Present Cllr Mrs C Blackman

Cllr Ms P Church

Cllr Mrs J Hawkins

Cllr Mrs T Taylor

Cllr T Batchelder, Mayor of Wilton

Cllr P Edge

Cllr P Matthews

Cllr J Rhind-Tutt

Cllr Seviour

In Attendance Mrs C Purves Town Clerk

Mr H Abel Minute Secretary

Also Present Rachel Brown, Zoe Cupit, Susan van Leest and John Wallis

John Wallis – asked about progress with the bus shelter at Seagrim Road. The garages where passengers used to take shelter were demolished by Wiltshire Council nearly two years ago. Since then, a large tree, which became an alternative shelter, has been cut down. A number of elderly folk catch the bus from this stop and waiting in the open can be very unpleasant.

Cllr Matthews – passed on thanks from Lord Pembroke to those members of the Council that had helped at events taking place at Wilton House.

Cllr Matthews – expressed concern about the way in which the guidelines covering the May elections were becoming increasingly complex and bureaucratic. He suggested that it could deter people from standing this time.

Cllr Mrs Blackman – congratulated Cllr Edge and the Town Clerk on the new flagpole in the Market Square.

Cllr Mrs Blackman – complained about greenery growing in the gutters of two buildings in West Street – The Hardware store and Reeves the Baker. She asked if anything could be done about it.

Cllr Mrs Blackman – told the meeting that fallen leaves and wet weather had made the pavement by Park Wall slippery and asked if it could be swept.

Susan van Leest – introduced herself and advised the meeting about continuing works at Wilton Hill and Erskine Park. Work will start in April with building 40 one bedroom and a community café plus the Enterprise Hub which will be split 50/50 between veterans and local businesses. A second phase will see the construction of a care home and some affordable housing. All this should be complete by the autumn of 2018.

Zoe Cupit – introduced herself as the Town Co-Ordinator, and CLT Administrator. She told the meeting about plans for the Great Big Lunch which would be held on June 18th. Hosted by The Shopping Village, local organisations will be invited to become involved with stalls or displays. It was also planned to organise activities during the week running up to the Great Big Lunch such as pop up shops which could encourage some participants to set up a more permanent presence in the town. She also outlined plans to increase Wilton’s evening footfall with, perhaps, pop up restaurants at weekends.

Cllr Matthews – told the meeting that the Touch Rugby Club was planning to hold a Wilton Fest in July

and was pleased to learn that the organisers for the Great Big Lunch and the Wilton Fest

were liaising with each other since the two events were only five weeks apart.

Police Report: Copies had been circulated to members and Cllr Batchelder ran through the salient points for

the benefit of the meeting.

Wiltshire Councillor Pete Edge gave his report to the Town Council

Wiltshire Council precept for 2017/18 – a rise of 4.99% including a ring fenced 3% which will be directed to social care was ratified by Full Council on 21st February. The Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Brigade precept and the Wiltshire police precept both rose by 1.99% each.

Dorset & Wilts Fire Brigade Deputy Chief Officer – Jim Mahoney has been appointed to this post.

Police Traffic Patrols – these have been increased.

Area Board – the next Area Board meeting will take place on Wednesday 8th March at the Nadder Centre at Tisbury at 6.30pm

Cllr Batchelder in the chair


33.17 To receive apologies

Cllr Miss B Perry apologised for her absence because she was dealing with family matters.

Resolved: to accept her apology and the reason for it.

34.17 Minutes

Resolved: that the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th February 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record without amendment

35.17 Declarations of Interest

a. To receive any Declarations of Interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers, and in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members.

None were declared.

Resolved: to note

b. To consider any Dispensation Requests received by the Town Clerk and not previously considered. - None had been requested.

Resolved: to note

36.17 To consider any urgent business raised by the public in public discussion, and any other urgent

matters or items of information from councillors, for referral to the appropriate committee.

a.  Bus shelter at Seagrim Road – the Town Clerk advised that Wiltshire Council’s Highways Officer had contacted the Town Council, but she has yet to confirm how utility checks are to be carried out.

b. Overflowing gutters - The Town Clerk advised that greenery growing in buildings’ gutters was not something over which the Council had authority to enforce. All that could happen would be for a letter to be sent to the owners of the buildings informing them about the manifestation. The pavement would be the responsibility of Wiltshire Council's Street Scene department and its contractor.

37.17 To receive reports from:

a. Wiltshire Association of Local Councils and Community First

Cllr Seviour reported that he will be attending the next meeting of WALC, which will take place on 20th March.

b. The South West Wiltshire Area Board

Cllr Matthews reported that the next Area Board Meeting will take place on 8th March in the Nadder Hall, Tisbury

c. Wilton Community Centre

Cllr Mrs Blackman reported that routine maintenance continues, and Marion Powell has presented a photo montage of last year’s Christmas lunch.

d. Wilton and District Chamber of Commerce

Business Breakfast – in Cllr Miss Perry’s absence, Cllr Matthews advised the meeting that there would be a Business Breakfast on Tuesday 14th February at the Queens Head at 8.00am.

VIP Lunch – this would be held on 24th March at the South Wilts Golf Club.

Apprenticeships – the Chamber is trying to encourage local businesses to take on apprentices.

Business rates – concern has been expressed about the new business rate levels which will be difficult for those currently paying £12,000 a year or more.

e. To receive and note an update on the Wilton Community Land Trust

Cllr Edge reported that the Minister of Transport’s visit to the proposed site of Wilton Parkway station had been a success, and he had seemed to be very keen for the plans to go ahead.

38.17 To receive and ratify minutes of:

a. The Minutes of the Amenities and Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 21st February 2017. Resolved to receive and ratify the minutes without amendment.

Cllr Mrs Taylor reported that the new playground sign which had been erected on 6th March had been removed on March 7th by persons unknown. The Town Clerk reported that it had been recovered and had been taken to the cemetery for safekeeping.

b. The Minutes of the Finance and Property Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 28th February 2017.

Cllr Mrs Hawkins questioned the wording of Minute 20.17 a…. It would require the moving of the football pitch and the loss of the cricket pitch which would no longer be able to be accommodated.

suggesting that it did not reflect what had been said at the meeting. It was agreed to replace it with:- “there would be a requirement to move the cricket wicket which, with shorter boundaries, could lead to the loss of the pitch entirely.”

Resolved to receive and ratify the minutes with this amendment.

39.17 To receive and ratify the minutes of the Town Team

The Town Team meeting of 11th February 2017.

Resolved: to note.

It was reported that the Town Team meeting scheduled to take place on 16th March had been cancelled and therefore the next meeting will take place in April.

A degree of confusion has arisen concerning the Wilton mini bus project. It was emphasised that the mini bus project was the responsibility of Wilton Business Chamber and NOT the Town Team, as the Town Team is a working party of the Town Council and therefore has no capacity for independent action.

40.17 Proposed bund at Castle Meadow

To note the informal minutes of the consultation meeting with the Environment Agency on Wednesday 22nd February.

Resolved: to note.

There will be an opportunity for members of the public to make their views known at an open session in the Pavilion on Friday 10th March in the afternoon. Cllr Batchelder has prepared a short questionnaire for anyone attending to complete.

41.17 Finance

a. A schedule of accounts in the sum of £7,957.62 dated 7th March 2017 was considered for payment.

Resolved: to approve for payment a schedule of accounts totalling £7,957.62 dated 7th March 2017.

42.17 To receive nominations only for the Mayor Elect for the year 2017/2018

Cllr Matthews nominated Cllr Edge.

Cllr Mrs Blackman nominated Cllr Mrs Hawkins.

43.17 To receive nominations only for the Deputy Mayor Elect for the year 2017/2018

Cllr Edge nominated Cllr Matthews.

Cllr Batchelder nominated Cllr Mrs Blackman.


44.17 Chairman’s Report.

Cllr Batchelder reported reported on recent occasions when he had represented Wilton Town Council.

He had received £2,000 from Wilton Rotary Club to purchase a defibrillator which would be sited in the vicinity of the Health Centre.

With reference to the Thistledown Trust, he reported that the Trust wants to take ownership of the Youth Club hut this year. The Trust is willing to let the Town Council lease the premises for use as a youth club and a draft copy of the lease is being examined at the moment.

This year’s Civic Awards will be presented at a special occasion on 23 April at 3.00pm

45.17  Town Clerk’s Report

The Town Clerk reported on the following:-

·  She attended the SLCC Practioners Conference at Kennilworth on 22nd & 23rd February, which was very useful and informative. There weere workshops on social media, employment issues, markets and cemeteries, and she also spoke to a number of suppliers re insurance and play equipment.

·  The office will be closed on Friday 17th March as she will be attending the SLCC Wilts branch meeting at Stratton St Margaret in Swindon.

·  The Area Board has created a Dementia Champions Alliance, and has requested that each town and Parish Council appoints its own Dementia Champion.

·  Cycle race - Gary Nunn has confirmed that it will not be happening this year. He is meeting Laurie Bell in April to establish Wiltshire Council's future support. If Wilton TC is expected to organise the event, not just host it, she has asked Gary to try and obtain a clear breakdown of who does what, and some accurate costings.

·  Trans Wilts and its consultants SLC Rail are holding a presentation day on the three potential new stations in Wiltshire, including Wilton Parkway station to potential investors including the SWLEP on Wednesday 15th March in Trowbridge Civic Centre. Cllr Matthews will be attending on behalf of the Town Council

·  The last Tisbury Community Safety Partnership meeting on 14th March 2017, 6pm at the Nadder Centre in Tisbury. The meeting will focus on the subject of Rural Crime and Farm Watch, which is relevant for local communities right across South West Wiltshire. During the meeting there will be an update following South West Wiltshire Area Board’s decision on 1st February 2017 to form a new Community Safety Partnership that will cover all three community areas into the future, working closely alongside our partners in the Police, Fire Service and other agencies. Parish Councils from all 38 parishes within South West Wiltshire will be asked to send a representative to future meetings; more information to follow in due course.

·  Shaftesbury Westminster Memorial Hospital - there is currently a consultation on the proposal to cut beds at this hospital - which may impact on Salisbury District hospital. Please contact the Clerk for more details.

·  The National Plant Monitoring Scheme is looking for more volunteers to help with surveys. For more details, please contact the Clerk.

·  The Wiltshire Pension Fund is currently consulting on its Investment Strategy Statement, with all responses required by 15th March. Please contact the Clerk for further details.

·  The next Area Board meeting is on Wednesday 8th March at the Nadder Centre in Tisbury, and the TC's application for grant funding for £3800 for an additional noticeboard will be considered.

·  Know Your Place - West of England is holding a free mapping workshop in Chippenham Museum and Heritage Centre on Tuesday 14th March from 10.00am to 12.30pm.

·  Highways are holding their annual information meeting for Town & Parish Councils on Tuesday 23rd May at 7.00pm in the City Hall.

·  The Salisbury Transport Strategy refresh workshop will probably be held after the housing sites are published, which is scheduled for June.

·  Election information for prospective Town/Parish and Unitary councillors has been published on the Wiltshire Council website, and is available to download now.