Revel Ch. 5 questions
1 Describe the typical changes in physical growth that take place in toddlerhood and explain the harmful effects of nutritional deficiencies on growth.
2 Describe the changes in brain development that take place during toddlerhood, and identify the two most common methods of measuring brain activity.
3 Describe the advances in motor development that take place during toddlerhood.
4. Compare and contrast the process and timing of toilet training in developed countries and traditional cultures.
5 .Distinguish the weaning process early in infancy from weaning later in toddlerhood.
6 Outline the cognitive achievements of toddlerhood in Piaget’s theory.
7. Explain Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of cognitive development and contrast it with Piaget’s theory.
8 Summarize the evidence for the biological and evolutionary bases of language.
9 Describe the milestones in language development that take place during the toddler years.
10 Identify how parents’ stimulation of toddlers’ language varies across cultures and evaluate how these variations relate to language development.
11. Describe how emotional development advances during toddlerhood and identify the impact of culture on these changes.
12. Describe the changes in self-development that take place during toddlerhood.
13 Distinguish between sex and gender and summarize the evidence for the biological basis of gender development.
14 Identify the four classifications of attachment according to the Strange Situation
15. Identify the key factors influencing the quality of toddlers’ attachment to their mothers, and explain what effect attachment quality has on development.
16. Compare and contrast the typical patterns of father involvement with infants and toddlers in traditional cultures and developed countries.
17. Describe relationships with siblings, peers, and friends during toddlerhood
18 . Identify the options for the care of toddlers and the effects of childcare on toddlers
19. Identify the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and recognize how autism affects prospects for children as they grow to adulthood.
20 .Identify the typical rates of television use in toddlerhood and explain some consequences of toddlers’ TV watching
Questions for Everyone to Discuss:
1. How might a culture’s values of individualism or collectivism influence
toilet-training practices?
2. How is the case of children with hormonal abnormalities an example of
a natural experiment? What limitations are there to its validity as a
natural experiment?
3. What experiences with music and art do you remember from your toddlerhood?