Minutes board-meeting LHK

28 February 2011, 19.30

Attending: Margit Dyrland, Christiane Hübner, Liv Bjørsvik, Harvey Goodwin, Eike Stübner, Eike Müller (for Helen Sundström)

1. Define tasks and areas of responsibility for the board members

Leader and vice-leader:

Responsibility for the status of dog yard, cage-situation and what needs to be done in the dog yard, overview of all working-groups, responsibility, writing applications, overview over activities and checking

Treasurer (Liv):

Report in finances for "korkepenger", keep track of expenses, sending out bills, overview over the situation in the freezer

Equipment-responsible (Helen):

Responsible for emptying of the shit container, buy what is needed and what is there, organize working area (develop a system, borrow out key, if it works well and people seem to take care of things: possibility to buy new tools)

Cabin and fun responsible (Harvey):

Taking care of the cabin and lavvo (which needs more poles and exhaust-pipe-holder), Trappers Trail (starting out now), «mørketidstrim», any potential other fun, open day (comment: possible to ask Hilde Henningsen)

Secretary (Eike S):

Keeping track of documents (like minutes, letter from and to,....), collect relevant documents (preferably digital version)

Web-page (Seb): he can keep on taking care of web-pages if wanted, Margit got password and username

Everybody in the board is responsible for helping the leader in looking for things that needs to be taken up or done and that everything is in order in the dog yard. that includes to make an inventory list for the working area and keep things in order.

Dog yard «inspection»:

9.3., 18.00, dog-yard-check

Other things that need to be done:

Eike M: checks lavvo in time for «ta sjansen»

Worm treatment: Eike M takes the responsibility (dog-yard is paying for the treatment since it is part of the cage-rental), ask other dog-yards when they treat their dogs, new dog-owner need to be asked to treat their dogs

Club-rules need to be written properly: Margit (document is on the web)

Common ordering of straw and dog-food: ask Janne Søreide if she still wants to do it, one contact person (Christiane) in the dog-yard who makes a list with the orders for people from the dog-yard, if Janne is not interested in being the person ordering 1 type of food will be ordered through the dog-yard.

Application for "miljøvernfondet" and "korkpenger": leaderjob with treasurer, (application for money from "miljøvernfondet"/"korkepenger" if the dog-yard in town gets permission for extension)

2. Dog-cage overview – update waiting-list and rules

The situation with a long waiting-list, many cages which are only occasionally or not in use and several cages which are lend away is difficult.

Rules should be obeyed:

cages that are temporarily available should be given to people on the waiting list for short term use.

The board went through some of the cages in the list to find out who is using which cage at the moment. Margit is going to contact people on the list if they are still interested in the cages they applied for and will update both waiting- and cage-list.

3. Regulary board-meetings

Meetings once a month, every last monday each month at 18.00 in the dog-yard.

4. Veterinary-situation

Rico informed Margit about the situation and process until now.

Sysselmannen contacted the department of agriculture and called a meeting on the 29. march.

Rico would like to follow up the development but is not in LYB that day, so Margit and Eike S. will attend the meeting.

Margit will suggest that someone from «lokalstyret», the hospital and the private dog owners should attend the meeting as well.

5. Update from the work with suggestions on the arealplan in Bolterdalen»

There was one meeting of the working group so far (Liv, Rico, Janne, Eike S).

It was decided that that LHK should come with suggestions on general circumstances and factors which needs to be considered when building a new dog-yard. The document is under preparation and will be send out to the board and everybody from the dog-yard before it will be sent in to the «lokalstyret». Through that everybody will get a chance to comment on it. Janne has sent the document as it is until now out to others who have dog-yards in Bolterdalen to inform them and maybe get some comments from them.

The town-dog-yard will be mentioned as well and that there is a need to expand the capacity of it. Suggestions for the dog-yard in town should be main priority.

It was mentioned (Eike M) that from the veterinary point of few there is a threshold for diseases to be persistent in a dog-yard, but this will not be reached.

6. Dogsledding for children in combination at «Ta Sjansen»?

Students organising «Ta Sjansen» have asked if the LHK could come arrange dog sledding for children. The students proposed that they could have to volunteering helpers.

An e-mail was send out to the LHK mailing-list by Eike S, but the response was very meager. Only Karin Amby and Eike S said that they would come. But there are still several who woul dpossible come is asked. Eike S will send out a new mail tomorrow with extended mailing-list.

It was mentioned that there should be a big sign with «Hundeklubben».

7. Economy (information from Liv)

Most of the «korkepengene» was used.

The oven with pipe is still waiting to be brought out to Bikkjebu!

On the account right now: 83000 OK

and ca 12000 on the account for Trappers Trail

Freezer space: only some small sums have not been payed => no reminder will be send out

Cage-rental: 2 that have not payed all of the rental.

1 is lacking one bill from 2010 => a reminder will be send out (Margit)

1 with several unpaid bills => one reminder will be send (Liv)

8. Status registration Brønnysundregisteret

Changes in the board and the members and «årsregnskap» will be send in now and the papers are ready.

The revised club-rules need to be send in as well. This will be done after the revision.

9. Trappers Trail (Harvey)

Harvey is the responsible, but will be on fieldwork the week before the trail. No one on the board has time either. Harvey needs to find someone who can help with the organization.

10. Dugnadsplaner 2011

What needs to be done:

The fence needs to be repaired.

Questions connected to that: How should this be done? Shall we repair or change to new material?

What will be done will be decided on the next meeting after a check of the dog yard.

Also the decision on what will be done with respect to billing for not-done «dugnads»-hours is postponed.

11. Registration Norges hundekjørerforbund?

Do we want to be a member in NHF?

What are the advantages?: insurance, juridical support, races, possibly economic support,..?

How much work will be required?

A list with pro and contra has to be made until the next meeting. Find out more about the advantage and the process of becoming a member until the next meeting (Margit and whoever else has the time).

12. Other matters

Is the extension of the dog-yard wanted by the dog-club?

- In principle yes.

A working group needs to be appointed that can think of different possibilities, budgets and apply for money.

In general the club would like to extend the dog yard as much as possible and use the available space in the best possible way.


Is there something that can be build to makes the meat-storage and chopping cleaner?

Timer for the light in the dog yard (automatic)

An application for money should be made to «miljøvernfondet» (a list with items that we should apply for needs to be made until the next application round).

What are support members rights and duties?

Seb will be asked what was the thought behind the support members when they were established.

If someone wants to have something published on the internet send a mail to:

(Sebastien Barrault).