Lower Sea Lane, Charmouth, Dorset DT6 6LR

Headteacher: Mrs Gillian Morris B.Ed.(Hons) NPQH

Tel: 01297 560591 Fax: 01297 561484


9th September 2016

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope that you have enjoyed a lovely break and managed to get out in some of the sunshine we experienced. I am writing to let you know some useful information about Year Six.

Topic: Our over-arching topic this term is ‘Ancient Egypt’ with a focus on daily life, pharaohs and Egyptian gods and beliefs. I have attached a topic web outlining our learning this term. If you have any useful resources e.g. photos for this topic, then we would love you to share them with us.

Art: We are under-resourced in terms of art shirts when painting, so if you are having a clear out of your wardrobe, do think about donating them to us.

Home Learning: As stated in the Home Learning agreement, homework will continue to be given out on Fridays and is due in on Wednesdays. Thank you for your support and feedback; it is much appreciated.

Reading: Just a reminder that as part of homework; it is expected that each child reads to an adult at home at least 3 times each week. Even though your child is probably proficient in decoding the words, they still need practice at understanding what they read, so the interaction you provide when discussing the story is invaluable. Reading records are checked every Friday and do not need to be handed in with homework. They are required in school every day though, so that staff can write in them whenever your child has read. Also, if you are able to come into school and spend an hour or two hearing children read, we would be very grateful, as the impact it can have is huge and we currently only have one adult in each week to listen to readers.

PE: Currently this term, our PE slots are Wednesdays and Fridays, so please ensure that your child has the correct kit on those days. From 14th September, Wednesdays will be swimming and a letter is to follow, but if you are able to come with us please let me know as I am looking for two adult helpers to accompany us.

I am really looking forward to teaching your child this year and meeting parents and carers over the next few weeks:

A ‘Meet the Teacher’ session will take place, next week, on Thursday 15th September from 3:00 - 3:20. This will give you the opportunity to find out more about the routines and expectations for learning for your child in Sharks Class.

We look forward to sharing our learning with you on: Thursday 17th November @ 2:45pm - Turtles and Sharks Open Assembly.

Many thanks for your continuing support and communication. I look forward to a productive year with your child.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Caroline Dare

Y6 Sharks Teacher