Genesee County Commission on Aging Minutes from March 24th , 2016

Meeting was called to order by Kim Cox at 1145am

Genesys PACE sponsored lunch

Introduction of members

Amol Exhande, MD- Speaker from Genesys PACE

Table approval of December minutes

Barb Horner made a motion to accept January minutes, Brent (Gentiva) second. Motion accepted.

Barb Horner made a motion to accept March agenda, Jim (PNS) second. Motion accepted.

Treasures Report- Joyce Thewalt. Over 40 new members. Balance from January was 11,121, closing balance from February was 21,467. Balance as of today 25,077.45.

Resource Directory- Kim Cox. 37 ads total were sold totaling $18,000. Enough money to cover the cost of the directories. Currently the directory is at Kendall Printing being put together before Joyce and Kim go over the revisions.

Website- Joyce Thewalt. 2016 New members section added, new challenge will be uploading the 2016-2017 directory once it is completed. Will find out the cost of the company uploading it to see if it is worth it.

Facebook Update- Lisa Church. Continuing to post new information on a weekly basis, asked group for permission to try using a Facebook ad. $5/day 1 week trial. Gail Gutheir made a motion to approve, Jim (PNS) second. Motion accepted. Will bring results from trial to next luncheon.

Phone Update- Lisa Church. Lots of call the last 2 months, most in regards to placing an ad in the directory.

Millage Report- tabled.

Advertising Report- tabled. (Pam Keener off for 6 weeks.)

Heater Update- Kim Cox. Nancy from the Alzheimers Association was able to take a few that were left over from last year. Discussion on purchasing fans this year. Table vote until May Meeting.

Kim Blackstock ordered the business cards and passed them out, discussed using them for advertising and inviting new members to our luncheons.

Moving Forward- Doug Wilson. Passed out moving forward in 2016 sheets, asked group to please put input for things they would like to see GCCOA accomplish in 2016.

Kim Cox- Website Ad discussion. Rotating section on website could be used for advertising for members and posting events. Mary A. made a motion that GCCOA members can send events for website (Free Space) trial for one month. Jim (PNS) second. Motion accepted.

Donation Request- Alzheimer's Association made a request for a $500 donation from GCCOA for the walk to end Alzheimer's. Discussion- quarterly GCCOA donated $250 to the senior food box program, Lisa Church waived donation for first quarter allowing the money to go to the walk to end Alzheimer's. Alex B made a motion to approve $500 donation to the walk to end Alzheimer's. Nancy Galant second. Motion accepted.

Membership Sharing- Mannor Boot Camp coming up in April!