El Portal Panther PE Department

Mr. Largent, Mrs. Crooker (Hobby), Mr. Jericoff, Mr. Ney


Be in the locker room by the tardy bell.

You have 4 minutes after the tardy bell to be dressed and on your roll call number.

You are required to dress everyday. Properly dressing out includes: tennis shoes, shorts, and shirt. PE clothes may not be worn over school clothes! PE clothes must be in compliance with the school dress code (i.e. rolling short to an inappropriate length or tying shirts up and exposing skin or undershirts).

Only black leggings are permitted and must have shorts worn over the top.

Sweats and sweatshirts may be worn in cooler weather but must be accompanied by PE shirt. Sweat pants should be changed into not what the student wore to school that day.

Not dressing is not an option! For the first few offenses points will be deducted. Habitual non-dressing will be dealt with by teacher and administration and will include possible detention and/or Saturday school.

Report to roll call numbers after dressing for attendance and warm-up.

Always stay in designated area within the teacher’s supervision.

No gum during class or in the locker room.

Obey all locker room conduct rules at all times. Failure to comply will result in a warning then referral.

All cases of bullying will be documented and referred to the office for follow up.


Cardiovascular Endurance - 40%

Fitness – 20%

Academic – 15%

Daily Participation/Dressing out – 25%


Grades may be modified due to physical limitations as prescribed by doctor.

To be excused from class you must provide a signed note from your parent detailing why you are unable to participate. Parent notes mayonly exclude students from 1-3 days; further exclusion requires a doctor’s note. Activities missed with a parent note will have to be made up. Doctors note activities are excused.

Parent Signature:______Date:______

Student Name:______Period:______