Daily Materials:
✔ Chromebook ✔ 1 spiral notebook ✔ Free reading book
✔ Pen for checking papers ✔ Pencils for homework ✔ Calculator
✔ Dry erase markers
Assessments (Standard Based Tests 95% / Extension Level Standard Based Tests 5%)
· This category contains the “new material” assessments and the “spiral” assessments.
· Students will take a “new material” assessment covering material contained in each unit over multiple standards. After students have had a chance to practice the same standards through bell ringers and homework, students will take “spiral” assessments over the same material. Students are encouraged to take spiral assessments until they score 80% or higher on a particular standard. The “spiral” assessment grade will replace the “new material” assessment grade if the score is improved. If not, then the average of the two scores will be the final grade for the standard. If additional spiral assessments are needed to reach 80%, they can be taken after an agreed upon action plan is developed between the teacher and student.
Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Although not included in the gradebook, homework is expected to be completed in order to practice their learning of the standards and perform well on assessments.
Assignments will be posted daily on the classroom whiteboard. They will also be posted weekly on the Team Google Calendar. Individual assignment differentiation will be addressed in the classroom. To access the calendar you may do one of the two things:
· Use one of the direct links depending on the team your child belongs to:
7 Gold:
7 Maroon:
7 Crimson:
· Or go to and click on your child’s math teacher
At Home Math Resource:
Our textbook has some great online resources. The website contains the math textbook, extra tutorials, practice problems, and interactive quizzes. This is a valuable resource and it is recommended for use at home. To access the website please do the following:
· Online textbook: Go to
1. Student sign-on usernames are unique to each student following this pattern (case-sensitive): ANKENY_”FIRST INITIAL””LAST INITIAL”” student ID#”, i.e. a student with the name of Joe Sample will have the following username: ANKENY_JS1234567.
2. All passwords are ank0261 (case sensitive).
· Additional math practice website: Go to
1. Student sign-on usernames are unique to each student following this pattern (case-sensitive): ANKENY_”FIRST INITIAL””LAST INITIAL”” student ID#”, i.e. a student with the name of Joe Sample will have the following username: ANKENY_JS1234567.
2. Student created passwords (saved on a document on students’ chromebook).
In addition, all class information, resources, and assignments are available on Pre-Algebra website: . Link to this website as well as other important links are located on the teachers pages of the Ankeny District website under the Parkview page.
My classroom expectations:
· Respect yourself and others
· Do the best you can and have fun
Contact Information:
Our school phone number is 515-965-9640. You may leave a voicemail or email using the contact info below.
We are very excited to be able to work with your son(s) or daughter(s). We want to thank you ahead of time for all of your support at home to help your child be successful at school. We are here to learn while having fun! Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions and please encourage your student(s) to ask questions. Thank you J
Jasmina Delilovic (7 Gold) Email: Phone extension: 1208
Laura Bray (7 Maroon) Email: Phone extension: 1238
Angela Bys (7 Crimson) Email: Phone extension: 1226