RFP #22726 – Helicopter and Related Services

Attachment 4 – Technical Questions

Instructions: A Bidder shall enter their company name and proposed helicopter model in the table below.

Bidder’s Company Name:
Bidder’s Proposed Helicopter Model:

A Bidder shall submit their responses to the technical questions in the table below using the space provided to the right of each question. A Bidder’s responses to these questions will be evaluated and scored. If a Bidder provides no response to a question, they will receive none of the available points for that question. The sum of the scores for each response will be the Bidder’s total Technical Proposal score. There is no limit to the size of the response to each question, and Bidders are encouraged to be sufficiently detailed in their responses to enable the State to understand their capabilities and proposed actions under the Contract. Only the Bidder’s responses contained in this attachment will be evaluated and scored by the State for the Technical Proposal component of the RFP. No additional or supplemental materials, or links to websites, should be included in a Bidder’s submission. A Bidder shall not include pricing in this document.

Index / Question / Bidder’s Response /
1. Technical, Maintenance, and Customer Support
1.1 / Please describe your capabilities to provide technical support to NYSP or other Authorized Users of the Contract, including hours of operation, level of expertise of staff, channels to deliver technical support, etc.
1.2 / Please describe how operation manuals, maintenance and service bulletins, and other technical information will be provided to NYSP (e.g. frequency of updates, method of delivery, paper versus electronic).
1.3 / Please describe your capabilities to provide maintenance, repair, and overhaul services to NYSP or other Authorized User of the Contract, including hours of operation, level of expertise of staff, locations to deliver maintenance and repair services, etc.
1.4 / Please describe how you will provide helicopter parts directly to NYSP or other Authorized Users of the Contract (e.g., will you utilize one or more manufacturer-authorized Subcontractors to deliver helicopter parts?)
1.5 / Please describe how you will provide maintenance and repair services directly to NYSP or other Authorized Users of the Contract (e.g., will you utilize one or more manufacturer-authorized Subcontractors to deliver maintenance and repair services?)
1.6 / What is the distance in miles from your or your proposed manufacturer-authorized Subcontractor's maintenance and repair services facility to the Albany International Airport – ALB?
1.7 / Do you have the capability to perform maintenance and repair services at each of the five NYSP Aviation Unit locations (Albany International Airport – ALB, Saranac Lake Airport – SLK, Syracuse Hancock International Airport – SYR, Stewart International Airport – SWF, and Rochester International Airport - ROC)?
1.8 / What is your response time for technical support inquiries, with a response being defined as a technical representative calling back NYSP or Authorized User of the Contract?
1.9 / Please describe your parts delivery capability and delivery speed for an Aircraft on Ground (AOG) situation?
1.10 / What programs could you provide NYSP or other Authorized Users of the Contract to manage spare parts inventory and/or reduce the total cost of spare parts (e.g., Vendor Managed Inventory)?
1.11 / Please describe the account management team that you will provide to manage the Contract, including names, roles, office location, and experience of the key proposed resources.
1.12 / Describe the ease of access / maintainability of commonly maintained parts (e.g., filters) for your proposed helicopter model?
1.13 / Describe any specialized tools unique to the proposed helicopter model that would be needed to perform maintenance / service on the helicopter for the first 2,500 flight hours?
2.  Warranty
2.1 / Please describe the standard warranty that you will provide for the proposed helicopter and up-fitted equipment (e.g., number of hours, number of months, items covered, pro-rated terms if any).
2.2 / At what point does the warranty period start on the helicopter, installed equipment, and components?
2.3 / NYSP currently performs over 90% of the maintenance and repairs of its helicopter fleet. Please describe the process NYSP or other Authorized User of the Contract, would follow to confirm warranty coverage of repairs and then receive necessary parts to complete the repair.
2.4 / Please describe your process to reimburse NYSP or Authorized User of the Contract for the labor hours they use to complete a repair that is covered under warranty.
2.5 / Please describe your capabilities and process to provide loaner parts (e.g., engines) due to a warranty issue.
2.6 / Please describe if parts provided under warranty are in new, overhauled, or serviceable condition?
2.7 / Who is responsible for delivery costs of parts that are under warranty?
2.8 / Who is responsible for storage, fixed base operator (FBO), and airport fees for aircraft on ground situations due to an issue under warranty?
2.9 / If the helicopter is grounded away from its home base, and condition is such that repairs under warranty cannot be accomplished in the field, who pays for shipment of the helicopter to the repair facility?
2.10 / For a repair under warranty that requires the helicopter to be shipped to the repair facility, who bears liability for damage and security during helicopter disassembly, shipping, and reassembly?
2.11 / Please describe your process to certify the maintenance and repair facility of NYSP or other Authorized User of the Contract?
3.  Training
3.1 / Please describe your capabilities to meet the following initial pilot training expectations for NYSP, or other Authorized Users of the Contract. The State desires for factory school initial training to be provided for pilots in an approved simulator (preferred), or the Contractor’s helicopter. If simulator training is not an option, the Contractor is expected to provide the same or similar model helicopter as proposed for all flight training. Training sequence is expected to begin four months prior to delivery of a helicopter, and / or when a pilot joins the Authorized User’s organization. Ground instruction is expected to include general helicopter specifications, limitations, normal procedures, emergency procedures, performance, airframe and power plant systems, drive-train, hydraulics, electrical systems, supplemental systems, flight control systems, fuel system, fire detection and suppression systems, and weight and balance. Flight proficiency training is expected to include cockpit procedures training, pre-flight, normal and emergency checklists, normal and maximum performance maneuvers, malfunction resolution procedures, one engine inoperative continued flight and landing procedures, dual engine failure landing procedure, electrical malfunction resolution procedures, hydraulic system malfunction resolution procedures, hovering out of ground effect, flight control system malfunction resolution, in-flight fire detection and suppression. In addition to the training elements as described above, ground and flight training periods is expected to be allocated for Rotorcraft External-Load operations, and include items listed in 14 CFR 133.23(b) and (c), and any other training as may be required. Upon completion of initial/transition training, the Contractor's training center is expected to issue a certificate of completion and endorsements, itemizing all areas of training completed, total flight training received in hours, pilot in command and type certification (if applicable), and instrument proficiency check, as well as biennial flight review endorsements.
3.2 / Please describe your capabilities (e.g., types of training, methods to deliver training, location of training facilities) to provide recurrent pilot and crew training to NYSP, or other Authorized Users of the Contract, flying the proposed helicopter model.
3.3 / Please describe your capabilities to meet the following initial mechanics training expectations for NYSP, or other Authorized User of the Contract. The State desires factory school initial training to be provided for technicians at the manufacturer’s designated training facility. Training sequence is expected to begin four months prior to delivery of a helicopter, and when a mechanic joins an Authorized User’s organization. Maintenance training is expected to consist of at least the following topics:
1.  Airframe maintenance - Classroom and shop work areas to include airframe, ground handling and servicing, main rotor, main rotor controls, main rotor drive system, mast, transmission, gearboxes, main drive shafts, tail rotor and tail rotor drive system, fuel system, hydraulic system, power plant installation, flight control systems.
2.  Power plant maintenance - Classroom and shop work to include knowledge, design, fabrication, assembly, and operation of turbine engines and components; rigging, removal, installation of engines; diagnostics, troubleshooting, and repair of engine and component malfunctions; determination of engine performance and power assurance parameters; procedures for the maintenance of fuel controls, bleed air systems, electronic engine control systems, auxiliary gearboxes, and all additional items associated with engine operation and performance.
3.  Electrical systems - Classroom and shop work to include detailed analysis of AC and DC power distribution, power train electrical systems, utility systems, airframe electrical systems, instrument indicating systems, and automatic flight control systems. Course shall include component locations, descriptions, and operation, troubleshooting and diagnosis of probable fault symptoms.
Upon completion of maintenance technician training and any other training as may be required, the Contractor's training center is expected to issue a certificate of completion, itemizing all areas of maintenance training completed, and endorsing technicians as certified to conduct maintenance tasks on Contractor's model helicopter.
3.4 / Please describe any specialty maintenance courses applicable to your proposed model, such as Electrical Wiring Maintenance, Avionics, or Auto Pilot courses, that you could provide NYSP, or other Authorized User of the Contract?
3.5 / Please describe your capabilities (e.g., types of training, methods to deliver training, location of training facilities) to provide recurrent mechanics training to NYSP or other Authorized Users of the Contract mechanics that would maintain and repair your proposed model.
3.6 / Will you provide the pilot, crew, and mechanic training directly or utilize one or more manufacturer-authorized Subcontractors to deliver the training?
3.7 / Please indicate the full address of the training facility / facilities that you would use to deliver pilot, crew, and mechanic training under the Contract.
4.  Helicopter Production Lifecycle
4.1 / How many helicopters of the model you are proposing have been manufactured to date?
4.2 / How many helicopters of the model you are proposing are in the current production pipeline?
4.3 / What is the expected date that you will no longer manufacture the helicopter model you are proposing?
5.  Company Background
5.1 / Briefly describe the history of your company including age, ownership structure, geographic footprint, range of products and services provided, and industries served.
5.2 / Please describe your experience in providing products and services to law enforcement customers.
5.3 / How does your company differentiate itself from its competitors within the law enforcement segment (e.g., innovative solutions)?

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