Training and Development Opportunity – USGS Office of Organizational and Employee Development (OED) - National Training Center (NTC)
Course Title: Two-dimensional Hydraulic Modeling with SToRM
Dates: 14 August 2017
Start Date and Time: 14 August 2017 at 8:00 AM
End Date and Time: 14 August 2017 at 5:00 PM
Location: US Geological Survey, Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory, 4620 Technology Drive, Suite 400, Golden, CO 80403
Course Registration Deadline: 10 August 2017
Tuition: FREE Non USGS: FREE
Course Description:
SToRM (System for Transport and River Modeling) is an unsteady depth-averaged, two-dimensional surface water numerical model based on triangular control volumes on an unstructured grid configuration. It can be used to simulate the flow of water over natural topography, or in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. It can handle hydraulic jumps and flooding events with wetting and drying, such as dam break flows and overbank flooding. Basic culvert hydraulics are included in SToRM.
SToRM is incorporated in the iRIC hydraulic graphical user interface ( iRIC provides an interactive platform for data pre- and post-processing and visualization, including automated grid generation and model calibration tools. iRIC is easy to use and incorporates other multi-dimensional flow models. Although the other flow models are not covered in the course, they are included in the distribution package, and the basic iRIC training provided will give students enough information to allow easy exploratory incursions into these models.
This course presents the basic hydraulic principles needed to understand SToRM, and employs detailed hands-on tutorials to guide the participants through its use in practical modeling applications with iRIC. This course is intended for hydraulic and environmental engineers, earth scientists, and to any involved in the two-dimensional modeling of surficial hydraulics.
Maximum number of Course Attendees: 16
Course Prerequisites:
Students are not required to have previous experience in two-dimensional modeling, but knowledge of basic hydraulic principles will help to take full advantage of the course. In order to be able to participate in the hands-on exercises, students must bring their own laptops. The minimum computer specifications are:
• Windows XP or later operating system.
• 4 GB RAM or higher.
• Graphics card with a minimum of 500 MB memory.
• CD-ROM or USB port (required to install the course materials).
• 5 GB of free space on hard drive.
• Ability to install new software in the computer (administrative privileges).
• The use of a mouse is recommended.
NTC Primary Contact: Francisco Simoes, , 303-278-7956
Nancy Gregory 303-445-4668 or
This is a one-day course that covers the following topics:
• Basic principles of two-dimensional modeling: what it means and its limitations.
• SToRM model hydrodynamics, numerical approximations, and data requirements.
• Introduction to the iRIC graphical user interface.
• Setting up a SToRM project step by step.
• Preparing and importing DEM data into iRIC.
• Defining model boundaries and grid generation.
• Grid refinement, flow obstructions, and culverts.
• DEM data and grid editing.
• Entering boundary conditions and running the model.
• Model calibration.
• Visualization of model results, including creating animations and exporting data.
The emphasis of the course is on practical model use. A hands-on approach is followed, where students are given practical tutorials covering the multiple uses of SToRM. Real world data is used in these step-by-step tutorials. By the end of the course, students will have gone through all the steps needed to use SToRM in a typical hydraulic modeling project.
The participants will be provided with an installation CD-ROM or USB drive containing the following:
• iRIC 2.3 graphical user interface with the SToRM model. Other models are also included in this package.
• Course presentations and supporting documentation.
• Step-by-step tutorials.
• All the data used in the demonstrations and tutorials.
The materials must be copied on to the participants’ computers.
Although this is a one-day course, students desiring to apply SToRM to their projects can bring their data sets and stay a second day to work with GSTL staff.
DOI LEARN – The Department-wide Learning Management System (LMS)
If you have never logged into DOI LEARN, please first visit the DOI LEARN Portal Page for detailed instructions:
If you do not know if you have an existing account, or have forgotten your username and/or password, please contact the DOI LEARN Help Desk at:
866-466-1998 or
To learn more about DOI LEARN, see FAQs and How-to Tutorials, please visit the Employee and Career Development tab on the Human Capital Website:
If you have any DOI LEARN questions, email:
for assistance.
DOI LEARN Class Registration Instructions:
1. Go to the DOI LEARN Portal Page at:
2. Click on “Have an Account? Login Here” on the right side of the screen and enter your username and password.
3. Once logged in, first verify your Profile is set up correctly, including your time zone and assigned supervisor(s). Under the “My Home” tab, click on “Update My Profile,” “Update My Supervisor,” and/or “Update My Time Zone” then click on “My Profile” and update as needed. If any changes were made click “Save” and then click on “Close Record.”
4. While still under the “My Home” tab, click on “Search the Catalog” and “Register for a Course.”
5. The new catalog page appears. Click on, “Click here to continue on to the Catalog.” NOTE: this area will be updated as changes are made to the system; and wording and links may be different at this step than described here.
6. Once you are in the catalog, in the “Search For:” field, enter the exact course title and click “Go” . . . . . the Advanced Search option is also available for a more specific search on the course code, description, etc.
7. If more than one course appears, scroll through the list until you find the course you are looking for. NOTE: there may be multiple pages.
8. Click on the “Details” tab for general course information. Click on the “Scheduled Classes” tab for specific class information and “Enroll” when ready. If supervisor approval is required, you must first select the scheduled class, click on “Submit Request” and then click “Begin” to go to the Learning Request form. Complete and click “Submit.” An auto-generated email will be sent to the supervisor listed in your profile asking them to approve using the Approval Manager.
If supervisor approval is not required, simply select the scheduled class you wish to attend and click on “Enroll in this Class.” NOTE: In both situations, an auto-generated email is sent to you and your assigned supervisor(s) with detailed information. If you did not have the correct supervisor(s) assigned, the auto-generated email cannot be resent and you must then update your profile and verbally notify the correct supervisor(s) that you need a Learning Request handled. NOTE: if you are not seeing any scheduled classes to enroll in, please go back to the “Details” tab and see who is listed under “Contact” for additional information.
9. To check the status of your pending learning request(s) or to see what classes you have self-enrolled in, go to the “My Home” tab and click into “View My Training Requests” and/or “Access My Elective Training” areas. If you or your supervisor(s) are unsure on how to complete any of these steps, please visit our FAQs and How-to Tutorials on the Employee and Career Development tab of the Human website:
Registration Instructions for Non DOI, Other Federal Agencies and Cooperators:
Some scheduled classes are available to non-USGS personnel on a space available basis. Non Department of Interior (DOI) personnel, Other Federal Agencies (OFAs), State and Local Government Agencies, and American and Alaska Tribal Governments must complete a non DOI course application at the following link:
USGS Cooperators may attend if space is available. Employees of private companies and/or consultants are eligible to attend only if they meet the status of a cooperator as verified by the host USGS office.