The CAFÉ Menu for 3rd Grade

(I understand what I read) / Accuracy
(I can read the words) / Fluency
(I can read smoothly and understand what I read) / Expand
(I know, find and use interesting words)
Check for understanding(2.02)
Ask…Does this make sense?
Remember what was read/Retell story
Use the pictures
Self Monitor; reread(2.02)
Back up and Reread(2.02)
Monitor meaning and fix up(2.06)
Ask myself… Do I have any background knowledge about the book?(1.03)
Make a picture or mental image(2.02)
Ask questions while reading(2.02)
Summarize text, include sequence of main events(2.06)
Make connections to what is read(2.02)
Predict what will happen, use text to confirm(2.02)
Infer using prior knowledge and the text, support with evidence(3.01)
Determine importance using theme, main ideas, and supporting details(2.04)
Recognize and explain cause and effect relationships(2.04)
Compare and contrast elements within and between text(2.04)
Recognize literary elements (genre; plot, character, setting, problem/solution (resolution)(2.04)
Understand text features (titles, headings, captions, graphic features) (
Determine and analyze author’s purpose and support with text(2.04) / Strategies/Processes
Use the picture…Do the words and pictures match?
Cross checking…Do the pictures and words look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense?
Use beginning sounds and ending sounds(1.01)
Chunk letters/parts together (find a smaller word inside the word) (1.01)
Blend sounds/chunks…stretch and reread (sounding out letters/chunks)
Flip the sounds(1.01)
Go back to a word I have read before in the passage(1.01)
Skip the word and then come back(1.01)
Trade a word/guess a word that makes sense(1.01) / Strategies/Processes
Reread to make it smooth(2.01)
Practice common sight words and high frequency words(1.04)
Read with expression(4.01)
Read like you enjoy the book(4.01)
Read books that are “Good Fit” books
Apply different reading rates to match text, not too fast, not too slow, just right(2.01)
Adjust reading pace to match purpose and difficulty of text(2.01)
Read accurately with expression, pacing, and phrasing to enhance comprehension(4.01) / Strategies/Processes
Tune in to interesting words and use new vocabulary in my reading and writing(1.06)
Reread to clarify meaning of a word(2.01)
Use pictures, illustrations and diagrams(2.03)
Use prior knowledge and context to predict and confirm meaning(1.03)
Adjust reading rate(2.01)
Use prefixes, suffixes and abbreviations to determine the meaning of the word(1.02)
Use word origins and knowledge of affixes and roots(1.01)
Understand and apply content vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text(1.04)
Ask someone to define the word for you(1.05)
Use dictionaries, thesauruses and glossaries(1.05)

Behaviors that Support Reading

Get started right awayStay in one placeBe quietRead the whole timeIncrease staminaSelect “Good Fit” books

“The Daily Café” by Boushey & Moser