The X-RAY MAN Vladimir Sudakov, the "BW" observer

From time to time foreign mass media sources publish information on mysterious people protecting Russian leaders from any unexpected events, dangers and illnesses. It is likely that the time has come for us to tell the world about the man who "sees through" the government planes, and in case some defects are discovered, he is vested with the power to prohibit the flight; about the extrasensor granted with the talent to diagnose illnesses and cure people a long way off, find the disappeared people, foresee the fall and growth of the exchange rates and many other things. The magician's name is Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi.

Between Alpha AND Omega

By force of the understandable reasons his name remains unknown to the majority of the Russians, although specialists in paranormal phenomena of the human psychology refer to him with great honours, and the world "stars" in extrasensorics have recognized him as "one of theirs". As the Bulgarian fore-teller baba Vanga says it is because he has the "immense force", and his unusual capabilities indeed range from "alpha" to "omega".

As far as we had to mention the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet, I will also mention the 23rd one, i.e. "psi". This is the abbreviation used by the para-psychologists of the planet to indicate the subject of their speciality: Spirit, spiritual world existing outside the time and space, and the soul uniting the spirit and the physical body. Those who have the stronger spiritual impulse are granted to create what we got used to call miracles: to cure, to see the invisible, to penetrate with the extra-sound velocity the obstacles and distances by his will and thought.

In sort, these are the premises of extrasensory perception and influence. Some receive this quality with the genes of their remote ancestors; many bushmen from the Kalahari desert are telepaths as they have preserved the relic parts of the cerebral subcortex responsible for the intuitive liaison with nature since the humanity origin. Others acquire this gift as resulting from the trauma: Sai Baba, the great Indian magician, had discovered his capability to revive the dead after he had hardly died himself being bit by the scorpion.

Let's recollect apostle Paul who being yet Sail, on the way to Damascus had got blind and after that he was gifted with the holy force.

But we are left to guess where Grigory Grabovoi is "rooted". As far as I know there were no clairvoyant in his kin; the fate was keeping him away from any shock.

Grigory Petrovich is only 32 years old but looks even much younger. He remembers himself from the cradle: yet unable to speak he understood what the adults were talking about (even now he understands foreigners at the level of thoughts). Since the age of five he could foresee the events - his mother sends him to the bazaar on a bicycle to fetch some home-made cheese but he refuses to go saying, "There is no cheese there". Soon the neighbor rushes in; the police turned out to have dispersed the traders in the morning, and the cheese was indeed missing ....

He, himself, never paid great attention to the capability of his direct vision thinking it to be vitally natural for all the people; moreover, the idea that they had such a phenomenon among their friends had never come to any of his contemporaries from the Kazakh village of Bagara. And yet by the age of 12 Grigory started to understand that he is not like others. Otherwise how could he perceive his ability to change the sequence of events? Being aware of the unpleasant meeting he started thinking the man waiting for him could be distracted by other, more important matters, i.e. was changing the layer of thinking, fixing his attention to alternative details. Everything used to be as he liked in the end.

I must say that when a child and then a teenager Grisha had never been offended by action or words, not because he was going in for karate but sooner for his some "peace-loving" energetic membrane covering him. Maybe because being already a teenager and discovering the unknown mightiness he put the objective for himself to foresee the coming troubles and put the obstacles for them.

This is his credo until present. Both the extrasensory force, as he admits himself, has not reduced but increased since then; simply with the age he turned out to make thrifty use of his inner treasure, not to fritter away his energy, but apply it only in the cases of emergency, e.g. when it is necessary to rescue (save) a man. For some time past Grigory often thinks of protecting against the catastrophe not single men but the whole at large.

Grigory came to the awareness of his suitability to fulfill such a mission working at the Tashkent Machine-building Designing Bureau after graduating from the university. The cosmic machinery was designed there, and Grigory apart from this was studying the theory of catastrophes. His own concept of barring those catastrophes was maturing in him.

... When a student, getting ready for the exams, he was reading a book. Suddenly he felt the unexplainable vibration in his body. In his mind he saw the nuclear power station, smoke, fire and people dashing around. It happened a month before Chernobyl. And three days before the catastrophe the vision came again: graphite pivots were on fire. The visual picture of Shredinger's equation regarding laws of microcosm: tunnel passage (notion of quantum mechanics) and the silvery speck of dust, electron's energy endeavoring to change one level for another. This made Grigory's flesh creep: the blast is inevitable very soon, the content of the graphitis in the pivots has considerably exceeded the norm!

All this came to Grigory at the clairvoyance level. And I asked him why he

had not given all up, why he had not rushed to where it was necessary, had not struck all the bells...

- But who would have believed me, obscure (unknown) student? - he objected to me sadly. - If they had hidden their heads ostrich-like there in the Kremlin, and then for a long time had been continuously drawing a soft and pleasing picture of the "situation under control"...

The mankind will have to deal with the consequences of the Chernobyl's explosion, "I have seen the heaviest streams of neutrino to rush along the globe perpendicular in four sides with a 5 degree deviation. Their impact on human genetics can be waived 120 years"...

Time was passing. Grabovoi was demonstrating miracles in his secret Designing Bureau by defining defects in the planes, prompting what could happen if this and that had not been done. Once he was invited by Gani Mazitovich Rafikov, the Head of the Uzbek Division of Civil Aviation, to take the position of the inspector on the flights' safety and, simultaneously, of the expert on the extrasensory monitoring of avionics.

His second job made him obliged to see the invisible, the first one provided him with the right to ban a take off. He had done it far from once when his "third eye" discovered the broken wires or other disorders in the airliner's belly. He cancelled the takes off of the President's airplanes. Therefore, the state leaders undoubtedly know who is their


In the hands of the Brazilian, Karmin Mirabelli, solid objects turned into liquids. Analysis of the metallic rods bent by the Israeli, Uri Heller, with the force of his will, shows the changes in their molecular structure... It is impossible to imagine how they achieve this, it is unlikely one would manage to get their explanations; moreover, they are not only far from us - one - in time, another - in space, they are secretive, as both have experienced severe persecution, both have been declared to be swindlers...

As for Grigory Grabovoi, here he is, facing us, the veil of secrecy does not seem to bother him; he regularly repeats his credo: "Any event can be changed. My forecasts are not fatal, I am always looking for the constructive method of forestalling. I do not change the object I am changing the situation around it."

After Chernobyl Grabovoi prudently documents his oracles. In his archives there are hundreds of acts verified by stamps and signatures of the authorized specialists. There follow some of their contents.

Aircraft IL-86 No 86052. Extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. foretold the decrease of power in the 4th engine that could not be accounted for the technical defect. Probably it could result from the collision with a bird. The result was the following: in seven days, on 27.01.92, when the plane was descending, the crow got into the channel of the 4th engine. The pilots who were aware of the forecast managed to balance the traction and landed the plane packed with the passengers. The air intake and the cook were damaged. The engine was withdrawn from exploitation.

Aircraft IL-62 No 86704, 20.01.92. Extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. drew the attention to the possibility of destruction of the material in the region of combustion chamber of the engine No 3. The note in the aircraft log-book

made in 11 days proves the discovery of the burnt through nozzle device. The engine was urgently withdrawn from exploitation. (One can imagine what could happen if during the flight the working spades of the turbine had been torn off and broken the fuselage through!)

Aircraft IL-86 No 86056. Extrasensor Grabovoi sent the information on the insufficient safety of the equipment in the front toilet-rooms. The log-book states: "22.01.92. Water leaks from under the panel in the front toilet-room. The water was cut off during the flight." (Again it is useless to be guessing what could happen if the water intersected the means of the aircraft management control: electronic equipment is displaying false refusal of the engines, pilots are switching them off...) This resulted in the fact that the IL-86 designing bureau had hermetically strengthened the toilet-rooms...

I will repeat that official certificates of this type encounter hundreds. Each of them has in the end the phrase ,"Information given by the extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. has been fully confirmed." We remain to guess why aviation leaders had not taken any measures after getting such information waiting for the forecast to be proved... By the way, those managers themselves were greatly astonished by another thing how could this young man, being far from an expert in the aircraft-building, manage to see the inside of the plane and identify the defects in it: computer, wheels, transformer, oil pipe line, etc? Besides, this young man is identifying defects without leaving his office, it is enough for him to know numbers of the airplanes - once it happened on the agreement with the Soviet-American Joint Venture "Askon"... Grabovoi seems to receive prompts from somebody on where and what...

In May, last year, the high Aeroflot leaders arranged the "experimental testing" of the extrasensor's potentialities. They organized the commission constituting experts from the Antonov ANTK and Fergana Mechanical Plant. Grabovoi was entrusted to diagnose An-12 No 1901 belonging to the Bulgarian Company "Air Sophia" during 2-3 seconds at the 25 m distance.

I will cite the minutes:

"Grabovoi G.P. did not apply any means of instrumental diagnostics and had no chance to make inquiries on the aircraft condition for the lack of time... Before diagnostics nobody knew about the defects that were identified by him and later on discovered and confirmed by the commission in its acts. Defects were discovered only in those places which had been pointed out by Grabovoi G.P." (And no more than deep corrosion of the spars was discovered...) Under the same conditions the extrasensor discovered cracks of 14 mm to 20 mm in the skin of the neighboring aircraft An-12 No 1204; the plane after that was put on repairs.

Perhaps that was the first case when Grabovoi's precognition (perception of the future events) served the basis for taking measures before the flight. But the requests to identify the reasons of "avia-accidentsit" (the people from Aeroflot modestly call crashes by this name) fell upon Grabovoi like an avalanche. According to request from FEA "Rampa" Grabovoi at distance defined what had happened to the aircraft An-12 No 11337 on 14.03.95 in the region of the Baku airport. Everything stated out by the extrasensor got its confirmation on the next day after landing: consecutive fail of two engines, defects of electroenergetics, excess in the commercial weight of the aircraft, violation of technology by the crew...

To tell the truth I could not withstand and checked the purity of the experiments that had been carried out by Grabovoi. I took my watch off and suggested telling me where they had come from. "You were presented with it by a tall white man three years ago". It was my turn to open my mouth in surprise: it was really presented by the Arab sheikh, the tall, white-haired man in a white robe...

I am going into detail of psy-diagnostics demonstrated by Grabovoi to make the reader assess the scope of his talent in the way he deserves it. Distance biolocation of the objects was in practice before him too: upon the order of the Leningrad military-marine base the extrasensor-operators were determining location of the hydrogeographic ships in the map of the ocean. But exactness of Grabovoi's vision exceeds all possible parameters. That is why the reader has the right to ask what kind of intuition does this man possess? "This is not the intuition but clairvoyance," says Grigory Petrovich. - "I can make out all sides of the tiniest detail. Real-time vision

is 100% faultless. Looking into the past or future is quite another pair of shoes"...

As far as I know one needs


Statement by the Academician V.Vinogradov, "There is a necessity to assume the real impact of the human mind, in other words properties of a living-being, upon the phenomena existing in the real space of the naturalist".

The universal extrasensor Grabovoi is a living encyclopedia of psy-phenomena forcing to admit the reality of the fundamental laws based on the close interaction between a human-being and his environment. I can judge about the degree of reality of telepathy, psychokinesis, material transformation, other capabilities of Grabovoi, by numerous documents and to what I had been a witness myself.

The foremost citizen of the Indian State Andrapradesh Satja Sai Baba materializes different objects enforcing his thought, namely fruit, sweets, decorations, and then distributes them among the witnesses. And therefore follows the episode from the teleportation practice by Grabovoi.

During his trip to Bulgaria the incident arouse at the customs: Ludmila Kim, a healer, left the banking certificate for 1.5 thousand dollars (she was going to give them out to people in need) at home; Grabovoi was standing a little afar watching Kim getting excited. Suddenly... the required certificate appeared in her arms!...On her return she saw that the spot on the cupboard where it was lying was covered with dust.

The Englishwoman Coral Poldge became known because she can draw the portraits of those who has disappeared or was killed, and whom she has never seen.Our contemporary Vladimir Ivanovich Safonov finds by the photo the dead bodies of the violated victims. Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi pays his own role in this field of clairvoyance too.

...Colleagues on the "workshop" got in touch with Grabovoi over the telephone very late at night: the 12 years son of one woman had disappeared. The quartered corpse appeared before his eyes. He asked several questions and then assured the man on the other end of the line,"Give me three days, I will assemble him. Tell the mother that she will soon see her son safe and sound". Stepping back in time he began to build up the positive picture of the future. It is necessary to evade (to side-step) the problem. It is necessary to build up another, happy swing of events...

In three days the mother, almost insane in her grief, "quite unexpectedly" found her son in the Kazansky railway station. He was safe and sound but could not recollect anything.

"Nonsense", the reader would exclaim in indignation; just in the same manner he has been recently exasperating upon hearing the word "mysticism". How could it be possible to correct the passed actions? I also was insistent in attacking Grabovoi with questions. Unruffled, he began to explain it to me:

- The matter is in the parallel time streams. The famous Phillipino healer Jun Labo, who operates without a scalpel, penetrates another time with his finger or hand, leaving his second hand in another reality. Figuratively speaking, he, like Keishna, has several hands. In the same way the part of my "ego" moves into another time field, into any designated point to make adjustments to a destiny. One could say the God himself sends me there for checking. If the murder is an ordered one it is soon revealed in press, and I become helpless: the dead body can be projected alive only behind the blind monastery wall to be never known to anybody. The optimum version - absence of witnesses or such witnesses who would never disclose the death. Those who would spread the news: see, he was dead and now he is alive! - will make me get rid of them. Of course I do not want and cannot kill them, it goes against Christian morality. I can do nothing but send the killer to some place in Kamchatka or