Minutes of the Wildmore Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th January 2017 at 7.30pm at New York Lecture Hall.


Chairman-Cllr A Everard

Councillors-Cllr R GilbertCllr C Folan

Cllr K StokesCllr A Harrison

Cllr R Kirk

District Councillors-Cllr S Avison

Clerk-Mrs A Appleyard

Onemember of the publicattended the meeting.

839.Declaration of Interests

There was no Declaration of Interests to report.


Apologies were received from Cllr J Laird, Cllr P Bargh, Cllr C Gilbert, PCSO N Stuchfield, PCSO A Evans and Cllr M Foster.

841. Welcome

Cllr Everard welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished everyone a Happy New Year.

842.Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14thNovember2016 had been circulated before the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr R Gilbertand seconded by Cllr Harrison that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record. All in favour. Cllr Everardsigned the minutes.

843.Police Matters

PCSO Evans and PCSO Stuchfield were unable to attend the meeting. PCSO Stuchfield hadn’t met with Highways. She was under the impression that the matter had been resolved between the neighbours. Unfortunately one of those involved had died since the previous meeting. She apologised for the way the meeting appeared to turn into a slanging match, she was under the impression that the only problem was the parking. This will be re-looked at.

PCSO advised that the main problem within the area was hare coursing and people are asked to continue reporting any incidents to the police who will endeavour to get to the scene.

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PCSO Evans had seen the following report through after the meeting:

Between 14th November and 9th January there have been 31 incidents reported to the police in the Wildmore Parish area.

2 x Theft – both of heating oil from properties on Haven Bank overnight 30/11-1/12

1 x Malicious communication

1 x Abandoned emergency call – all in order

1 x Domestic incident

2 x Suspicious circumstances – one no offences and the other was males fishing with no licence

16 x Wildlife – all harecoursing incidents which is by far the main problem in this area, the surrounding parishes and most rural areas in Lincolnshire at this time of year. We have had some successes with males charged with poaching offences, dogs and vehicles seized, however it is an uphill battle and we rely on members of the public to ring us straight away on 999 if they see active coursing or 101 if they see males with dogs and suspect that coursing is likely to occur. As much detail as possible is required including accurate location, land owner (if known) vehicle details (colour, make, registration number), numbers of males and dogs and if possible keep us updated when they move on and the direction they go in.

2 x RTC – Minor injury

4 x RTC – Damage only

1 x Transport hazard – mud on the road

1 x Traffic offence – road rage incident where threats were made

844.Parishioners Questions

The clerk advised that Cllr Laird wished to resign from the Council due to other commitments. She will send in a formal letter advising of her resignation. The clerk was asked to write to Cllr Laird to thank her for her work for the Council.

Mr Martin Jones had come along to the meeting as he was interested in joining the Council with a view to helping the local community. In view of the vacancy on the Council, Mr Jones was asked if he would like to take over the vacant slot. It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Folan that Mr Jones be co-opted to the Council. All in favour. Mr Jones was duly elected.

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845. Clerk’s Report

The clerk advised that everything she had to report on would be brought up in other agenda items.


The clerk had received the following correspondence: LALC Newsletter, ELDC – Consultation – East Lindsey District Council Local Plan Publication Version, National Grid – Viking Link Interconnector Project – Confirmation of Preferred Underground Cable Route Corridor, Invitation to the Louth & Horncastle Broadband Summit Hosted by Victoria Atkins MP, CPRE Lincolnshire Branch – Lincolnshire Best Kept Village and Small Towns Competition 2017, Area Forum Dates, LCC – Highway Grass Cutting.

A number of items were brought up from the LALC newsletter. The clerk advised that she was looking at the pension scheme that has to be offered. There is no-one in the area doing the Good Neighbours Scheme. Cllr Stokes and Cllr Jones were interested in attending Councillor training. LALC offer a payment package for training events for the year. The clerk will look at the cost of this and report back to the meeting.

ELDC – Local Plan, Cllr Avison advised that this has to be in by September. This is the 4th time that the Local Plan has been amended. One of the main concerns for ELDC is the provision of Traveller Sites in the area and the number of Cheap/Affordable House. This plan has been re-hashed from the start with any relevant parts from the old one being kept. All recommendations have been noted and the plan is now down to fine tuning before the final one is sent in. If the Council have any final comments they need to be in by the 20th of the month. It is very unlikely that development will take place in New York with the lack of drainage being the main big issue.

Viking Link – National Grid – This will not affect the Parish at the moment. There were no comments to make on this correspondence.

Cllr Jones showed an interest in attending the Broadband Summit. The clerk will let Victoria Atkin’s office know that he will be attending.

There was no interest in the Best Kept Village Competition.

Area Forum Dates- The nearest one will be held at Horncastle on 20th March at 7pm. Cllr Everard and the clerk showed an interest in attending this meeting.

LCC Highway Grass Cutting – It was felt that the first of the two cuts per annum doesn’t come early enough as visibility is at a dangerous level before the first cut takes place. The start date certainly doesn’t want pushing back. The clerk will contact LCC to see if they know yet when the first of the cuts will take place.

847.Financial Position

The current financial position is as follows:

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Opening Balance - £6021.24

Cheques presented for payment

A Jackson – Grass Cutting - £210.00

H M Revenue & Customs – PAYE - £53.40

A Appleyard – Salary - £213.26

Closing Balance £5544.58

Allotment Account

Opening and Closing Balance - £2307.45


A letter had been received from Mrs Harrison requesting financial support for the Lecture Hall again. It was agreed to support the hall again to the amount of £1000.00.

The clerk had prepared budget figures for the Councillors to help set the precept for the coming year. Budget figures were as follows, Hall Managers support £1000, LALC Annual Subscription £165, Insurance Hall Building £520, Insurance Parish Property £200, Churchyard Grass Cutting £1200, Clerk’s Salary £1680, Room Hire £72, Allotment Rents £1800, Drainage Rates £165, Petty Cash/Postage £200, Poppy Wreath £20, Audit Fees £40, Footway Lighting £220. This gives a total of £7262. Income is expected to be £2320 plus the precept. The clerk reported that the yearend estimated balance will be £5278. This takes into account reserves set aside or the defibrillator, work on trees in the churchyard and repairs to the war memorial.

The clerk was asked to leave the room whilst her salary was discussed. This will be increased to £1650 per annum and will be formally approved at the Annual General Meeting.

It was proposed by Cllr R Gilbert and seconded by Cllr R Kirk that the precept be set at £6400. All in favour. The clerk will fill in the necessary forms and return these to ELDC.

849. Planning

S/207/02094/16 – Waite Farm, Leagate Road, Thornton Le Fen, Lincoln, LN4 4YN – Change of Use, conversion of, alterations and extensions to 2no. existing redundant barns to provide 4no. dwellings –Full Planning Permission granted.

S/207/01767/16 – Farrondale, Dogdyke Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4UL – Extension to existing dwelling to provide an extended bedroom, wet room, w.c. and shower, storage and gym, (some work Commenced) – Support.

850.Low Tointon Trust

There is no further development on the Low Tointon Trust at present. Cllr Everard will speak with Mrs Harrison to discuss future options.

851. Highways

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Cllr Harrison advised that he had written to the Portfolio holder for Highways regarding the condition of the roads, particularly the ones at Haven Bank. These roads are now in dire straits and will soon be too dangerous to use. Road surveys are taking place but very few repairs seem to be taking place. There is a large pothole south of Pegwell at Haven Bank. This will be reported.


The three different options of drainage at the churchyard were once again discussed. It would appear that the best way forward would be to clear the dyke out between the church and the animal sanctuary but permission to go on the animal sanctuary land would need to be sought. Cllr Avison advised that the recent plans submitted by the sanctuary for the already sited new buildings and containers were under investigation. The information supplied with the plans was insufficient. Environmental at ELDC won’t give permission until the drainage problems are sorted. Enforcement from ELDC is visiting the site on a monthly basis. Cllr Everard said that he would go to see the lady in charge at the sanctuary to discuss the options for clearing the dyke.

The clerk had contacted two companies regarding the tree work at the churchyard. Cllr R Gilbert had been in touch with another company. Unfortunately written quotes were still being awaited by all three of the tree companies. The clerk will chase them again for their quotes.


The clerk had received a quote the East Midlands Ambulance Service for a quote for one of their defibrillator. The quote for the defibrillator and cabinet is £999.00. This defibrillator would be registered with the ambulance service and people dialling 999 in the area would be directed to the box and given the code to get into it along with support on how to use the equipment. Training also comes with the equipment and this can be a two hour slot for as many people as want to do it and can be carried out a time to suit ie. day, evening, weekend. The only additional cost would be for the electricity supply to power the heater in the cabinet but this would be able to be done by a local domestic supply electrician. The Hall Managers had agreed in principal to the defibrillator but requested electricity costs for the running of the heater. They also wished to be consulted on the siting of the cabinet. The clerk will contact the ambulance service for electricity costs. It was proposed by Cllr Stokes and seconded by Cllr Folan that the Parish Council goes along with the quote from East Midlands Ambulance Service rather than the previous quotation. All in favour. Cllr Harrison advised that the Witham Fourth Drainage Foreman will in future be carrying defibrillators in the cabs of their vehicles. More details on this to follow.

838.Other Parish Matters

There were no other Parish Matters brought to the meeting.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 13th March 2017 at 7.30pm in New York Lecture Hall.

Signed...... Chairman Date......

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