Washington State Wrestling Association
National Teams
Coaching Pool Application
Directions: If you wish to be placed in the Coaching Pool to be considered for selection as a coach to travel with one of the Washington National Teams, complete the application below and return it WITH:
1)A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT YEARS COACHES CARD, (it must say you are bronze, silver or gold certified)
Send Application to: Jay Terry, WSWA Coaches Director, 153 Newaukum Village Drive, Chehalis, WA. 98532
This MUST be renewed each year and any item above missing will result in your application NOT being accepted. Applications must be received by the last day of March of each year. Applications will be reviewed after this date and decisions will be based upon board approval.
Washington State Wrestling Association sends teams to Schoolboy Duals, Cadet Duals, Junior Duals, ORCA Duals, Cadet Nationals, Junior Nationals, Junior Women’s Duals, Junior Women’s Nationals and other special teams.
Name ______Date of Application ______
Mailing Address ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Cell Phone______Home Phone______Work Phone______
E-mail address ______
Shirt Size______Short Size______Jacket Size______Hat Size______
Are you involved in the Washington State Wrestling Association?
Club Affiliation ______
Folkstyle Yes___ No___ Freestyle Yes___ No___ Greco Yes___ No___ Number of tournaments_____
Please number in your order of preference those groups for which you wish to have your name placed in the coaching pool.
Schoolboy National Duals____ Kids West Regional/Kids Nationals____
Cadet National Duals ____ Cadet Nationals____
Junior National Duals____ Junior Nationals____
Junior Women’s Duals____ Junior Women’s Nationals____
Please Check off each document that you have read and agree to abide by:
___ THE COACHES CODE OF ETHICS (on documents link on WSWA website)
___ THE WSWA CODE OF CONDUCT (on documents link on WSWA website)
___ USA WRESTLING’S POLICY ON ABUSE AND HARASSMENT (on documents link on WSWA website)
Please Sign:______Date ______
(Continued on other side)
Page 2 Washington State Wrestling Association
National Team Coaching Pool Assignments
List below any special training or certification that you hold which should be given consideration:
List a history of your coaching experiences – starting with your most recent:
List a history of your competitor experiences as a wrestler – starting with your most
List any other information which may be of importance for these selections:
Date Adapted: October 1999
Date Changed: March 2012