MSITA: PPTBeddingfield High School / 2014-15 /

Project 1-1:The Central City Job Fair

As personnel manager for Woodgrove Bank, you have accepted an invitation to give a presentation

at a local job fair. Your goal is to recruit applicants for positions as bank tellers. You have created

the presentation but need to finish it.

GET READY. LAUNCH PowerPoint if it is not already running.

1. Click the File tab and open the presentation named Job Fair 1 from the data files for this lesson.

2. Save the presentation as Central City Job Fair.

3. On slide 1, click in the subtitle box to place the insertion point there, and then type Central City Job Fair.Go to slide 2.

4. In the title of slide 2, select the words Woodgrove Bankby dragging the mouse pointer over them, and then replace the selected text by typing Us.

5. In the bulleted list, click after the word assets to place the insertion point there.

6. Press Enterto move the insertion point down to a new, blank line.

7. Type Voted “Best Local Bank” by City Magazine. The new text will wrap to fit in the box.

8. Display slide 3, and switch to Outline view.

9. In the outline, select the words Help Wanted(do not select the colon), and then press Deleteto delete the text.

10. Type Now Hiring.

11. Click at the end of the first item in the bulleted list, and then press Enterto create a new line in the list.

12. Type Responsible for cash drawer and station bookkeeping.

13. Switch to Normal view, and then press Page Downto go to slide 4.

14. Select the last item in the bulleted list by dragging the mouse pointer across it.

15. On the Ribbon, click the Home tab, if necessary, and then click the Cut button. In the Slides pane, click slide 5.

16. Click at the end of the last item in the bulleted list to place the insertion point there, and then press Enter.

17. On the Ribbon, click the Paste button. The item you cut from slide 4 is pasted into slide 5.

18. SAVE the presentation and CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next project.

Project 1-2:Messenger Service

Consolidated Messenger is a new company offering in-town courier service to corporate and private customers. As the company’s owner, you want to tell as many people as possible about your new service, and a presentation can help you do it. You need to review your presentation, make some minor changes, and print it.

GET READY.LAUNCH PowerPoint if it is not already running.

1. Click the File tab and open the presentation named Pitch from the data files for this lesson, and save it as Messenger Pitch.

2. Read slide 1. In the Slides pane, click slide 2and read it.

3. Click the scroll down buttonto go to slide 3, and then read it.

4. Click the Next Slide buttonto go to slide 4, and then read it.

5. Press Page Downto go to slide 5, and then read it.

6. Press Hometo return to the beginning of the presentation.

7. On slide 1, select the words and Deliveryby dragging the mouse pointer over them.

8. Press Delete to delete the selected text from the subtitle. Go to slide 2.

9. On slide 2, select the word delayed and type scheduled in its place.

10. Select the third item in the bulleted list ( 24-hour emergency service) by dragging the mouse pointer over it.

11. On the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the Copy button. Go to slide 4.

12. On slide 4, click at the end of the last item in the bulleted list to place the insertion point there.

13. Press Enterto move the insertion point down to a new, blank line. On the Ribbon, click the Paste button.

14. Click at the end of the newly pasted line to move the insertion point there. Type a colonand then type $250. Go to slide 5.

15. On slide 5, click at the end of the last line of text in the left-hand column, and then press Enter.

16. Type 555-1087 (daytime), and then press Enter.

17. Type 555-1088 (emergency), and then press Enter.

18. Type 555-1089 (fax).

19. Go to slide 1. Click the File tab.

20. When Backstage view opens, click Print. Then click the Print buttonto print with the default settings. (Check with your instructor; to save paper, he or she may ask you to not to print.)

21. SAVE the presentation and CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next project.

Project 1-3:The Big Meeting

You are the director of documentation at Litware, Inc., which develops software for use in elementary schools. You have scheduled a conference with the writing staff and are working on an agenda for the meeting. Because the agenda is a single PowerPoint slide, you can display it on a projection screen for reference during the meeting.

1. OPEN the Agenda file from the data files for this lesson and save it as Final Agenda.

2. Copy the second line of the bulleted list and paste the copy below the original as a new bullet point.

3. In the newly pasted line, replace the word Upcoming with Revised.

4. In Outline view, add a new line to the end of the agenda. On the new line, type Adjourn.

5. Print the presentation. (Check with your instructor; to save paper, he or she may ask you not to print.)

6. SAVE the presentation, then CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next project.

Project 1-4:Job Fair, Part 2

You have decided to make some last-minute changes to your presentation before going to the job fair.

1. OPEN Job Fair 2 from the data files for this lesson and save it as Final Job Fair.

2. Copy the word Woodgrove on slide 1. In the title of slide 2, delete the word Usand paste the copied word in its place.

3. On slide 2, change the word owned to managed.

4. On slide 4, add the line References a mustto the bottom of the bulleted list.

5. Print the presentation. (Check with your instructor; to save paper, he or she may ask you not to print.)

6. SAVE the presentation, then CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next project.

Project 1-5:Price Fixing

You are the general manager of Alpine Ski House. It’s time to update the staff on the store’s new prices, and a slide show is a good way to give everyone the details. An easy way to handle this job is to open last season’s presentation and update it with new prices.

1. OPEN Price List from the data files for this lesson and save it as New Price List.

2. Move Black Ice Armageddon Skis - $692.50from slide 3 to the bottom of slide 2.

3. On slides 2 and 3, increase the price of every item by ten dollars.

4. Print the presentation. (Check with your instructor; to save paper, he or she may ask you not to print.)

5. SAVE the presentation, then CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next project.

Project 1-6:A Trip to Toyland

As the general manager for Tailspin Toys, you introduce new products to many other people in the company, such as the marketing and sales staff. You need to finalize a presentation about several new toys.

1. OPEN Toys from the data files for this lesson and save it as New Toys.

2. Copy List Price: $14.99on slide 2 and paste it at the bottom of the bulleted lists on slides 3 and 4.

3. On slide 3, change the teddy bear’s name from Rory to George.

4. On slide 4, change the top speed from 800 to 1,200.

5. Print the presentation. (Check with your instructor; to save paper, he or she may ask you not to print.)

6. SAVE the presentation and CLOSE the file.

EXIT PowerPoint.

Project 2-1:Tonight’s Guest Speaker

As director of the Citywide Business Alliance, one of your jobs is to introduce the guest speaker at the organization’s monthly meeting. To do this, you will create a new presentation from a theme template, and then reuse a slide with information about the speaker from a different presentation.

GET READY. LAUNCH PowerPoint if it is not already running.

1. Click the File tab, and then click Newto open the New Presentation window.

2. Click the Ion template. In the dialog box that appears, click the purple sampleand then click Create.

3. In the Click to add title placeholder, type Citywide Business Alliance.

4. In the Click to add subtitle placeholder, type Guest Speaker: Stephanie Bourne.

5. On the Home tab, click the arrow below the New Slide buttonto open its menu, and then click Reuse Slides.

6. In the Reuse Slides task pane, click the Browse drop down arrow, and then click Browse File.

7. Navigate to the location where the sample files for this lesson are stored and open the Bourne.pptx presentation file.

8. In the Reuse Slides task pane, click slide 1. The slide is added to your new presentation. Close the task pane.

9. Click the File tab, and then click Print. Only print if instructed by your instructor. The Print controls appear in Backstage view.

10. Click the Color drop down arrow, and on the menu that appears, click Grayscale.

11. Click the Full Page Slides drop down arrow, and on the menu that appears, click 2 Slides under the Handouts section.

12. Click Printto print the handout in grayscale mode. Only print if instructed by your instructor.

13. Click the File taband click Save As, or click the Save iconon the Quick Access Toolbar. Click Browseand navigate to the folder where you are storing your work for this lesson.

14. Open the Save as type drop-down listand click PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation.

15. Select the text in the File name box, press Delete, and then type Speaker.

16. Click Save.

17. CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for use in the next project.

Project 2-2:Advertise with Us

As an account manager for The Phone Company, you are always trying to convince potential customers of the benefits of advertising in the local phone directory. A PowerPoint presentation can help you make your case. You need to create a presentation from a Word document that lists some reasons why businesses should purchase advertising space in your directory.

GET READY. LAUNCH PowerPoint if it is not already running.

1. If you just started PowerPoint, press Escand a new blank presentation appears automatically. If PowerPoint was already running and there is not a new blank presentation open, press Ctrl 1 Nto start a new blank presentation.

2. Click in the slide’s title placeholder, and then type Why Advertise with Us?.

3. Click in the subtitle placeholder, and then type The Phone Company.

4. Click outside the text placeholderto deselect it.

5. On the Ribbon’s Home tab, click the New Slide drop-down arrow. At the bottom of the gallery of slide layouts, click Slides from Outline.

6. In the Insert Outline dialog box, locate and select the Microsoft Word document named Ad Benefits. Click Insert. PowerPoint inserts five new slides using content from the outline.

7. Switch to Slide Sorter view. Drag slide 5to a new position between slides 1 and 2.

8. Click slide 6, and then press Deleteto remove the slide from the presentation.

9. Switch to Notes Page view, and then go to slide 1.

10. Click in the Notes pane below the slide, and then type Give the client a copy of the directory.

11. Switch to Normal view.

12. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Save icon.

13. Click Browseand navigate to the folder where you want to save the presentation.

14. Replace the default name in the File name box with Benefits.

15. Click Save.CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for use in the next project.

Project 2-3:Send People to Their Rooms

You are an assistant marketing manager at Shelbourne, Ltd., which develops process control software for use in manufacturing. You are coordinating a set of panel discussions at the company’s annual sales and marketing meeting. At the start of the afternoon session, you must tell the groups which conference rooms to use for their discussions. To help deliver your message, you need to create a single-slide presentation that lists the panels’ room assignments. You can display the slide on a projection screen for reference while you announce the room assignments.

1. CREATE a new, blank presentation. It contains one slide by default.

2. Change the slide’s layout to Title and Content. In the slide’s title placeholder, type Panel Discussions.

3. In the second placeholder, type the following items, placing each item on its own line:

Aligning with Partners, Room 104

Building Incentives, Room 101

Creating New Value, Room 102

Managing Expenses, Room 108

Opening New Markets, Room 112

Recapturing Lost Accounts, Room 107

Strengthening Client Relationships, Room 110

4. In the Notes pane, type Refreshments will be delivered to each room during the 3:00 pm break.

5. Print one copyof the presentation.

6. SAVE the presentation as Room Assignments, then CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for use in the next project.

Project 2-4:Editorial Services

You are the editorial director for Lucerne Publishing, a small publishing house that provides editorial services to other businesses. Your sales manager has asked you to prepare a simple presentation that lists the services offered by your editorial staff. You can create this presentation from an outline that was created earlier.

1. CREATE a new, blank presentation.

2. Type Lucerne Publishingin the title placeholder.

3. Type Editorial Servicesin the subtitle placeholder, and then click outside the placeholder.

4. Use the Slides from Outlinecommand to locate the Microsoft Word document named Editorial Services, and then click Insert.

5. In the Outline pane, click slide 6.

6. Use the Reuse Slidescommand to locate and open the About Lucerne presentation, and then add slide 3from that presentation to the end of your new presentation as the final slide.

7. Print one copyof the presentation in a layout that shows nine slides per page.

8. SAVE the presentation as Lucerne Editorial Services, and then CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for use in the next project.

Project 2-5:The Final Gallery Crawl

As director of the Graphic Design Institute, you have volunteered to coordinate your city’s last-ever gallery crawl—an annual charity event that enables the public to visit several art galleries for one price. Fortunately, this year’s crawl is almost identical to last year’s event; so when you create a presentation for the local arts council, you can use last year’s presentation as the basis for a new one.

1. OPEN the file Gallery Crawl, and save it as Final Gallery Crawl.

2. In Slide Sorter view, switch the positions of slides 6 and 7.

3. In Normal view, reword the subtitle of slide 1to read Our last ever!

4. Print the presentation in grayscaleusing a 9-slides-per-page layout.

5. View the presentation from beginning to end in Slide Showview.

6. SAVE the presentation as Final Gallery Crawl, and then CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for use in the next project.

Project 2-6:The Final, Final Gallery Crawl

Having just finished your presentation for the last-ever gallery crawl, you realize that one of the museum curators uses an older version of PowerPoint. You need to save a copy of the presentation so he can use it on his computer.

1. OPEN Final Gallery Crawl from the data files for this lesson, or open the version you created in Project 2-5.

2. SAVE the presentation with the file name Compatible Gallery Crawl in PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation format. CLOSE the file without making any other changes.

EXIT PowerPoint.

Project 3-1:Blended Coffees

As director of marketing for Fourth Coffee, you have prepared a product brochure for new company employees. This year’s brochure includes a page of new products that you need to format. You will use Quick Styles to format the title and text placeholders. You will also correct a spelling error.

GET READY. LAUNCH PowerPoint if it is not already running.

1. OPEN the Coffee Products presentation and save it as Coffee Products Brochure.

2. Go to slide 2and click anywhere in the slide title.

3. On the Home tab, click the Quick Styles buttonto display the Quick Styles gallery.

4. Click the Moderate Effect – Orange, Accent 1 style.

5. Click in any of the product itemson slide 2.

6. Click the Quick Styles button.

7. Click the Subtle Effect – Orange, Accent 1 style.

8. Right-click the red-underlined wordand select Caffeine as the correct spelling.

9. SAVE the presentation and CLOSE the file.

LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next project.

Project 3-2:Typecasting with Typefaces

As an account representative for Graphic Design Institute, you are responsible for preparing a presentation for potential sponsors. Another employee started a PowerPoint presentation containing a title slide, but when you open the file, you realize that the font choices are not appropriate. You need to modify both the font and size of the slide’s text, as well as change the horizontal alignment of the text.