Church of God of Prophecy,

Aberdeen Street

‘A People of Worship, a Heart for Service’


We are committed to bringing others into a loving relationship with God, to help them grow in their love and knowledge of God and to work in concert with other Bible-believing Christians in the essential work of Kingdom ministry (Matthew 28:18-20’ Acts 1:7-8)

Core Values




The Vision Outline

The vision of AberdeenStreetChurch is a Christ centred community of committed believers with a clear sense of purpose and a passion to pursue it. A church of hope, redemption, renewal and transformation. We are a family where every person matters, love is the underlying and overriding principle, and people are valued not just for what they bring, but for who they are. A place where children and young people are supported and discipledspiritually and socially in order to fulfil their true potentials. We are a people who recognise that God deserves the very best, and always strive for excellence in all we do for him. A church in which all members are filled with the Holy Spirit, services are well planned, orderly and uplifting;where worshiptakes priority and is Christ focussed, vibrant, Spirit filled and Spirit led both in terms of corporate worship and holy lifestyle.

A people led by a team of competent, committed ministers and leaders of excellent character, who work together in one accord and leadby example. Here the truth of God’s word is preached, taught and demonstrated and God’s presence is evidenced by love and the transformed lives of genuine disciples who are able to make disciples of others. A people of discipline, accountability and mutual respect, where members are supported when we fall short of biblical Christian lifestyle, but appropriate action is taken if we fail to respond to spiritual counsel. We are actively and passionately committed to effectual fervent prayer as one of our core values, accompanied by faith resulting in visible results.We acknowledge God’s grace and goodness and everyone gives regularly and generously of our time, talents, and finances so that the church is adequately resourced to fulfil its mission. A people united in the pursuit of a common vision and is growing spiritually and numerically,with over 1000 active committed members of all nations. Members whohave a sense of God’s mission, are passionate about soulsand use every method and opportunity to share the Gospel;leading families, friends, and others to Christ and helping them prepare for his return.

We are a people of fellowship with a real sense of belonging, and through a network of active cell groups every memberis cared forand in turn takes care of others ensuring that visitors are welcome and new members assimilated into the fellowship. A church where people of all ages find love, acceptance and practical support; where everyone cares about each other, forgives, builds up and protects each other. Where the most important person is not I, but you; and everyone is more passionate about serving than being served. A people that are outward looking and known in the community for their pro-active involvement,providing excellent facilities and equipment for worship, administration, discipleship fellowship and social action, and actively reaching out into the community to bring good news to the poor, comforting the broken hearted, bringing deliverance to the captives and setting the oppressed free.

1 / Aims / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that worships in Spirit and in truth / 1) Dynamic Spirit filled, Christ centred worship
Services. / a) Worship services are well planned, orderly, delivered to
high standards always striving for excellence.
b) Effective communication with all involved in the planning and delivery of the service.
c) Sound biblical preaching and teaching of the word by those gifted to do so.
d) Worship services are a Centre of excellence which others would want to emulate.
e) Training of leaders and preachers in preaching, teaching and moderating services
f) Regular rehearsals and prayer sessions by worship leaders, musicians and choirs
g) Musicians and worship leaders are prepared and in position for a prompt start of service.
h) Individuals and families attend church regularly and arrive prior to the start of service.
i) Active participation in corporate worship by congregation including and involving children and young people.
j) Regular (quarterly) communion services including those who are housebound.
2 / To be a church that invests in musical resources, (people and equipment) / 1)Up to date equipment / a)Invest in high quality music and PA equipment.
2)Investment in personnel / b)Identify, train and provide a place of ministry for new musicians to enable active participation and succession planning.
c)Provide ongoing mentoring and training for current musicians and worship team.
d) Identify and train potential worship leaders in order to provide a place of ministry and succession planning.
2 / Aims / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
3)Members practice a lifestyle of genuine worship / a) Teach worship as a priority in the lives of the believers
b) Encourage regular individual/family worship.
c) Practice a Christ centred approach to worship.
3 / To be a church that is actively committed to intercessory prayer / 1) Regular, targeted fasting and prayer. / a) Provide opportunities for regular corporate fasting and prayer.
b) Develop and promote a local prayer strategy
c) Teach and practice the biblical principles of intercessory prayer.
d) Members practice forgiveness and reconciliation so that our prayers are not hindered.
e) Members actively participate in prayer and fasting.
1 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that actively seeks to win the lost for Christ. / 1) To engage the local Church in outreach activities. / a) Regular interaction with the local community at church events/community events etc.
b) Distribution of gifts, tracts, invitation cards etc, to local homes and at local events.
c) Conduct open air concerts in the car parks and other venues as appropriate. Undertake street witnessing
d) Work with local Prison and Hospital Chaplaincy and provide support/mentoring for prisoners during incarceration and on release.
e) Conduct local prayer walks and take part in annual joint walk of witness.
f) Conduct Carol Service at Lidl Supermarket and other venues during Christmas season.
g) Regular preaching of the message of salvation and provide opportunities for people to respond (dedications/baptisms)
h) Provide opportunities for people in need to request and receive prayer through UCB Prayer Line.
i)Work with organisations in aid of the homeless and Children/adult homes.
2) Every member to win one person to Christ. / a) Promote personal evangelism as an effective means
of winning people to Christ.
b) Members share the message of Christ with family,
friends, neighbours, strangers & colleagues etc.
2 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that is growing numerically. / 1) To be 1000 active members in 5 years,
moving to two services on Sundays / a) Incorporate adequate time for altar call/ministry
b) Members are passionate about souls and regularly
invite family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and
strangers to church services and other church events.
c) Sharing the gospel with unsaved through outreach
and spiritual uplift meetings.
d) Strategically targeting the unsaved at special services:
Christenings, Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day, Easter & Christmas etc.
3 / To be a church that is open to people of all races and cultures. / 1) Congregation to be aware of the various communities in the church and locality. / a)Provide consistent support and work together with Seek Kingdom Ministry
b)Promote opportunities for members to participate in Mission Trips such as to Macedonia, and provide adequate support.
c)Engaging in cultural events
1 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that disciples its members and is growing spiritually. / 1) All new converts undergo a program of discipleship training/teaching which leads to water baptism and church membership. / a)Develop a series of teaching/discipleship course for new converts.
b)New members involved in internal/external services – gifts and talents made known and affirmed from early in their Christian walk.
c)Consistent follow up to new converts within a week of conversion.
2) Provide teaching and resources to enable members to become strong and secure in the faith. / a)Conduct regular Bible study and teaching sessions using various methods and groups etc.
b)Encourage the habit of reading, and recommend good books articles etc.
3) Members are able to; Identify their primary gifting and Understand how they can use them to edify the body. / a) Provide teaching for members on how to identify
and develop their gifts and calling.
4) Young people are developed spiritually / a)Teach and encourage participation in spiritual disciplines i.e. prayer & fasting, bible study, Lord Supper etc.
b)Involvement in the life of the church and community.
c)Provide mentoring for young people. Shadowing members of the church.
d)Revival meetings particularly for youth. Praise Nights
1 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that disciples its members and is growing spiritually / 5) Young People and children are knowledgeable in the areas of biblical relationships, money management and other relevant social issues. / a) Identify areas of needs/knowledge gaps among youngpeople and provide ongoing teaching/training in these areas.
b)Workshops to develop skills. Social evenings. Youth retreats
6) Children are taught biblical principles, moral values and church discipline, and are actively involved in worship. / a)Conduct regular children's church and other activities in order to provide opportunities for development and participation in the church and world.
b)Provide adequate training for children/youth workers
2 / To be a Church that develops competent committed leaders / 1) To ensure that ministers and leaders are equipped with relevant training and knowledge to enable them to carry out their duties effectively. / a) Identify appropriate internal and external training for ministers and leaders.
b) All lay ministers undergo training in practical ministry.
c) Encourage mentoring programme for leaders at all levels.
d) Undertake teaching and training in preaching and teaching etc
1 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that maximises its resource potential (people, gifts, property, money) / 1) To ensure that assets are managed and maintained
effectively and where possible used as a source of income. / a) Regular maintenance of all buildings and
b) Maintain adequately buildings, contents and
public liability insurance at all times.
c) All users of the building are charged a fee which
at least covers any expense incurred.
d) Promote building as a venue for events e.g.
training, conferences, concerts, small weddings
and funeral receptions.
e) Extend church building as necessary to maximise
space, resources, income etc.
2) Provide adequate Pastoral and
Administrative support to enable the church to achieve its objectives. / a) Employ two full time Pastors.
b) Employ a full time administrator and caretaker
c) Employ a full time outreach/support worker.
2 / To be a Church that gives generously to enable the church to fulfil its mission. / 1) Maximise all income streams and maintain adequate systems of accountability. / a) Promote tithing and regular giving and the benefits to both individual and Church.
b) Prepare and work within an annual budget.
c) All members of the congregation are committed to regular sacrificial giving.
d) All giving eligible for gift aid is recorded through the scheme and claims submitted at least annually.
3 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a church that provides a safe environment for all who uses its facilities. / 1) Maintain an up to date Health and Safety Policy. / a) Ensure that policy is fully implemented.
b) Provide a clean, uncluttered environment.
2) Maintain an up to date Child Protection Policy and procedures. / a) Ensure awareness and implementation of policy.
b) Ensure that all ministers and those who work with children and vulnerable adults are DBS checked as required.
3)Maintain data protection policy and procedures / a)Ensure all personal information is held securely and electronic data is password protected.
b)Personal information is only accessible to authorised personnel in keeping with the data protection policy.
4)A church that is ‘open’ more than ‘closed’. / a)Open buildings for prayer, community meetings and other relevant activities.
b)Make full use of multi-purpose hall, porta-cabin and community centre.
4 / To be a Church that is open and accountable. / 1) Maintain transparent accountable systems / a) Report to National Office on a monthly basis
b) Regular reviews, monitoring and reporting on progress in all areas
2) Conduct quarterly business conference / a)Church and projects report to conference on all activities, income and expenditure
b)Members are supported if they depart from the Christian lifestyle, but appropriate action is taken if the fail to respond to support and counselling.
5 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that runs successful Business enterprises both corporately and individually. / 1)Establish Income generating enterprises providing employment enabling less dependency on offerings for church income. / a)Work with Business people in the church and community to establish viable business enterprises.
b)Source seminars and conferences on Business Start-ups.
c)Encourage independent Business development
d)Promote support for church and individual business enterprises.
1 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church whose members share fellowship and are committed to serve one another in love. / 1) Every person finds a place of fellowship, acceptance, love and practical support. / a) Regular visitation or telephone contact with one another.
b) Special support/ministry to those who are sick, house bound and those in need of help and support.
c) Provide support for families with respect to issues they are facing.
d) Visitors and newcomers are made welcome and are able to find a place of fellowship.
e) Setting up an ‘Emergency Fund’ to assist
members in emergency situations.
f) Cell groups are active and engage all members.
2) Provide opportunities for brethren to fellowship and socialise together. / a) Regular social/fellowship, men, women, youth, singles, care groups etc. Encourage gender-specific activities inside and outside the church building.
b) Teach/promote biblical principles of fellowship.
c) Leadership spend regular time together for study, prayer, planning and fellowship.
2 / To be a Church that has compassion for people in need. / 1) Support the Aberdeen Street Community Centre to establish and or participate in social action projects. / a) Joint working with local church/community projects – know what is happening in the area and make known what the church is doing.
b) Joint working with other churches
c) Establish and run Youth Club for both church and localyouths.
d) Establish and run food bank and soup kitchen in conjunction with other churches in the area.
e) Set up a social/hardship fund to provide gifts or loans to people experience financial hardship.
f)Training in mental Health issues, prisoners on release and other social needs.
g)Trained personnel to be put on a rota for each service.
3 / Aim / Objectives / Strategies / Who/when / Measures & Outcomes
To be a Church that seeks justice for the oppressed. / 1) Work with and support other agencies seeking Justice. / a) Support individuals and families who are oppressed or victims of injustice.
b) Work with/support organisations seeking to reduce gun and knife crimes, drug and gang violence.
c) RAFFA representative to work with RAFFA, church and other agencies.