Annex to the Alter-EU’s Complaint to the Ombudsman on European Commission’s Expert Groups

Groups as found in the Register atthe end of March – beginning of April 2009

Groups with non governmental participationbut with no business

  1. Advisory experts group on Enlargement progress reports
  2. Association d'Instituts Européens de Conjoncture Economique
  3. CIP(Competitiveness and Innovation Programme) ICTPSP(Information and Communication Technologies) National Contact Points
  4. CREST expert working group on the challenge of globalization
  5. Charter and Code Label - Expert Group
  6. Classification of Beef carcasses
  7. Climate Broadcasters Network Europe
  8. Co-operation with specific third countries or regions in the field of migration
  9. Co-operation with third countries in the field of migration – global approach
  10. Comité scientifique en matière de limites d'exposition professionnelle à des agents chimiques
  11. Comité scientifique et technique du fonds communautaire du tabac
  12. Competent authorities for regulation 850/2004 on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP)
  13. Conseil universitaire
  14. Consultations d'experts privés à titre individuel en matière de concurrence
  15. Consultative Committee EURATOM – Fission
  16. Consultative Committee EURATOM – Fusion
  17. Coopération avec les organisations de la société civile
  18. Coopération judiciaire en matière pénale
  19. Development Expert Group
  20. Advisory Group Environment "including Climate Change"- Expert group
  21. Atmosphere Implementation Group (Experts Group)
  23. Economie et environnement / Analyse coûts-bénéfices (ENVECO)
  24. Enhancement of police and customs cooperation
  25. Enquêtes et analyses conjoncturelles
  26. Erasmus Mundus
  27. Erasmus Mundus National Structure
  28. Euratom Art.37 Group of Experts
  29. European Consumer Consultative Group
  30. European Forum on Children's Rights
  31. European Green Capital
  32. European Group on Ethics in science and new technologies (High Level)
  33. European Network of Environnemental Authorities for the Cohesion Policy
  34. Expert Group Civil Protection Modules
  35. Expert Group National Contact Points for Theme Health
  36. Expert Group for a European Development Research Network
  37. Expert Group on Assessment of University-based Research
  38. Expert Group on CREST mutual learning on approaches to improve the excellence of research in universities
  39. Expert Group on Cancer
  40. Expert Group on Diversified funding streams for university-based research: Impact of external project-based funding on financial management of research in Universities
  41. Expert Group on Knowledge and Content Technologies
  42. Expert Group on Knowledge for Growth
  43. Expert Group on the European Master's in Translation
  44. Expert Group to Follow-up the Revised Lisbon Strategy
  45. Expert group "implementation of the White paper on sport"
  46. Expert group on Danube Black Sea Cooperation
  47. Expert group on European Network of Mobility Centres
  48. Expert group on HIV/AIDS Think Tank
  49. Expert group on consumer complaints
  50. Expert group on trafficking in Human Beings
  51. Experts group of National Contact Points coordinators for FP7
  52. Experts on Lessons learnt from Monotoring & Information Centre handled emergencies
  53. Expert Group on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution
  54. Expert Group on Knowledge Transfer
  55. Expert Group on Managing Risks in Public Technology Procurement
  56. Expert Groups on Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing - Mirror Group
  57. Experts Working Group on Accidents and Injury
  58. Experts Working Group on Health Indicators
  59. Experts Working Group on Health Systems
  60. E01388 - FP7-ICT National Contact Points(Academics, National adm.)
  61. E01923 - Forum sur l'Evaluation de la justice - Evaluation on justice forum
  62. E01781 - Global Earth Observations Expert Group(gvt, international organizations)
  63. E01333 - Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Advisory Council (Experts Group)(National adm, academics, international org.)
  64. E01599 - Gouvernance EM-EC(National adm. EU orgs, NGOs, int. org.)
  65. E00453 - Green Public Procurement(National administrations, Academics)
  66. E01499 - Groupe Consultatif d'experts pour les normes comptables(Ac / international organisation of public entities)
  67. E02135 - Gender and Excellence Expert Group(gvt, ac)
  68. E02193 - Groupe d'experts "Capitale europeenne de la culture" "Stakeholders"/Local authorities
  69. E02101 - Groupe d'experts "Methode ouverte de coordination dans le domaine de la culture"(NGO's and Nat. and Local Administrations)
  70. E01572 - Groupe d'experts REI - Réseau d'excellence pour l'italien institutionnel(Academics, NGOs)
  71. E02029 - Groupe d'experts pour la fourniture de denrees alimentaires au benefice des personnes les plus demunies de la Communaute(Academics, NGOs, Administrations)
  72. E01859 - Groupes d'experts dans le domaine de la citoyenneté active(NGOs, academics, national auth.)
  73. E00252 - Groupes d'experts dans les domaines de la politique de jeunesse(Academics, NGOs, national auth.)
  74. Health of young people NGOs and national authorities
  75. E01909 - Health-EU Portal Editorial Board(NGOs, national auth., int. org.)
  76. E00698 - Helsinki expert group on Women and Sciences(Academics, national auth.)
  77. E01681 - High Level Advisory Group of Political Analysis(Academics)
  78. E01259 - High Level Group on Disability(NGOs, national auth.)
  79. E00598 - Immigration and Asylum Group(National authorities and academics)
  80. E00173 - Implementation Lifelong Learning (ILLP) stakeholders consultation groups(Tradeunions, Academics, NGOs)
  81. E01107 - Indicateurs de performance de sécurité routière, Academics and national auth.
  82. E00857 - Inter-Committee Coordination Group of the non-food Scientific Committees (ICCG)(9, Ac=8, 1 retired)
  83. E00242 - Jury de seaway Vessels(Academics/scientists)
  84. E00242 - Jury de selection de la capitale europeeenne de la culture(Academics/scientists)
  85. E00198 - Label europeen(Academics, int. Org, authorities)
  86. E00198 - Label europeeen Development(Academics, NGOs, Administrations)
  87. E00753 - Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) National Contact Point - Expert Group(Academics, authorities)
  88. E02212 - Land Implementation Group (Experts Group)(Academics, authorities)
  89. E02146 - Marine Observation and Data Expert Group(Academics)
  90. Milk and Milk Products academics, authorities
  91. E02051 - Mirror Group of Public Authorities for PHOTONICS21, the European Technology Platform for Photonics(Academics, authorities)
  92. E01199 - Mise en oeuvre des directives sur la non discrimination(Academics, authorities)
  93. E02118 - International Health Expert Group(NGOs, academics, national auth.)
  94. E00199 - Langues (objectif 3 + plan d'action )(Academics, national authorities)
  95. E01945 - National Contact Point for the "People" Programme in FP7 - Expert Group(Academics, Authorities)
  96. E01983 - National Contact Points for Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities - Expert group(Academics, national authorities)
  97. E00228 - National Contact Points in EU Member States and National Tempus Offices in other partner countries(Academics, national authorities)
  98. E01668 - National Coordinators of European Mobility Week(Local/national authorities)
  99. E01806 - National Ethics Councils Forum - expert group(Academics)
  100. E02161 - Network of experts in employment and gender equality issues(Academics)
  101. E02164 - Network of experts in gender equality, social inclusion, health and long-term care(Ac)
  102. E01236 - Network of nongovernmental experts in the fight against poverty and social exclusion(Ac)
  103. E01130 - Normes de base (Art. 31 EURATOM)(ac)
  104. E01964 - FP7 Expert Advisory Group on theme 8: Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities(ac)
  105. EURASIL - Network of Asylum practitioners

Groups with business participationwhich are both transparent and balanced

  1. Advisory Expert Group on International Cooperation (nevertheless some members may be falsely stated to be there ‘in personal capacity’)
  2. Advisory Group on Energy (nevertheless some members may be falsely stated to be there ‘in personal capacity’)
  3. Bureau Energy Star (gvt/public 29, Inustry: 2, Consumers: 1, NGO:1)
  4. Ciel unique européen (professionals, trade unions, public)
  5. Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature(gvt: 20, EU: 6, NGO: 11, Industry: 7, Int. org.:2)
  6. Comité consultatif dans le domaine des pensions complémentaires(gvt. 25, Ind. 11, others 11 – public 1, ngo 1, TU 7, 1, SMEs 1)
  7. Comité consultatif de la pêche et de l'aquaculture (CCPA)(Industry: 7, TU:2, Consumers:1, NGO: 4, Local auth.:1)
  8. Comité consultatif de l’égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes (mainly gvts, TUs and SMEs that outnumber business)
  9. Comité consultatif pour la formation professionnelle(gvt: 57, TU: 46, I: 43, EU: 1, SMEs: 1, Int. org.:1)
  10. Comité consultatif pour la sécurité et la santé sur le lieu de travail(gvt: 44, TU:30, Industry: 30)
  11. Comité du Fonds social européen (FSE)(2 gvt, 2 TU, 2 industry per country)
  12. Competent Authorities for Biocidal Products (Directive 98/8/EC) (gvt: 55, Industry: 4, NGOs 1, SMEs 1, 2)
  13. Coordination Bruges - Copenhagen Coordination Group (Gvt 10, TU 3, Industry 2, SMEs 1, EU 4, Gvt 10)
  14. Coordination committee of the European Network for Rural development (gvt 13, Int. 5, Local auth. 1, Industry 2)
  15. Dangerous substances in construction products (Gvt:13, EU: 3, Industry: 5, NGOs: 1, TU:1)
  16. Data Exchange Group for Air Quality and Air Pollution (only consultancy TNO, the rest are public bodies)
  17. Development and Implementation of EMAS (around 20 public, 1 academic, 2 SMEs, 2 consumer)
  18. Digital Literacy Expert Group (Industry 2, Universities 8, NGO 2, ECDL 1)
  19. ERA EXPERT GROUP - Opening to the world: International cooperation in Science & Technology (Universities: 11, Industry: 1)
  20. European Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (Industry: 12, consumers: 3, professionals: 4, NGO: 7, Public: 1, Regional: 1)
  21. European Qualifications Framework Advisory Group (gvt/public 33, universities: 2, Industry: 2, TU: 1, SME: 1. EU: 1,
  22. EU Health Forum (industry: 6, NGO: 27, uni: 2, professionals: 10, TU: 1, unknown: 1, EU:1)
  23. Education and Training 2010 Coordination Group (gvt 54, SME 2, Industry 2, European bodies 4)
  24. European Co-Existence Bureau Technical Working Group (Public =2, Gvt=8, Uni/ public research: 6)
  25. European Contract Law (CFR-net and Network of Member State Experts)(Indusrty: 19, Consumers: 5, SMEs: 1, Professionals: 12, Public: 1, European bodies = 1, Gvt= 27?)
  26. European Eco-label Consultation Forum (Industry 3, SMEs 1, Consumers 3, TU 2, NGO 1)
  27. European Research Area Board (Industry: 4, Public Research –Uni:15, Public: 2)
  28. European Union Eco-labelling Board (only one industry)
  29. Expert Advisory Group Theme Health (universities and Pfizer)
  30. Expert Group - Advisory Group on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnologies (nevertheless some members may be falsely stated to be there ‘in personal capacity’) (Ιndustry: 1, university/public/gvt= 25, Professionals 1, European body 1, NGO: 1)
  31. Expert Group of Stakeholders on the European Year 2010 (only UNICE, CEEP the rest NGOs, reg, SMEs)
  32. Expert Group on Commodities (gvt 40, Industry: 6, Int. org. 8)
  33. Expert Group on Modernisation of School Education (Gvt: 2, TU: 1, Ac: 1, Industry: 2, NGO: 4, Professionals: 3, European body: 1)
  34. Expert Group on Recognition of learning outcomes (Cluster) (gvt: 42, European bodies: 2, TU: 1, Industy: 2, SME: 1)Groups like this can be a good example.
  35. Expert Group on Strategic Coordination for the Water Framework Directive (gvt: 37, Industry: 7, int. org. 4, Public 4, Regional 1, NGO: 2)
  36. Expert Group on Teachers and Trainers (Cluster) + Focus group in VET Teachers and Trainers (gvt 8, academics 6, Public 1)
  37. Expert Group on Water Framework Directive and Agriculture
  38. Expert Group on Water Scarcity and Droughts (gvt: 7, Ac: 3, European bodies: 2, Industry: 1)
  39. Expert Group on Women in Science and Technology: the business perspective (academics)
  40. Expert Group on flood protection (re/ac: 3, Gvt: 30, Int: 7, Reg: 4, Industry: 9, NGO: 1)
  41. Expert Group on posting of workers (TU: 9, Industry: 9, SMEs=1)Exemplarycomposition
  42. Expert group "The role of Community research policy in the knowledge-based economy" (academics and only one industry)
  43. Expert group dialogue on the use of sex as an actuarial factor (Directive 2004/113) (Gvt: 52, NGO: 3, Int. org.: 2, consumers: 2, Industry: 6)
  44. Expert group for the promotion of organic farming (gvt= 30, Industry: 1, NGO: 1, unknown: 1)
  45. Expert group on Environment & Health - Consultative forum (Gvt: 31, Public: 1, Consumers: 1, Industry: 7, Research/Ac: 4, NGOs: 8, Professionals: 5, 2)
  46. Expert group on Environment & Health Action Plan - Human Biomonitoring (mainly research, one or two industry)
  47. Expert group on Fire Related Issues (Gvt: 16, European body: 3, Public: 3, Industry: 4)
  48. Expert group on Radio Frequency Identification – RFID (Industry: 13, gvt: 6, Consumers: 2, standards authorities’ unions (predominantly industry): 5, TU: 2, NGO: 2, Uni/re: 2, European bodies: 1)
  49. Expert group on Social Tourism (Industry: 1, Professionals: 1, Public: 2, Gvt: 4, NGO: 3, TU: 1, European bodies: 1, Reg: 2)
  50. Expert group on construction products in contact with drinking water (TU: 1, Industry 4, Research/Public=13, European bodies: 5, Gvt: 3, hybrid= 1, Reg: 1)
  51. Expert group on standardization (Industry 9 (incl.: CENELEC, CEN), Gvt: 7, EU: 4, SMEs: 2, National standardization authorities with unknown composition: 5, Consumers: 1, NGO: 1, TU=1, Int. org. 1) Example of good registration
  52. Expert group on strengthening the role of European Technology Platforms for Community policy making (ETPs) (consumers: 1, European bodies: 2, Industry: 4, NGO=1, Universities: 1, Gvt: 3)
  53. Expert group on substances of human origin (all kinds of dubious projects and associations but only 6 clearly from industry)
  54. Expert group on the policy needs for data on crime and criminal justice (gvt: 33, European bodies: 8, Int. org.: 2, Industry: 1 + 1 corp. funded organisation, Uni: 5, Reg: 1)
  55. Experts'group on digital cinema (gvt: 3, Industry: 15, European bodies: 2, 2, reg: 1, unknown: 1, Public: 3)
  56. Forum europeen de l'energie et des transports (Gvt/Public: 6, Industry: 28, Professionals: 1, 1, hybrid: 1, Reg: 4, NGOs: 1, consumers: 1, SMEs=1, unknown: 1, Uni/research=8, TUs=12)
  57. High Level Advisory Group of Economic Policy Analysis
  58. E01057 - Inland Waterway Transportation (IWT) Human Resources[Unclear number. of members](Industry: 2, Public: 2, NGO: 1,Ac: 1, TU: 2)
  59. E01376 - Media Literacy expert group(55, Public: 11, Ac: 19, I: 14, NG: 9, Int. org.: 2)
  60. E01245 - Gestion du marche du travail (LMM)(10, Industry:1, NG=1, European bodies: 1, Ac: 7)
  61. E01756 - High Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries(20, Ac: 6, Industry: 9, Public: 5)
  62. E02125 - NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS - SPACE RESEARCH (experts group)(55, Public: 47, Ac: 4, Industry: 3, European bodies: 1)
  63. E00470 - Integrated Product Policy(40, Public: 29, Industry: 4, 1, SME: 1, Consumers: 2, European bodies: 1, NG: 1, TU: 1)
  64. E02172 - LEADER subcommittee of the European Network for Rural Development(industry into ‘rural networks’ but in minority)
  65. E02105 - NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS - SECURITY RESEARCH (experts group)(59, Public: 38, Academics: 11, Incustry: 7, 2, European bodies: 1)
  66. E02106 - National Contact Points for Euratom - Expert Group(50, Public: 29, Academic: 14, Industry: 5, European bodies: 1,
  67. National Contact Points for Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential – Expert group
  68. National Emission Ceilings & Policy Instruments Working Group(Industry: 2, others: 2)
  69. E01895 - FP7 Space Advisory Group (experts group)(19, Industry: 7, Academic: 9, Public: 1, Retired: 2)
  70. E01096 - Groupe de coordination pour le gazTwo undisclosed (Cyprus and Malta)
  71. E00808 - Groupe Consultatif de l'Acier Industry (15, TU=1, Consumers: 3, NG=8)
  72. E01890 - Ferrous and non-ferrous metals competitiveness expert group(20. Industy: 6, TU: 13, Int. org.: 1 only three names)[OK in general but some names missing]

Groups with Transparency Problems

No names of persons or organisations at all

  1. Expert group on Crime environnemental
  2. European Climate Change Programme - Expert Group Agriculture
  3. Expert group on SMEs and Environmental Policy (membership file not opening)
  4. E00826 - Groupe de coordination des presidents des Groupes Techniques du Charbon et de l'Acier/Coordination Group of Coal and Steel Technical Groups chairpersons
  5. E02118 - International Health Expert Group
  6. E01378 - Internet informal Group Consultations d'experts privés à titre individuel en matière de concentration
  7. Article 83 of Staff Regulations(just one member mentioned)

Industry members not disclosed

  1. Audit urbain(no names of ‘Practitioners’ or ‘Experts in urban statistics’)
  2. EN: Forum on organised crime prevention
  3. Economie sociale et Entreprenariat social(no names of enterprises or NGOs)
  4. European Network for Quality Assurance in VET (Vocational Education and Training) (no names of social partners)
  5. Expert Group on Information and Communication Technologies (Cluster) (social partners not named)
  6. Expert Group on Key Competences (Cluster) (employers not named)
  7. Expert Group on Maths, Science and Technology (Cluster) (social partners not named)
  8. Expert Group on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA)
  9. Expert group on Flavourings [in 2008 it had 10 trade associations now in the register it appears only with gvt participation]
  10. Expert group on the annual European Tourism Forum
  11. Working Group on Cosmetic Products (Industry and other NG members not mentioned) Misleading
  12. Working Group on European Databank on Medical Devices (Industry and other NG members not mentioned)Misleading
  13. Working group on good laboratory practice (Industry and other NG members not mentioned)Misleading
  14. E01318 - Groupe de travail sur la limitation de la mise sur le marche et l'emploi des substances et preparations dangereuses
  15. E01941 - Intelligent Transport Systems
  16. E02018 - High Level Group on Competitiveness of the European Chemicals IndustryNumber unclear, names of industry removed
  17. E01587 - Multi Environmental Agreement
  18. Système informatisé des accises [describes the group as Enteprises, Industry, Practitioners and National administrations but only European Federations are listed (as "interested parties")]
  19. E01680 - High Level Advisory Group of Societal Policy Analysis(social partners missing)
  20. E01941 - Intelligent Transport Systems
  21. Multi Environmental Agreement
  22. Responsabilité sociale des enterprises
  23. Decommissioning Funding expert Group – DFG
  24. E00934 - HIV/AIDS Expert Group - Civil Society Forum(NGOs and social partners missing)
  25. Consultation ponctuelle en matière de lutte contre la discrimination
  26. Groupe d'experts Lutte contre la Désertification

Unclear number of members

  1. E01319 - Groupe de travail sur la classification, l'emballage et l'etiquetage des substances et preparations dangereuses
  2. E01323 - Groupe de travail sur les articles pyrotechniques
  3. E01321 - Groupe de travail sur les detergents
  4. E01320 - Groupe de travail sur les engrais chimiques
  5. E01340 - Groupe de Travail Directive Machines
  6. Aspects environnementaux de l'aviation (random names without saying if in personal capacity, number unclear)
  7. Comité consultatif pour l'examen des questions en matière de libre circulation et de l'emploi des travailleurs
  8. Comité consultatif pour la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants

Names of persons not disclosed

  1. E00088 - Groupe consultatif "Agriculture biologique"
  2. E01499 - Groupe Consultatif d'experts pour les normes comptables
  3. E00093 - Groupe consultatif "Amidon"
  4. E00105 - Groupe consultatif "Apiculture"
  5. E00109 - Groupe consultatif "Boissons spiritueuses"
  6. E00098 - Groupe consultatif "Coton"
  7. E00116 - Groupe consultatif "Agriculture et environnement"
  8. E00097 - Groupe consultatif "Cultures energetiques et non alimentaires"
  9. E00091 - Groupe consultatif "Cereales, oleagineux et proteagineux"
  10. E00114 - Groupe consultatif "Developpement rural"
  11. E00100 - Groupe consultatif "Lait"
  12. E00115 - Groupe consultatif "Femmes en milieu rural"
  13. E00107 - Groupe consultatif "Floriculture et plantes ornementales"
  14. E00113 - Groupe consultatif "Forets, y inclus liege"
  15. E00092 - Groupe consultatif "Fourrages seches"
  16. E00106 - Groupe consultatif "Fruits et legumes"
  17. E00112 - Groupe consultatif "Houblon"
  18. E00110 - Groupe consultatif "Olives et produits derives"
  19. E00090 - Groupe consultatif "Politique agricole commune"
  20. E00089 - Groupe consultatif "Promotion des produits agricoles"
  21. E00087 - Groupe consultatif "Qualite de la production agricole"
  22. E00096 - Groupe consultatif "Riz"
  23. E00094 - Groupe consultatif "Semences"
  24. E00095 - Groupe consultatif "Sucre"
  25. E00111 - Groupe consultatif "Tabac"
  26. E00104 - Groupe consultatif "Viande de volailles et oeufs"
  27. E00102 - Groupe consultatif "Viande ovine et caprine"
  28. E00101 - Groupe consultatif "Viande bovine"
  29. E00099 - Groupe consultatif "Lin et chanvre"
  30. E00103 - Groupe consultatif "Viande porcine"
  31. E00108 - Groupe consultatif "Vitivinicole"
  32. E01353 - Groupe d'Experts sur l'Approvisionnement en matieres premieres Most names missing
  33. E01343 - Groupe deTravail Equipements de Protection Individuelle (Equipements de Protection individuelle)[unjustified grounds of non-disclosure of names]
  34. E01339 - Groupe de Travail Materiel utilisable en Atmosphere Explosible (Materiel utilisable en atmospere explosible)[unjustified grounds of non-disclosure of names]
  35. E01081 - Intermodalité et logistiques[unjustified grounds of non-disclosure of names]
  36. E01338 - Lifts Directive Working Group (Ascenseurs)[unjustified grounds of non-disclosure of names]
  37. E01574 - Medical Devices Experts Group[unjustified grounds of non-disclosure of names]
  38. National Contact Points for Legal and Financial Matters Expert
  39. Animal health and animal welfare [unjustified grounds of non-disclosure of names]
  40. E00260 - Macroeconomic Dialogue at technical level

Groups with industry members supposed to be there ‘in personal capacity’

  1. European Cluster Policy Group
  2. European Corporate Governance Forum
  3. European RTD Evaluation Network Expert Group
  4. Expert Advisory Group Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies - 7th FP
  5. Expert Advisory Group for the FP7 "People" Programme
  6. Expert Group on Electronic Invoicing
  7. Strategic Advisory Board on Competitiveness and Innovation
  8. Removing tax obstacles for cross-border venture capital investments
  9. Financial services users' forum no names organisations.
  10. Préparation, conversion et valorisation du charbon/Coal preparation, conversion and upgrading
  11. The Expert Group on Financial Education (Gvt/public 8, I=13, Int=1, Pr=1, NGO / C=2 [roughly] )
  12. Procédés de production d'acier/Steelmaking processes
  13. Produits en acier et applications pour l'automobile, l'emballage et la maison/Steel products and applications for automobiles, packaging and home appliances
  14. Produits en acier et applications pour le bâtiment, la construction et l'industrie/Steel products and applications for building, construction and industry
  15. Propriété industrielle - Groupe d'Experts
  16. Expert Group of National Contact Points Transport (including aeronautics) (17 members are there ‘in personal capacity’, corporate dominance or not depends to the organization of the 17 PCs)
  17. E01448 - Group of non governmental experts on Corporate Governance and Company Law(Academics, practitioners 17 Intransparent, names and titles only for two members)
  18. E00951 - Joint Transfer Pricing Forum
  19. E01392 - Language Technologies and Resources(6 afiliations undisclosed)
  20. E00814 - Mines (operation, infrastructure et gestion) et utilisation non conventionnelle des gisements de charbon/Coal mining operation, mine infrastructure and management, unconventional use of coal deposits (No disclosure of affiliation in 7 cases)
  21. E00822 - Metallurgie physique et conception de nouvelles nuances d'acier/Physical metallurgy and design of new generic steel grades(No disclosure of affiliation in 15 cases)
  22. 00821 - Finition et revetement/Finishing and coating
  23. Stakeholder dialogue group (The members CVs are given but in some cases not the name of their employer)
  24. STANDARDS ADVICE REVIEW GROUP (unsufficient information on members)

These two groups have been removed while we were checking