RJ Reynolds High School Senior Resume and Scholarship Interest Form

**(Please note that these forms are held confidential within the RJR faculty, and copies are kept only by RJR Scholarship Committee members and teachers who request copies for recommendation purposes) ** Financial Info page is optional.

Name: ______

E-mail Address: ______Cell phone #: ______

Top 3 college choices: (1) ______(2) ______(3) ______

With a scholarship, would you consider attending college:

In-State (yes no )? Out-of-State (yes no )?

Major(s) and/or career choice(s) you are considering:



(Counselor will complete the following 4 items if you're not sure)

Class rank: ______out of ______Wtd. GPA: ______Unwtd. GPA: ______

Best SAT scores:Math ______Reading ______Writing ______

Best ACT composite score: ______

List all (if any) AP courses you have taken or are taking in senior year:



Please list below all SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (clubs, sports, theater, etc....) in which you have been and/or will be involved during your 4 years of high school (include which years involved, leadership positions held, etc....):















Please list below all COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES (volunteer work, job, church, sports, organizations, summer enrichment programs, etc....) in which you have been and/or will be involved during your 4 years of high school (include which years involved, leadership positions held, etc....):












List below any HONORS OR AWARDS you have received (selection as a Governor's School participant, accomplishment of Eagle Scout, publication of a poem, etc....)











To help the RJR Scholarship Committee get a better understanding of you, please answer the following questions. The answers provided will be used to help make decisions on whom to nominate for some competitive scholarships. You may substitute any college essay for questions 2 and 3.

1. (Required) Which of the activities (school or community) in which you are involved means the most to you? Why? Elaborate on how the activity has influenced you.










2. Tell us about your most exciting academic pursuit or your most disappointing academic failure.









3. You may invite any three individuals from history to join you for lunch. Whom would you invite? Why? What is your icebreaker question to start conversation? And where might the conversation go from there?











FINANCIAL INFORMATION (All of this information will be held confidential, is optional, and would help greatly in determining eligibility for need-based scholarships. Please give as much information as you feel comfortable providing):

Do you live in a single parent/guardian home? ______If yes, which parent? ______

I would prefer not to provide financial information ______

Occupation and place of employment for:

Mother/Guardian ______Annual post-tax income $______Father/Guardian______Annual post-tax income $______

Total # of siblings under age 23: ______# of siblings in college next year _____

Please use one of the following financial aid calculators to come up with an estimate of your “Expected Family Contribution” (EFC) toward college, and note your EFC in the space provided. This can be provided to Ms. Norris at a later date, but this info would be VERY helpful!


Expected Family Contribution (EFC) $______

Note any special financial circumstances: ______

