Chattanooga Track Club – Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, July 13, 2017 Location: Osborne Office Center
CTC Directors and Officers: Whitney Allison, Jenni Berz, Bill Brock, John Crawley, Joe Klein, Dick Miller, Beth Petty, Jane Webb, Lynda Webber, Roy Webb, Stacy Boydston, and Stacey Malecky
Guest: Past President, Sujeel Taj
Absent: Sergio Bianchini, Marco Bianchini, Mandee Keith, Jason Liggins, LisaLogan, Alison Skiles,
Chris Theobold,
Meeting called to order by President Jane Webb at 6:05 p.m.
Jane Webb – President -Welcome to everyone
Jane Webb- substituting for Jason Liggins - Secretary
Jane provided a review of the June minutes. A motion was made toaccept the June minutes. Motion seconded. Motion approved.
Dick Miller- Treasurer’s Report -
Dick provided each member with the Profit and Loss Sheet for January – June 2017.
He reported that expenses and revenue don’t always line up with income coming in for races at various times. A lot rides on the Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon revenue. Discussion over the numbers on the hand out. Dick requested budget needs/amounts from Committee chairs for their needs through the end of the year. Do you want to purchase promotional itesm? May was a good month for revenue.
He also handed out a sheet titled “10 Year Surplus Summary”.
YTD Profit of $16,110.00 Equity $212,533.00
Betty Petty- Beth reported that she and Jane Webb will be going on This N That show again on July 27.
Communications -Discussion concerning cost of ads thru December. It will be $275 per month which is a savings of $160. Motion made and 2nd to approve this expense. Motion approved.
Discussion on using codes to tract how a person heard about a race. QR code to a URL. We will use certain ads to track how it impacts race registration. Questions will be added to Race Registrations about how they heard about race and giving them several choices.
Beth sent out a survey following the Riverbend Race. She received 187 responses! There is a $30 per month increase to see more than 100 responses. Motion made, 2nd and approved to spend $30 more per month to get all survey responses.
Beth was able to get our club added to a section entitled “What’s going on in Chattanooga”. Thank you Beth!
Stacy Boydston- MembershipThere is a Pancake BreakfastSaturday morning to promote the kick off of Training for the Chickamauga BattlefieldMarathon and Half Marathon. Members canrenew their membership and we can take new memberships. TwoTypes of shirts will be available for free. If any members have not Received a new shirt yet, contact Stacy Boydston. We will also have these available at races. We will have a table/tent at the Chattanooga Market beginning in August.
We will be announcing a date for a Free Water Station at the Walnut Street Bridge.
This will be on a Sunday morning. This will be to promote the Ironman in September. We will have an Aid Station at The Ironman Full and the 2 days of World Championship.
August 5th ~ Free Member Party at Sparetime Entertainment
Jenni Berz – Community Relations/Development Committee -
Jenni reported a partnership with Howard School. They are building a fitness trail.
A number of companies are supporting and working on this project. Smart Bank, Voya,
Regions Bank, etc. This came about after a running group was discussed and planned for
the students. We are assisting with organizing volunteers thru our website.
This is an excellent community relations partnership and supports our mission statement.
There are several days/shifts to choose from. The partnering companies will be signing up
volunteers here as well.
Jenni and Jane met with Miranda Huston at USXpress to discuss future partnering
Opportunities. We will send them materials and links by emails. Jane may go to speak at a
wellness meeting. They have 500 signed up for Fitness program. They have a walking/jogging
Trail and do yoga classes.
Jenni spoke about our CTC vision statement 2016, 2056. We will revisit this document
and reconsider all things listed. Please read this document and provide feedback to Jenni.
Would you be able to serve on a committee to shape this document as part of our history?
A Basecamp group will be set up.
Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon Report – Jenni handed out a summary of the race.
This was a great success. We had great feedback which was largely positive.
Discussion and suggestions for next year.
Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon/Half Marathon/5K/Jr. 1 mile
This race is very important to us and we need to promote it more than ever.
Bill Brock – Races Committee -
Bill Brock reported that The Riverbend Race was a great race and we have received
very good feedback. Coming up ~ The Scenic City Scorcher! Then, Missionary Ridge,
Raccoon Mountain, Moccasin Bend Fall Classic, Signal Mountain Pie Run, Run of Honor,
We will have an Aid Station at September IronMan and World Championships.
Stacey Malecky – Club Manager -
Scenic City Scorcher will have a collector’s item Bobblehead as the
award. Come to race or come to volunteer. Spread the word thru social media.
New Business- Lynda Webber asked if anyone could be available to assist with Monday night group
Run as she is injured. She will post on CTC On The Go.
Jane brought up issue of Board Members attendance at meetings.
We will try to approach members and ask if they are still able to serve on board.
Jane is also working with others on Stacey Malecky’s review.
Stacey has been with us for 4 wonderful years!
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn by Jane Webb was approved. Next meeting will be on August 10, 2017,
6 p.m. at the Osborne Office Center.