Directions: Investigate the literature of early India. Where did it come from? Which group of Indo-Europeans came riding over the Hindu Kush mountains, moved into the Indus Valley, and subjugated the indigenousDravidian population? Find out the in this webquest! (If you don’t know what these words mean, look them up.) Check your text book as well as the web resources.

Vocabulary: Dravidian, Aryan, Rig Veda, Vedas, Upanishads, Sanskrit, caste, soma, Manu

  1. Literature of Ancient India.

1)What is the Rig Veda and in what language was it written?

2)With which group of people did it originate?

3)What are the hymns about?

4)Which god isspecifically mentioned?

5)What followed the Rig Veda and what did each portion address?

6)What can we learn about the Aryan culture which assimilated with the Harappa culture, eventually replacing it, from these hymns?

7)What works of literature came after the Vedas?

8)What was their purpose?

9)What are the Upanishads andwhat are they about?

  1. The Rig Veda.

1)When are was the Rig Veda thought to be compiled?

2)Who was Indra?

3)List three of his deeds?

4)Who was Vritra?

5)What is soma and who could have it?

6)Who is Maghavan?

7)What is the importance of the word “spokes in the last line?

  1. The Upanishads.

1)What are the Upanisheds and when were they compiled?

2)For what religion are they the basis?

3)How are the Vedas and the Upanisheds linked?

4)What point do you think the father is trying to make to his son using the lesson of the fruit from the Nyagrudha tree?

5)What point do you think the father is trying to make to his son using the lesson of salt in the water?

  1. The caste system.

1)What does caste or varna mean?

2)Which culture group placed themselves in the upper castes? Who was relegated to the lower castes?

3)What lead to a different occupations ?

4)Who created the four-fold caste system?

5)What were the names of the four groupings and who would be found in each grouping?

6)How did the concept of pollution lead to the class of untouchables?

  1. The Law book of Manu*.

Skim through these laws and answer the following questions.

1)Make a brief list of the situations covered within these laws?

2)What were some of the main concepts contained in these laws?

3)How did this law code compare with the law code of Hammurabi?

4)Based on these laws how did this early Indian culture view women?

5)Can you find evidence of social classes?

*Manu: The primordial father of the human race and sovereign of the earth who first instituted religious ceremonies and devised a code of laws. (according to Indian mythology)