National Standards for Sport Coaches
Mark Stanbrough and Bill Stinson
How much of an influence do you have as a coach on the athletes you work with?
What’s important to you as a coach?
Develop Physical
Develop Psychological and Social
The NASPE Coaching Standards address the following:
What should coaches know?
What should coaches value?
What should coaches be able to do?
1995 Coaching Standards
Over 100 sport organizations agreed that a core body of knowledge existed from which to develop coaching expertise.
Had 37 standards in 8 domains
Identified the scientific and practical competencies that administrators, athletes and public should expect of sport coaches.
2006 Coaching Standards
Direction for coaching educators, sport administrators, coaches, athletes and their families, and the public regarding skills and knowledge that coaches should possess.
Related to the care, health, performance and safety of athletes.
Standards are based on most recent scientific information related to coaching.
Eight domains---40 standards
National Coaching Accreditation
Emporia State became accredited in 2012
oNational Council Accreditation Coaching Education
One of only ten universities in United States
21 programs accredited
oASEP-NFHS-Special Olympics-USA Track & Field-USA Football
ESU program- 18 hours
oField experience
oCulminates in a coaching practicum
oMore Than the X’s and O’s conference in Spring
Can You List the Eight Domains of the National Coaching Standards? Domain 1 Philosophy and Ethics
Domain 2 Safety and Injury Prevention
Domain 3 Physical Conditioning
Domain 4 Growth and Development
Domain 5 Teaching and Communication
Domain 6 Sport Skills and Tactics
Domain 7 Organization and Administration
Domain 8 Evaluation
Domain 1 Philosophy and Ethics
1.Athlete-centered philosophy
2.Teach positive values of sport
3.Teach responsible behavior
4.Demonstrate ethical conduct
Rate how successful you are in this area: Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Domain 2 Safety and Injury Prevention
5.Prevent injuries by identifying and providing safe facilities.
6.Ensure that all necessary protective equipment is available, properly fitted, and used appropriately.
7.Monitor environmental conditions and modify participation as needed to ensure the health and safety of participants.
8.Identify physical conditions that predispose athletes to injuries. Recognize injuries and provide immediate and appropriate care.
- Recognize injuries and provide immediate and appropriate care.
10.Develop and implement a coordinated sports health care program of prevention, care, and management of injuries.
11.Identify and address the psychological implications of injury
Rate how successful you are in this area: Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Domain 3 Physical Conditioning
12.Design programs of training, conditioning and recovery that properly utilize exercise physiology and biomechanical principles.
13.Learn proper nutrition for optimal physical and mental performance and good overall health.
14.Be an advocate for drug-free sport participation and provide accurate information about drugs and supplements.
15.Plan conditioning programs to help athletes return to full participation following injury.
Rate how successful you are in this area: Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Domain 4 Growth and Development
16.Apply knowledge of how developmental change influences the learning and performance of sport skills.
17.Facilitate the social and emotional growth of athletes by supporting a positive sport experience and lifelong participation in physical activity.
18.Provide athletes with responsibility and leadership opportunities as they mature.
Rate how successful you are in this area: Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Domain 5 Teaching and Communication
19.Provide a positive learning environment that is appropriate to the characteristics of the athletes and goals of the program.
20.Develop and monitor goals for the athletes and program.
21.Organize practice based on a seasonal or annual practice plan to maintain motivation, manage fatigue and allow for peak performance at the appropriate time.
22.Plan and implement daily practice activities that maximize time on task and available resources.
23.Utilize appropriate instructional strategies to facilitate athlete development and performance.
24.Teach and incorporate mental skills to enhance performance and reduce sport anxiety.
25.Use effective communication skills to enhance individual learning, group success and enjoyment in the sport experience.
26.Demonstrate and utilize appropriate and effective motivational techniques to enhance athlete performance and satisfaction.
Rate how successful you are in this area: Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Domain 6 Sport Skills and Tactics
27.Know the skills, elements of skill combinations and techniques associated with the sport being coached.
28.Identify, develop and apply competitive sport strategies and specific tactics appropriate for the age and skill levels of the participating athletes.
29.Use scouting methods for planning practices, game preparation and game analysis.
How successful you are in this area?Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Domain7 Organization and Administration
30.Demonstrate efficiency in contest management.
31.Understand how to be involved in public relation activities for the sport program.
32.Demonstrate a management of human resources for an athletic program.
33.Demonstrate how to manage fiscal resources for an athletic program.
34.Facilitate planning, implementation, and documentation of the emergency action plan
35.Demonstrate management of information, documents and records for the program.
36.Understand how to fulfill all legal responsibilities and risk management procedures associated with coaching.
Rate how successful you are in this area: Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Domain 8: Evaluation
37.Implement effective evaluation techniques for team performance in relation to established goals.
38.Use a variety of strategies to evaluate athlete motivation and individual performance as they relate to season objectives and goals.
39.Utilize an effective and objective process for evaluation of athletes in order to assign roles or positions and establish individual goals
40.Utilize an objective and effective process for evaluation of self and staff.
Rate how successful you are in this area: Very Low—Low—Average—High—Very High
Why you are successful in this area? What might you do to improve in this area?
Based Upon Survey of over 1000 Kansas High and Middle School Coaches
(Stanbrough 2010)
Strong Areas- % above average
Skills of the sport 86%
Teach positive values in sport84%
Demonstrate ethical conduct83%
Environmental conditions82%
Positive learning environment 79%
Areas for Improvement- % above average
Psychological implications of injury29%
Conditioning based on ex. Phys.32%
Manage fiscal resources32%
Emergency action plans35%
Teach proper nutrition37%
You Make A Difference!
Mark Stanbrough
Bill Stinson