one cannot handle the rigors of athletics and academics, it is possible you may be dismissed from the team.

RESPONSIBILITY TO YOUR SCHOOL: Another responsibility you assume as anathlete is to your school. Lugoff-Elgin High School cannot maintain its position as having an outstanding school unless you do your best. By participating in the soccer program, you are contributing to the reputation of your school. You assume a leadership role when you are on the soccerteam. The student body and people of the community know you. Not only are you placed on the stage, but you are also in the spotlight. The student body, the community, and other communities judge ourschool, our soccer program,and coaches by your conduct and attitudes, both on and off the field.

RESPONSIBILITY TO OTHERS: As an athlete you also bear a heavy responsibility to your community and family. If you never give your parents anything to be ashamed of, you will have measured up to the ideal. When you know in your heart that you have practiced to the best of your ability everyday, and played the game "all out," you can keep your self-respect and your family can be proud of you.


1. Quitting a Team: If a player removes herself or a parent chooses to remove their child from the soccer teamwhilein season, and after the team has been named, then the player will not be eligible to return to the team until the following season.

2. State/Local Law: Any student-athlete that is charged with any violation of the law, that involves the school or district in any way,may be placed on temporary suspension from athletic activities. Additional suspension or penalty may be assessed pending an investigation or final court ruling.

3. Equipment: School issued equipment is the responsibility of the student to whom it is issued. The student is expected to keep it clean and in good condition. Loss or damage to any equipment is the athlete's financial obligation.

4. Travel: All athletes must travel to and from out-of-town athletic contests in transportation provided by the athletic department. The only two exceptions would be if an athlete was injured during a contest and needed to leave for immediate medical attention or when an athlete has extenuating circumstances. JV players will be permitted to leave after completion of their games. A signed parent note must be given to the coach along with visual confirmation. An athlete may only ride home with their own parents, not a significant other, friend or friend’s parents. A copy of this waiver can be found on the demonactivities.com website.

5. Parental Behavior: Parents should come to a game prepared to support the entire soccer team at Lugoff-Elgin. Parents should be positive in their support. Remember that you are role models to your children and the others on the team. Parents should refrain from negative or derogatory comments about or towards any officials, players on the opposing team or fans of the opposing team. As per State guidelines, failure to remain positive may result in your removal from the game.


It is reasonable, as a parent, to expect to be informed:

1. When and where practices and contests are held or changes to a game schedule.

2. What is required to be a part of the team, i.e. fees, special equipment, off-season conditioning, etc.

3. If your child is injured during participation in a practice or contest.

4. Whenever any disciplinary action results in your child being denied participation in a practice or contest.

Topics that are appropriate to discuss with a coach are:

1. How you can contribute to your child's skill improvement and development.

2. Any dramatic changes you detect in your child’s behavior.

3. If you are removing your child from the team.

4. Health concerns.

5. Necessary absence(s) from team activity.

6. Disciplinary action results.

Topics that are inappropriate to discuss with a coach:

1. Playing time.

2. Team strategy

3. line-up order

3. Other players.

24 Hour Rule: Coaches will not discuss game events with parents until 24 hours after the contest.

Coaches often need parents to tell them:

1. Any specific health concerns.

2. Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.

3. Strategies that have worked for you in dealing with your daughter being successful in the past.


General Team Rules/Procedures

NOTE: Disciplinary action(s) is at coach’s discretion.

NOTE:Action taken by athletic team/coach is separate from action taken by a teacher or the school administration. The student athlete

will be accountable to both entities.

NOTE: All school and district rules apply.

NOTE: Rules are not limited to just the ones stated below and changes may occur at any time.


Three unexcused absencesmay result in a suspension or removal from the team.

1- 1 Game suspension

2- 2 Game suspension

3- Removal from the team.

You may receive disciplinary action as a result of but not limited to:

1. Showing disrespect to a teacher, coach, teammate, opposing team or observer.

2. A disciplinary referral, resulting in either in or out of school suspension.

3. Anunexcused absence:Not notifying your coach of your absence prior to the start of any team activity.

4. Inappropriate behavior in the locker room, gym, halls, cafeteria,courtyard, and classroom or at the pick-up area after practice concludes.

5.Disrupting practice by any means.

6. Stealing from a teammate or using foul and inappropriate language.

7. Fighting with a teammate.

8. An unexcused late arrival to any team activity.

9. Losing issued equipmentor not being properly equipped.

10. A jewelry warning or any action resulting to a restriction to the bench.



Players need to inform coaches of any injury as it occurs. Do not expect a coach to know you are injured. It is the injured player’s responsibility to request ice for an injury. It is the player’s responsibility to tell the coach they need to seek further evaluation by their parent due to an injury.

Injured players must remain with the team, in uniform, for all team functions or they will no longer be considered a part of the team, and will not receive a certificate, letter, or bar for participating. Injured players must communicate with the coach on a daily basis for injury updates and status of potential return.





By signing below I agree that I have carefully read and fully understand the rules, procedures and expectations stated in the LEHS Soccer Handbook.

Student Athlete ______

Parent/Guardian signature______