CC User Group Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2015 – 10: 30 AM

Members present:

Admissions – Tess Gierke, BSC; Charlene Stenson, VCSU; Karen Erickson, BSC

Student Records – Sandy Fried, BSC; Rhonda Kitch, NDSU (attended late)

Financial Aid – Betty Kuss Schumacher, VCSU

Student Finance – Chelsea Larson, UND; Carla Swenson, NDSCS

HR – Becky Lang, LRSC

Campus Solutions – Mary Bergstrom, Sheri Gilbertson, Janie Adam & Tom McNaughton

NDUS – Lisa Johnson

Absent: Katie Nettell, LRSC and Allison Peyton – Finance

Old Business:

1)Veterans Day Tracking – The group was asked if this should be removed from the agenda but Lisa (NDUS) indicated that the state recently received a small grant regarding Vets so we should continue to leave this on the agenda and provide updates.

2)Regarding Bio-Dem and the Social Security Card – This matter continues with more legal discussion going on. According to Tom information has been gathered on federal requirements and Mick Pytlik will be taking this to legal council to review (there are concerns between the differences of federal and state requirements). Example: Admissions does not require the card to be copied and saved in IMAGE now. This may not be a federal mandate to do so but there could be other reasons that this should be done. Hopefully we will have an answer from the legal level by the end of the year. Also it is important to keep in mind that the Bio-Dem is still a ‘draft’.

3)Residency Handbook – Chelsea stressed that some campuses do things differently and we need consistency. Again this is also a ‘draft’ and with this draft we are asking for guidance from the state level. The question came up regarding the residency code identifying ‘Alumni Dependents’. Is this looked at by all schools? If the question is answered on the Admissions App it goes into the system but this information is never updated. Hence you should not rely on this being accurate. If you have not read the document thoroughly you should give consideration to the following: Contiguous, MN Reciprocity, WUE and ND residency. Should proof of apartment lease be used as proof? Another matter to consider is students who graduate in border-states but actually live in ND. Only once the group feels comfortable with this document will it be presented to the Attorney General. For now the draft goes back to user groups for feedback.

At approximately 11:15 the phone line started acting up and repeated attempts to call back in were fruitless. It was decided to adjourn for today’s meeting and reconvene in December.

Respectfully submitted:

Betty Kuss Schumacher