Downloading Google Chrome for

One of the main challenges with Google Docs is that it is not supported by Internet Explorer, which we must have to use Genesis. The solution to this is for teachers to download Google Chrome and use it when communicating using Google Docs, but know that it cannot totally replace Explorer, which you will need to use for Genesis!

There is a chance that your machine may not want to load this program, but with persistence in our trials, it could be accomplished on most. Look for any messages that ask if you are sure you want to download the file, and click “download this file.”

Follow these steps:

Open Internet Explorer.

On the top of the screen type this URL:

The page should look like this: Click on the download button

The next screen will look like this:

Accept and Install

Good to know that someone thinks we’re awesome!  If it doesn’t go to the next screen (pictured below) then you have not successfully downloaded, and need to “click here.” If that is the case, you may get a warning bar that asks if you want to “risk the download” and yes, you do!

If it has, in fact downloaded, you should see this screen:

Choose a search engine. Close out.

There should now be a Google Chrome shortcut icon on your desktop and also one on your taskbar. Test it out to see if you can open up the MPS website using Google Chrome: Then click on MPS Connect to get to your mail.

(If you try to access your mail from the mail shortcut icon it will default to Explorer, which is what we are needing to get away from using for Google Docs sharing!!)

Log in to Webmail. Then go to the Document tab for sharing Google Docs:

Once you get into the Document tab, the success of this process will all be dependent upon your ability to upload files.

If you can access your files, all is well. If not, it’s back to the drawing board for now.

Good luck!