
January 14, 2011

New York Library Association - Public Library Section

Board Meeting

Present: Geoffrey Kirkpatrick, Matthew Bollerman, Kathy Naftaly, Brian Hildreth, James Keller, Lisa Hewel and Bob Devino.

Excused: Sue Considine, Evelyn Butrico, Susan Currie

I. Call to Order,

President Kirkpatrick called the meeting to order at 10:01 am.

II. Treasurer’s Report

G. Kirkpatrick presented for E Butrico presented the current treasurer’s report for December 2010. Ending balance is $31,374.37. As NYLA has changed its fiscal year to July1 to June 30 the December 2010 budget extends for another 6 months. G. Kirkpatrick will check with E. Butrico on the status of the PLS’ donation to the scholarship fund.

M Bollerman moved, seconded by J Keller that PLS donate .$.50 per active member in support of Legislative Day (previously known as Lobby Day), Tuesday, March 1, 2011. So moved. As the amount was $590 the motion was amended to offer an even contribution of $600.

The report was accepted as presented by a motion from J Keller, seconded by K Naftaly.

III. President’s Report

G Kirkpatrick noted that a NYLA Council meeting had not occurred since his ascension as PLS president.

IV. Vice-President’s Report

G Kirkpatrick gave the report for S. Considine.

B Hildreth moved, seconded by J Keller that the Board accept the following suggestions for PLS sessions for the 2011 NYLA Conference:

1.  Legal Issues for Association Libraries

2.  Table Talks/Awards

3.  E-readers, IPADS, Apps, And new devices- successful applications in public libraries, circulating tips, security and management of, etc.- forum/presentation combination

4.  Print free Teen spaces-Creating Interactive study, socializing and learning environments – panel discussion/ forum

5.  Mentoring and Leadership in Public Libraries- Panel discussion/forum

Also: Bard Meeting; Author, Author! (The contract with the Dance Museum and Chris Bohjalian have been signed.)

So moved.

S Considine thanked the Board for the flowers during her recovery from surgery.

J Keller will create Author, Author! event advertisement and B Devino will discuss details with S Considine.

V. Approval of Minutes.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as amended with the correct spelling of Devino on a motion by J Keller, second by B Hildreth.

VI. Committee Reports

B Hildreth reported on membership—1,180 current PLS members as of December 2010. A reminder was sent to lapsed members and iSchools have been approached about PLS ecruiting students with a information packet. Focus will be on August matriculates. B Hildreth asked PLS Board members to try to recruit members from our home areas.

Awards— J. Keller with get information from L Hewel about the awards we give out.

Legislative— G Kirkpatrick was accompanied by Tim Burke at the meeting. The 2010/2011 Legislative priorities recognize that the monetary situation is grim; priorities will be non-fiscally related. First priority is to restore library aid cuts and the second priority is to require public schools to supply public library card applications/information through the schools.

The Legislature will be the focus—ideas such as BOCES and library partnerships and a donation to libraries check-off box on NYS taxes will be pushed.

Lobby Day will now be known as Legislative Day.

Civil Service—G Kirkpatrick reported that the state has accepted online tests for Librarian I, Librarian II and Library Director I. Local municipalities may or may not recognize (or use) these exams.

Public Awareness—J Keller reported no activity in the last seven months.

VII. Old Business

Spring Conference will be Friday, April 15 at Greenburgh Public Library, Elmsford, NY. J Keller will produce and distribute conference flyer by various methods. Cost will be covered pro bono by Queens Public Library. Thank you to that organization.

VIII. New Business

K Naftaly initiated a general discussion of the purpose and production of the Synergy Newsletter. It remains important for membership and marketing. Print and electronic distribution is preferred. One idea was a much shorter publication distributed more often like NYLA’s News You Can Use.

B Devino asked if PLS would again co-sponsor an IFRT with Randy Braun and Gail Weymouth. G Kirkpatrick moved, second J Keller to pay lodging and travel for Gail Weymouth from Sherburne, VT to Saratoga Springs, NY. So moved.

J Keller informed the Board that the 2011 MetLib Annual Conference will be at Queens Library May 15-20, 2011.

B Hildreth moved and J Keller seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 10:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Naftaly, Secretary