Chateau du Tertre 21st-25th March

Kit list:



Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush etc)



Clothing suitable for being outside in March – weather in Normandy is very similar to British weather

Waterproof coat

Sensible walking shoes

Indoor footwear



Kit needs to be packed in a suitcase which can be easily carried. Pupils also need a small bag to put lunch, workbook etc in on days out.

Pupils need to bring a packed lunch for the journey. As we will not be arriving until late afternoon, they will need enough food for breakfast and lunch.

Any medication including painkillers should be put in a labelled bagand handed to a member of staff. If bringing an inhaler, please have a spare and please label all inhalers.

Pupils should not bring expensive cameras (we recommend they bring a disposable camera if they would like to take photos) or hair straighteners.

Any MP3 players, mobile phones etc which are brought on the trip are the pupil’s responsibility. We can not be held liable for loss or damage as they will not covered by our insurance

For spending money, small amount (about £25 in Euros) should be enough. Please note that on one of the days, pupils will be buying food at the market and visiting a café. They will need 5 Euros for this which they should place in a named envelope and hand to a member of staff

In an emergency staff can be contacted on 07581 211578

Pupils will be expected to follow the school’s code of conduct at all times during the trip. If a pupil has to be removed from the trip because of behaviour, parents will need to arrange their collection.


Please complete and return this slip to assist us in allocating rooms

Pupil name......

I would like to share a room with ......