Español I-SB

Teacher: Sra. Bello (pronounced Bay-yo) School year: 2017-2018

Phone: (614) 203-8187 (CP) E-mail

Course # ______Office hours:7th period upon request, after school ____

Period _____

Classroom B-108

Course description and objectives:

Spanish I is an introductory course of the Spanish language and Spanish and Latino cultures. The basic objective of Spanish I is twofold: (1) Each student should attain a novice degree (basic level) of proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with emphasis on communication skills. (2) Each student will begin to learn about the Spanish-speaking world and its cultures. Proficiency at this level will be assessed throughout the course. Students must complete the course with an average of 60% or above to receive credit for Spanish I and to advance to Spanish II.

Course materials:

Textbook- Exprésate I (online versión). Cuaderno de gramática y vocabulario (CVG)- copies

Notebook-three-ring binder for ALL notes and handouts organized into 5 sections 1) Actividades 2) Gramática 3) Vocabulario 4) Cultura and 5) Miscellaneous, 100 notecards (hand in) or access to flashcards online, 2 dry erase markers, pens/ pencils, highlighters, and erasers (colored pencils, markers and scissors helpful).

Student Expectations: The 3 Rs. Ready, Responsible, Respectful.

The classroom will be an environment of mutual respect and conducive to learning. Behavioral emphasis will be on 1) doing our best 2) thinking beyond ourselves and 3) leaving things better than we found them. Questions will be entertained after directions are given.

A.Behavior/ Participation. In order to be competent in a foreign language, active participation is necessary including reading, writing, TPR, and conversational activities. All students start out with a 7.5 out 10 and earn or lose participation from there. Participation is monitored on and will be updated monthly on Powerschool. Account information will be sent home.

Conversation is a key element in developing language skills, so students will be required to speak Spanish during specific activities. Failure to do so will result in a 0 for the activity.

B. Preparedness. Students are expected to have all supplies on a DAILY basis. Parents will be contacted if student is repeatedly unprepared and other disciplinary action will apply.

C. Vámonos (bellwork)/ Homework. Students are expected to complete and correct vámonos activities at the beginning of each class and keep the notes for open- note assessments. Homework is checked for completion. Completed homework assignments are worth 5 points, attempted but incompleted 2.5 pts. Homework not attempted will receive 0 points.

D. Tardiness, Passes, and Dress Code. Tardy is defined as not being in one’s seat with materials out and ready to go at time class is designated to begin. A detention will be assigned according to the Encore Discipline Plan. Students are permitted 4 passes per nine- weeks to use the restroom and other necessities. Students must sign out and take the pass. One student is permitted out of class at a time. Abuse of this procedure will result in loss of privilege.

E. Dismissal. The teacher will dismiss the class and students are expected to remain seated until that time. (No lining up by the door).

Course topics:

Four plus units of study will be completed, divided into various sections per unit. Each unit will consist of assessments covering the communication areas, as well as culture, and a unit test or project encompassing all areas (except for unit 5).

Unidad 1 – ¡Empecemos! (Let’s get started)

Cultura: España (Spain)

Unidad 2 – A Conocernos (Getting to know each other)

Cultura: Puerto Rico

Unidad 3 – ¿Qué te gusta hacer? (What do you like to do?)

Cultura: Téxas

Unidad 4 – La Vida Escolar (School life)

Cultura: Costa Rica

Mini- unidad 5 – En Casa

Grading Policy:

Assessments will be based Formative (50%) and Summative (50%). Formative assessments include:homework assignments,in-class activities, oral participation, benchmarks and quizzes. Formative assessments may be announced or unannounced. Summative assessments include tests, presentations, and final projects. Speaking assessments will involve impromptu questions, as well as presentations. Homework assignments may be collected for a grade. Failure to present homework when it is checked will result in a zero (unless excused absence).

Retake policy: Retakes can be requested for formative assessments (quizzes) after students have done remediation to improve their skills.

Basic Incentives and Consequences. Students earn “sellos” (stamps) for outstanding work and participation which may be used to drop one non-test grade per nine-weeks and may be saved for special prizes. Zeros will be given for any work that is not the student’s own (copying, plagiarism, cheating in any form) and a parent/ guardian will be contacted. If students are doing work other than Spanish in Spanish class it will be confiscated. This includes any electronic device. For most offenses, students will first receive a warning/ discussion with the teacher about the issue. Parents/ guardians will also be contacted about problematic behaviors and detentions will be assigned. All consequences will follow the discipline policies of the academy in which the student attends.

Reporting of assessments:

Parents can log onto Power Book to check on student progress at any time. Grades are updated weekly on the system. Go to Click on Power School. Enter your login and password provided by the school. Grading will be according to the Encore policy.

The grading scale is: Grading (weighted):

90-100= A Formative grades: 50%

80-90 = B Informal assessments: Homework, class participation, oral practice, etc…. 10%

70-80 = C Formal assessments- Quizzes, graded in class activities, project benchmarks, exit

60-69 = D activities, etc…- 40%

0-59 = F Summative assessments: 50% (Tests, final projects, presentations, formal writings…)

In case of absence:

Show teacher office slip, (green or red). Your actual note/excuse should be handed in to the Encore secretary who will then give you your office slip.

Check the web site for work and activities missed and print out work or get handouts from teacher.

Hand in/ show teacher homework on day of return, and complete all make-up work and/ or missed assignments and assessments within 10 days of your return. No work will be accepted outside of the nine weeks in which it was assigned (unless still within 10 days).

Please note if you have an unexcused absence or tardy, you will receive a 0 for any work you miss during that time.

If you need extra help:

At school. There will be time during 7th period for enrichment, support, and make up work as well as weekly after school help sessions.

At home. Go to (no http), log in with your personal password and do the activities in the online text. This is a great resource and it will check your work for you. You may also check the website for assignments and handouts. Practice vocab using You can even print out practice tests.

Additional information:

There will be a pre-assessment, cumulative mid-term exam, a post-assessment and a cumulative final exam and/or project at the end of the year. (All topics covered up to the point of the exams will be tested.)

Please see your handbook and the website for important information! Also be sure to sign up for and

Your success in this course depends on your attitude, willingness to become involved, completing all assessments, and not being afraid to make mistakes.


Please check the appropriate statements below and sign your name. You may also simply e-mail me this information at . Return this slip or e-mail me by ______.

___ We have read and understand the procedures and policies of the Spanish I course. We agree to purchase the mentioned supplies, download online materials, and to take responsibility for the assigned textbook.

___ We have read the procedures and policies of the Spanish I course, but we have some questions about it. We will contact you with our questions.

I have signed up for to receive texts about upcoming quizzes and tests. (Initial if completed)

Text to :810810 Message: @846a8

Student ______

Parent ______

I have/will check the website for information. (Initial if completed)

Student ______

Parent ______

I have signed into Class Dojo. (Initial if completed)

Student ______

Parent ______

I have signed up for a free account on and joined my class. (Initial if completed)

Student ______

Parent ______

Student name (print) ______

Student signature ______Date ______

Parent/ guardian name (print) ______

Parent/guardian signature ______Date ______

Parent/guardian name and phone 1______

Parent/guardian name and phone 2 ______

Parent name and e-mail ______