Strategic Plan, Curtis Laws Wilson Library, 2014 - 2020


The Curtis Laws Wilson Library supports teaching, research, and learning through innovative library services, strong campus partnerships, information access, and community spaces.


The library will be a destination of choice for collaboration and study. The library will be at the forefront of providing an array of library, learning, and collaborative resources.


·  support for academic programs and lifelong learning

·  fiduciary responsibility

·  campus collaboration and shared resources

·  inclusive community space

·  employees as vital resources

·  collegial work environment where we celebrate the success of others

Strategy Statement

By 2020, and through an enhanced digital footprint and a reconfigured physical space, the Curtis Laws Wilson Library will provide an array of library, learning, and collaborative resources for faculty, students, and staff.

Lever 1: communicate and Advocate Library Services across S&T Community


· Educate campus on what the library has to offer

· Show the value of the library to campus

Prioritized Action / Duration / Baseline / Owner(s) / Key Metric to Track
Host library event(s) related to our services to reach campus community / 2 years / 16 workshops for the 2015-2016 school year / Marketing Team / Add 2 events or workshop per year
Strategically communicate with potential users / 2 years / No plan in place, currently done as needed / Marketing Team / Have a strategic marketing plan and strategic social media plan in place and functioning
Create cost analysis of resources used / 1 year / Never have done this / Marketing Team / Creation of cost analysis, regular updating
Explore and Assess impact of ARL “reference” standard interactions / For comprehensive study it would need to start with first year and go through graduation / No current assessment in place / Marketing Team / User engagement with library and knowledge gained from interaction
Forge partnerships across campus / 3 years / Some partners already – graduate office / Marketing Team / Have 2 new partners on campus to work with for events and marketing

Lever 2: Pursue funding opportunities

Prioritized Action / Duration / Baseline / Owner(s) / Key Metric to Track
Investigate grant funding opportunities / Establish baseline by end of FY. Ongoing afterwards. / By end of FY, establish an internal libguide for current possible funding organization, including calendar for the following FY. Have a grant application finished and submitted/ready for submission. / Grant team: (Matthew Pickens, facilitator) / Seek out library-focused nonprofits
Seek out non-profits with library opportunities
Seek out for-profits that offer library-related grants
Review best practices for grant writing in accordance with the standards set by the Office of Sponsored Programs / Establish baseline by end of FY. Ongoing afterwards. / By end of FY, have at least one person within library trained plus have documentation on preferred procedures in place. / Grant team: (Matthew Pickens, facilitator) / Meet up with Sponsored Programs to see what guidelines are available
If training is available, arrange for training. Involve at least the designated grant writer, but open it up to anybody in the library who is interested.
Identify and prioritize areas of need within the library / Establish baseline by end of FY. Ongoing afterwards. / By end of FY, identify interested participants within library and have a documentation structure established. / Grant team: (Matthew Pickens, facilitator) / Organize a task force to identify projects that could be undertaken with one-time outside money
Open it up to brainstorming by entire staff
Investigate agencies providing library funding and tailor projects to those agencies’ programs / Establish baseline by end of FY. Ongoing afterwards. / By end of FY, identify interested participants within library and have a documentation structure established. / Grant team: (Matthew Pickens, facilitator) / The inverse of point 3: Once we see who has money available, look at the restrictions on that money and see how we could make a case for it locally

Lever 3: Customer Service Training

Establish and implement a customer service training program for all library employees in order to promote both quality customer service and cultivate a collegial environment. Create a program to recognize exceptional customer service and insure that customer service is measured by the assessment team.

Prioritized Action / Duration / Baseline / Owner(s) / Key Metric to Track
Engage the services of a trainer to create the following building blocks:
1)  Engage the staff in an exercise to define customer service in our library
2)  With the agreed upon definition in hand, conduct training in customer service.
3)  After training is complete, engage the staff in an exercise to determine an appropriate customer service recognition program for our environment / FY17 / Ad hoc training / Library Director / Completion of training
Implement recognition program / FY18 / No staff recognition / Staff Fun Committee / implementation

Lever 4: Develop a range of reference, instruction, and outreach programs to engage faculty

Prioritized Action / Duration / Baseline / Owner(s) / Key Metric to Track
Continue to develop programs, workshops, and materials in targeted areas. / July 2016– June 2017 / In FY16, there were 2,660 students reached through instruction sessions, workshops, and other programs. / Reference, in collaboration with Scholars’ Mine / Increase the number of students reached
Develop materials for instructors. / July 2016-June 2017 / This is our baseline year. / Reference, in collaboration with Scholars’ Mine / Increase the amount of materials produced for faculty
Increase involvement with distance education concerning scholarly communications topics / July 2016-June 2017 / Scholar’s Mine has produced a guide for distance faculty / Scholars’ Mine / Increase the level of outreach to instructors and students through workshops and other materials

Lever 5: Explore opportunities to feature and develop Scholars’ Mine

Prioritized Action / Duration / Baseline / Owner(s) / Key Metric to Track
Complete digitization of priority Thesis and Dissertations
1.  1960s Thesis and Dissertations
2.  2000s Thesis and Dissertations / current – 2020 / 400 remaining (1960s)
1500 remaining (2000s) / Scholars’ Mine team / document count
Forge partnerships and collaborations with other regional repositories
Step 1 – Host regional users group / current – 2020 / No organization, formal or informal, exists / Scholars’ Mine team / Formation of group, number of institutions and/or users
Increase Faculty content and involvement in Scholars’ Mine by
completing SelectedWorks and Expert Galleries for tenured and tenured track faculty / current – 2020 / 31 existing profiles / Scholars’ Mine team / profile count
Add 4 additional collections to Scholars’ Mine / current – 2020 / No new added collections / Scholars’ Mine team / collection count

Lever 6: Implement a Learning Commons with building projects, development of collaborative spaces, and space/stacks planning

Prioritized Action / Duration / Baseline / Owner(s) / Key Metric to Track
As funds are available, implement plans developed in conjunction with Arcturis.
Kick-off phase begins September , 2016 for re-development of study rooms on the third floor / June 2014 – June 2020 / Commons Team, in collaboration with Design & Construction Management / Occupancy and usage statistics (e.g. gate count, daily seating sweeps, reservations)
Review government documents and microforms for retention. / July 2016 – Jan 2017 / Static collection and organization. / Collections Team, Access Services at time or re-organization of stacks (Selector: Sherry Mahnken) / Re-organization of government documents and microforms areas
Map Catalog & Weed Project / Ongoing / Over 58k maps are cataloged, mostly topos. / Collections Team (facilitator Maggie Trish) / Creation of map coll policy, ongoing weeding and cataloging

Revised 7/19/16