#1-Resolution of Appreciation to Grand Exalted Ruler, James M. McQuillan.

Whereas, James McQuillam is the current Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks of the United States of America.


Whereas, he and his charming wife, Karen, reside in Nebraska, and they have undergone considerable travel to attend the 2004 Mississippi State Elks Association Mid-Winter Conference in Pascagoula, Mississippi.


Whereas his presents here today exemplifies “Elks – Working Today for A better Tomorrow”, the Mississippi State Elks pledge their support in helping GER James McQuillam meet his goal of $3.85 per Member for the Elks National Foundation, and the Officers of the Lodges in the Mississippi State Elks Association accept his challenge of bringing in at least one new Member per officer.

Let it be resolved, on this day, December 4, 2004, that the Mississippi State Elks Association expresses its appreciation, to Grand Exalted Ruler, James McQuillan and his wife Karen, for their presents and leadership at our Mid-Winter Conference.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ray Franco

#2-Resolution of Appreciation to Hon. Robert Grafton and His Wife Pat

Whereas, Robert Grafton, of Gainesville, Florida is a Past Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks of the United States of America,


Whereas, he has served as our State sponsor for over twenty years; he has visited very Lodge in Mississippi; he personally knows the Officers and Leader in Mississippi State Elks Associations, and he understands the problems and goals that are unique to the Mississippi,


Whereas, he and his lovely wife, Pat, have undergone considerable travel to be with us in Pascaougla, Mississippi at our 2004 Mid-Winder Conference.

Let it, be resolved, on this day, December 4, 2004, that the Mississippi State Elks Association expresses it appreciation to our State Sponsor, Past Grand Exalted Ruler, Robert Grafton, for his attendance and for the guidance and leadership that he continues to provide us.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ray Franco

#3-Resolution of Appreciation to Ocean Springs Lodge No. 2501

Where as Ocean Springs Lodge No. 2501 is hosting the Mississippi State Elks Association

Mid-Winter Conference at Pascagoula, Mississippi


WHEREAS, the Ocean Springs Lodge officers, member and ladies have sacrificed their time and efforts so that we may gather here together and share Elkdom,

Let it be resolved that the Mississippi Elks Association expresses it’s appreciation and thanks, on this day, December 4, 2004, to Ocean Springs Lodge No. 2501 for hosting a

conference that was well worth attending and enjoyed by all.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ray Franco

Chairman Resolution Committee

I move that these resolutions be adopted.