Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Hose Village Hall

on Monday 20th November 2006

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7pm and invited Mr Tony Smith, representing Harby Estates, to speak. Mr Smith explained the current position re planning application for the development site on Colston Lane, Harby. The Parish Council appreciated that an effort was being made to include the views of the Parish Council and the community but felt it inappropriate to comment until a planning application had been made. It was acknowledged that it was a complicated scheme and needed studying in depth before the Parish Council could comment.

06/71 COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Cllr J Machin in the Chair, Cllr A Dames, Cllr D Isam, Cllr J Rackstraw, Cllr B Seddon, Cllr P Tillyard.

06/72 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllrs D Crowther & J Mackley. Borough Cllrs B Rhodes &R Umbers


Cllr J Machin declared a personal interest in item 4c. 06/00976/VAC

Cllr D Isam declared a personal interest in item 8. Repair of seat, Village Green, Hose

Cllr A Dames declared a personal interest in item 7bi. Harby Church

06/74 MINUTES OF THE MEETING. The Minutes of the meeting on 16th October 2006 were considered, approved and signed (Proposed Cllr Rackstraw, seconded Cllr Isam)


06/75a Planning Decisions

Permission granted.

Rachel Cullis Dorsett 06/00721/ADV (7A The Sands, Long Clawson)

Non-illuminated shop sign on front of building

Glen Annell 06/00737/FUL (The Bungalow, 6 East End, Long Clawson)

Erection of bungalow (revised house type)

Rev’d Simon Shouler 06/00750/TCA (Old Manor House, 1 West End, Long Clawson)

Pollarding of 3 crack willow trees and crown reduction of 1 weeping willow

B & J Wiles and Sons 06/00751/FUL (Brinvale Farm, Broughton Lane, Long Clawson)

Erection of sound deadening shelter for existing bird feed and pulses cleaning business

Mr Johnson 06/00760/FUL (12 Bolton Lane, Hose)

Erection of conservatory

Mr A Thomas 06/00777/FUL (Mill Farm, Mill Lane, Long Clawson)

Revision of house type 04/00152/FUL to include erection of conservatory

Mr A Thomas 06/00778/LBC (Mill Farm, Mill Lane, Long Clawson)

Revision of house type 04/00151/LBC to include erection of conservatory

Mrs I M Moore 06/00801/FUL (17 Hollytree, Long Clawson)

Erection of front porch

Mr & Mrs Clegg 06/00802/FUL (Stoneleigh, 41 Main Street, Harby)

Study extension

Mr & Mrs Cottingham 06/00836/FUL (Twin Gables, 72 Boyer’s Orchard, Harby)

First floor extension

Mr J Doubleday RPS/KJ/H06/2 (Rushlands Farm, 10 Church Lane, Long Clawson)
Removing hedgerow under Hedgerow Regulations 1997

Permission refused

Mr & Mrs P Clarke 06/00729/OUT (Little Paddock, 3 Langar Lane, Harby)

Erection of 1 ½ storey dwelling and garage

06/75b Appeals Lodged/Inspector’s Decisions:

APP/Y2430/A/06/2024940/NWF 13.10.06 – 24.11.06

Hayock and Hunter 05/01128/COU (The Black Horse, 21 Bolton Lane,Hose)

Change of use of existing pub to dwelling with proposed alterations and extensions

06/75c Planning Applications – received prior to the circulation of the Clerk’s Report.

Mrs E L Fearn 06/00818/FUL (Chestnut House, 55 East End, Long Clawson)

Erection of 1 No 3 bed dwelling with garage and associated external works

There were no objections to this application

Mr N Herrick 06/00873/FUl (20 Home Pastures, Hose)

Amended plans – addition of 2 velux windows

There were no objections to this application

Mr B Booth 06/00931/VAC (41 Bolton Lane, Hose)

Removal of condition 9 of planning permission 06/00667/FUL

There were objections to this application on the grounds of safety of entering and exiting onto a narrow lane

(Cllr Machin had declared a personal interest in the following item and left the meeting. The Chair was taken by Cllr Tillyard)

Mr B Lovegrove 06/00976/VAC (Hill Top Farm, Melton Road, Long Clawson)

Removal of condition 1 of planning permission 06/00172/COU

There were objections to this application on the grounds of obtrusive light pollution in a prominent hilltop position.

(Cllr Machin returned to the meeting and re-took the Chair)

Mr & Mrs M Timberlake 06/00993/FUL (1 Back Lane, Long Clawson)

Extension & alterations to form office/granny annexe

There were no objections to this application

Mr N Godsmark 06/00996/FUL (4 Dairy Lane, Hose)

Single dwelling & detached garage

Although concerns were expressed about the increase in traffic on a narrow village lane, there were no objections to this application on condition that the proposed style of dwelling is adhered to and the hedge is retained as stated. It was noted that the application stated that a footway was on the opposite side of the lane to the site but there is no footway.

K J Construction Ltd 06/01003/REM (land next 54 Church Lane, Long Clawson)

Amended plans – type of roof

There were no objections to this application

06/75d Further Planning Applications – received after circulation of the Clerk’s Report but requiring discussion and a response at this meeting due to MBC planning deadlines.

S Handfield 06/01074/FUL (69 King’s Road, Long Clawson)

Single storey extension

There were no objections to this application

Union Pub Company 06/01047/ADV & 06/01048/LBC

(The Nag’s Head, 20 Main Street, Harby) - New signage system

There were no objections to either of these applications.

06/75e Planning Correspondence

MBC 17.11.06 Mr & Mrs Skinner 06/00835/OUT (Willow Farm, Waltham Lane, Harby)

Development Committee 28.11.06

MBC 17.11.06 Mr B Lovegrove 06/00172/COU (Hill Top Farm, Melton Road, L Clawson)

Development Committee 28.11.06


It was agreed that, although the Clerk’s Report would still retain all on-going items, they should not be itemised on the Agenda and Councillors should bring to the attention of the Parish Council only items from the Matters to Report that needed clarification or discussion.

06/76a Items requiring no further action

All items in section 5a were accepted

06/76b. Necessary actions have been taken on the following

All items in section 5b were accepted

06/76c. Responses are awaited to the following

All items in section 5c were accepted

06/76d. Items awaiting futher action

A Clerk

Items in 5dA accepted

B Items requiring action by Cllrs/third parties

Items in 5d.B were accepted, with the following noted:

06/47ciii. Cllr Tillyard was trying to obtain specialist signwriting paint for Mr J Summers to repaint Hose Millennium sign but needed to know which colours.

06/62e Agreed Clerk should write to Enforcement Officer, MBC re the residential caravan in a field on Canal Lane, Hose

06/66bi. Hose Cllrs to discuss viability of using a tyre for flowers on corner of Coal Lane, Hose with Mr L Rogers

06/66bii Cllr Tillyard had studied the draft East Midlands Assembly Regional Plan. The Public consultation will end on the 20th December. Noted that a meeting would be held at MBC about this on the 28th November and any comments to go via LRAPLC needed to be submitted by the 6th December.

C Deferred items/reminders for future tasks

Items in 5d C were accepted

06/76e. The following matters were noted

i. 05/146xii. A letter dated 10th November had been received from Mr A Brown further to his previous letters re speeding along Harby Lane, Hose, to report an accident had happened at the junction of Harby Lane/Coal Lane. Although LCC Northern Division had not responded to the suggestions from the Parish Council for an illuminated warning sign it was agreed that the Clerk should also write to MBC re speeding problems in Long Clawson and Hose (see item 06/78bii.)

ii. 06/55eiii It was agreed that the Hose Cllrs should decide whether an additional lantern to the street light in Church Close was necessary at a cost of £298 out of next years budget.

iii. 06/66biv It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the developers of the old Chapel to see if they would contribute half towards the cost of installing a street light opposite their property, the total cost which would be £750 to come out of next years budget .

06/76f Reports from Councillors/Clerk

·  Cllr Tillyard reported that he was going to give Mr Tom Roberts, student at King Edward VII, a list of Parish Council property in Harby for him to report on their condition for his community work.

·  Police Issues - An invitation had been received to the Chief Constable’s Town, Parish & District Council meeting on 11.12.06.

·  Agreed that the:

i. Clerk should purchase Christmas gift to go with letter of thanks to Mr M Cooper for his work in moving the cemetery bins until the summer;

ii. Memorial applications were acceptable but Clerk should clarify how the stone would be set in the ground

iii. request for agreement for a polytunnel on an allotment would depend upon its size.

·  Noted that:

i. White Lodge Groundcare had been authorised to undertake the Grounds maintenance in 2007/08;

ii. a quote should be obtained for the allotment hedge cutting contract from Mr R Spencer before renewing the contract with Mr M Faulks;

iii. the back of the Parish Council noticeboard in the school grounds at Harby had been broken. Cllr Tillyard believed he could repair it. The Clerk had wrapped warning tape around the glass.


06/77a Mr. B. Draper (000536) £294.50 Salary & Expenses

06/77b Mrs E Crowther (000537) £502.83 Salary & Expenses

06/77c ABB (000538) £177.84 Street light repairs

06/77d. White Lodge Groundcare (000539) £1,150.40 Grounds maintenance

06/77e. Long Clawson Methodist Church (000540) £10.00 Community consultation mtg

06/77f. Mr D Lepper (000541) £10.00 Harby Parish Plan expenses

06/77g Mrs S Stafford (000542) £4.38 Harby Parish Plan expenses

06/77h. Powergen (000543) £1,030.55 Street light electricity

06/77i CPRE (000544) £26.00 Subscription

06/77j. HM Revenue & Customs (000545) £19.80 Clerk National Insurance

06/77k. Mr Leslie Cram (000546) £19.68 Harby Parish Plan expenses


06/78a Correspondence Tabled for Information.

i. Industrial Fire Protection Ltd July 06 – Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 1.10.06

ii. CPRE – ‘Countryside Voice’ autumn 2006

iii. NCC – Nottinghamshire & Nottingham Waste Core Strategy & Development Control Policies

Issues and Options consultation October 2006

iv. Local Works Oct 06 – Campaign for the Sustainable Communities Bill – 23rd November

v. NALC PO9-06 – Local Government White Paper – Strong & Prosperous communities reflective summary. Noted that the Clerk was obtaining a copy of the White Paper

vi. Rural Services Co-ordinator, LCC 3rd Nov – Long Clawson Service co-ordination event 21.2.06

vii. CPRE Winter 06 natural collection

viii. Clerks & Councils Direct Nov 06 Issue 48

ix. Voluntary Action Melton – Community Voice Issue No 127

x. Rushcliffe Borough Council Development Framework Manager 10.11.06 – Statement of Community Involvement Submission Draft

xi LRAPLC – Cinema in Rural & Community Spaces

xii LCC – Temporary road closure, School Lane, Long Clawson Saturday 25.11.06

xiii. MBC – Recycling leaflet

xiv. RCC – Rural services & Trends Report survey

06/78b Correspondence for Discussion

(Cllr A Dames declared a personal interest in the following item)

i. Harby Church – ‘A Victorian Christmas’ – decorated Christmas trees

Noted that Mrs Tillyard and Mrs Packwood had agreed to decorate a tree for the Parish Council. Clerk to write letter of thanks

ii. MBC 26.10.06 – Traffic calming scheme – Harby

MBC had written enquiring about the effectiveness of the scheme completed in 2004. Cllr Dames had given the Clerk feedback. Also agreed to include comments about problems with speeding on Harby Lane in Hose and Melton Road, Long Clawson

iii. Countryside Alliance – rural Post Offices - posters to go on Parish Council notice boards

iv. MBC 2.11.06 – Regulatory Service Team: Training in Development Control/Emergency Centres/Flood Wardens

Agreed Clerk to find out who Flood Wardens are

v. Emma Winfield – brownejacobson 6.11.06 – Land at Dovecote Corner, Long Clawson

Noted that brownejacobson were requesting the Parish Council contribute towards their fees incurred in preparing a Deed of Grant between the Parish Council and Mr & Mrs Chandler. Agreed Clerk remind brownejacobson of their letter dated 27th December 2005

vi. Ab Kettleby Parish Council 9.11.06 – Parish Liaison Meeting

Cllr Dames requested a copy of this letter and it was agreed that the Clerk should suggest that this matter be placed on the LRAPLC Agenda

vii. MBC – ‘Making a difference’ grant application form

Cllr Machin agreed to complete this application for safety surfacing under playground equipment in each village.

06/78c Urgent correspondence or items received after Clerk’s Report and requiring discussion

(Cllr Isam had declared a personal interest in the following item)


Noted that part of this bench, insured and repaired in the past by the Parish Council, had been removed by the Park Trustees as it was rotten. As the Trustees do not hold any funds, they were requesting financial assistance from the Parish Council towards the repair costs of £225. Agreed that £100 be donated.


Noted that:

·  Cllrs Machin & Mackley had attended a meeting of the Harby Village Hall Committee to discuss their application for a new Village Hall;

·  a formal request for the use of the Leys for this purpose is still required;

·  the Clerk would find out what needs to be done before old allotment land can be used for building.

Agreed that:

·  a grant of 12 1/2% ie £400 be given towards the costs of the planning application;

·  the following would be discussed at the next PC meeting

a. what portion of the site is required

b does the Parish Council wish to retain the car park

c does the Parish Council wish to retain access

d where will the play equipment be sited

06/81 DRAFT BUDGET 2007/08

Cllrs were asked to consider what work needed to be done in each village in 2007/08 for consideration at the next meeting.


It was agreed that the Clerk write to MBC (copy to B Cllrs Rhodes & Umbers) over replacing road signs in Harby with ones which signified previous names of properties. Cllr Dames agreed to liaise with MBC official when necessary over exact positions for signs

The Chairman thanked Cllrs. for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.35 p.m.

CHAIRMAN ...... DATE ......