Maniilaq Association

Ilisautilavut Ilisautrit (Teaching the Teachers)

A Framework for Improving Cultural Competence and Pedagogical Skills for New Rural Educators

436 5th Ave, Kotzebue, AK 99752

(907) 275-2800

Maniilaq Association provides health, tribal and social services to residents of Northwest Alaska. A non-profit corporation, Maniilaq Association represents twelve federally recognized tribes located in Northwest Alaska, including Ambler, Buckland, Deering, Kiana, Kivalina, Kobuk, Kotzebue, Noatak, Noorvik, Point Hope, Selawik, and Shungnak (collectively referred to as the “Maniilaq Service Area”). Maniilaq’s mission is “Ikayuutiluta Avatmun inuunayhliqput aasiin nakuutlukumuuq” “Working together to make our lives better.” The mission of Maniilaq Association is to promote the economic, social, educational, cultural, spiritual, and personal well-being of the people of the Maniilaq Service Area.

Maniilaq is requesting proposals from a qualified consultant or consultants interested in evaluating the “Ilisautilavut Ilisautrit (Teaching the Teachers)” Project.

Program Overview

The U.S. Department of Education’s Alaska Native Education Program has awarded Maniilaq with funding to support the Project.

This Project will include all of the Maniilaq service area and Maniilaq will be the lead partner. Other partners include the Alaska Humanities Forum (“AHF”) and Northwest Artic Borough School District (“NWABSD”) in the Maniilaq Region.

Maniilaq will coordinate and conduct Cultural Immersion Camps in the summer of 2017, 2018 and 2019 attended by New Hire Teachers (NHT). Maniilaq Behavioral Health Support (BHS)/Wellness staff will also conduct two annual weekend face-to face retreats/trainings for NHT.

The NWABSD will work with AHF to deliver immersive and ongoing cultural experiences to the new teachers. Maniilaq will collaborate with NWABSD to provide these teachers with training and support regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma-informed schools, and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

NHT will have an On-Site Near Peer – a new friend available as a resource in their new community. Maniilaq will recruit the local Near Peer, and monitor the success of the peer/teacher relationships. Within the Alaska teacher certification system, new teachers and teachers new to Alaska must complete 6 university credits related to cultural knowledge and Alaska history to move from a provisional to initial teacher licensure. One 3 credit course will be offered through this project, with an additional 1 credit professional development (PD) in cross-cultural communication and strategies.

Project Goals and Evaluation Plan

The Project has the following goals and associated objectives:

Goals / Objectives
Goal 1: To increase teacher retention in NWABSD by better preparing Newly Hired Teachers (NHTs) for their transition into teaching in rural Alaska. / Objective 1.1 Annually 26 newly hired teachers will participate in a cultural immersion program to increase cultural competency.
Performance Measures:
1.1a AHF project staff will work with the NWABSD to recruit 26 NHT.
1.1b Two cohorts of 26 NHT attend an Orientations, Cultural Immersion Camp, and Debrief in the summer before school starts.
1.1c The AHF cultural immersion provides NHT a deeper understanding of the traditions and values of the community, families, and students increasing teacher self-assessments of cultural competency.
Objective 1.2 NHTs will complete a 3 credit multicultural studies education course that contributes to Alaskan teacher certification.
Performance Measures:
1.2a Two cohorts of 26 NHT enroll in and complete a 3-credit university course required for Alaska teacher certification.
1.2b Within their university course, NHT will learn to embed the state’s cultural standards into their lessons.
Objective 1.3 Support NHT efforts to make their instructional design and delivery culturally appropriate.
Performance Measures:
1.3a NHT will receive a 1 credit PD course in cross-cultural communications and strategies.
1.3b Near Peers work with the NHT throughout the year on culturally appropriate classroom management, and instructional design and delivery.
Goal 2: To improve measures of school climate through training teachers in trauma-informed education practices. / Objective 2.1
Performance Measures:
2.1a Support NHT development of pedagogical skills surrounding ACEs, trauma-informed schools, and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
2.1b Maniilaq BHS/Wellness staff conduct 2 annual weekend face-to-face retreats/trainings for NHT.
2.1c NWABSD will provide pre-service and in-service training on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

Instruments and Methods for Goal 1 Evaluation: Improving any one of the five conditions (teacher retention, pedagogical skills, teacher sense of self efficacy, cultural competence of teachers, school climate) has been shown by research to improve educational outcomes. Because these conditions have direct, indirect, and feedback relationships and because student achievement is impacted by any variables not under examination in this project it is impossible to directly attribute improved educational outcomes in the schools served by this project to the project alone. Twenty six NHT will take part in the immersion camp activities each summer and will provide written and interview feedback about the experience. The NHT will all be enrolled in the university course. Neer Peers will report to NWABSD on regular contact with their NHT. The first and second year retention rates for Project NHT will exceed Alaska State averages for rural school districts.

Instruments and Methods for Goal 2 Evaluation: Improving any one of the five conditions (teacher retention, pedagogical skills, teacher sense of self efficacy, cultural competence of teachers, school climate) has been shown by research to improve educational outcomes. Because these conditions have direct, indirect, and feedback relationships and because student achievement is impacted by any variables not under examination in this project it is impossible to directly attribute improved educational outcomes in the schools served by this project to the project alone. Two cohorts of 26 NHT will participate in two teleconferences with follow-up, participate in two annual face-to-face retreats with Maniilaq BHS/Wellness staff, and receive training on PBIS. NHT will demonstrate awareness of historical and intergenerational trauma, regional behavioral health risk and protective factors by showing an increase on the Post test, compared to the Pre test. NHT will be able to identify specific pedagogical strategies of a trauma-informed school and demonstrate increased awareness of regional resources supporting individual and community awareness. NHT will attend a community Wellness event. Measures of school climate in schools with teachers who participate in the project will improve over baseline measures of school climate (baseline and impact measures will be taken from the School Climate and Connectedness conducted for the Association of Alaska School Boards).

Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) Measures:

The project will also provide data for the following GPRA Measure: The percentage of Alaska Native students in school served by the program who meet or exceed proficiency standards for reading, mathematics, and science on the State assessments (Student Achievement).

Evaluation: The evaluation plan contains both formative and summative evaluation. While there are some instruments developed from previous program years, evaluators are encouraged to use, adapt or develop instruments for collecting data. The evaluators oversee all data collection activities and develop brief 2-page quarterly reports including quantitative data, qualitative data, and recommendations for program revisions, modifications or new capacity-building strategies. These reports will be developed using a mixed method research approach. Quarterly reports will also include project activities, meetings, and assessments of the quality and completeness of services. As quarterly reports are developed, notable data points and findings may be shared by Maniilaq at the team meetings. These reports will include interpretations of the data, recommendations for program/service revisions, modifications or new capacity-building strategies as necessary. Ongoing generation of data-driven quarterly reports is intended to capture Project activities and allow Project staff to routinely review results and collectively make program/service modifications as necessary. Ad-hoc reports on special topics will also be developed as needed and requested by the Project Director. Evaluators will also be expected to attend in person or by teleconference, at least 1 - 2 meetings per month for the duration on of the Project.

Project Timeline

The contract is a three-year award. The selected evaluator is expected to manage the Project evaluation for three years, but the contract will be reviewed at the end of each year. This consultancy should begin on December 27, 2017 and be completed no later than September 30, 2018, with the renewal through 2020, subject to adequate funding.

How to submit a proposal: Interested proposers should submit the following information no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 19, 2018

Please include the following minimum information in your signed and dated proposal. Proposals not signed and dated will not be considered.

1. A proposal describing how the tasks described above would be performed (including evaluative instruments) and your qualifications (or the qualifications of the team of consultants). 2. A firm estimate of fees to be charged for year one, year two and year three, and an estimate of expenses that would be incurred based on deliverables. Proposals may not exceed $25,000 per year. 3. The proposer’s resume and resumes of all consultants who would be involved in the Project. 4. Name and phone numbers of contact people at three nonprofit organizations who have been clients of the proposer during the last 18 months and who can be contacted as references.

5. Prior similar Project experience.

Contract: Bree Swanson, Project Director

(907) 442-7031

fax 907-442-7830 or mail/deliver to the address below.

Maniilaq Association, Inc.

436 5th Ave, Kotzebue, AK 99752

Attention: Bree Swanson