VOCABULARY LIST # 15: “Rape of the Lock”
- prevails [pree VAYLZ] v. to be most common or frequent
- tediousness [TEE dee uhs nuhs] n. dullness due to long length or slowness
- intrusion [in TROO zhuhn] n. an inappropriate or unwelcome addition
- languish [LAN gwish] v. become weak; lose strength
- vernal [VER nuhl] adj. of or relating to the spring; occurring in the spring
- autumnal [aw TUM nuhl] adj. of or relating to the fall; occurring in the fall
- transient [TRAN zee uhnt] adj. temporary; passing
- excursion [ek SKER zhuhn] n. an outing
- procured [proh KYOORD] v. got; obtained through some effort
- diversion [di VER zhhun] n. something that relaxes the mind or entertains
- malevolence [muh LEV uh luhns] n. wishing evil on others
- discretion [di SKRESH uhn] n. the ability to decide responsibly
- affluence [AF loo uhns] n. abundant wealth
- contentious [kuhn TEN shuhs] adj. quarrelsome
- embellishments [em BEL ish muhnts] n. decorative touches; ornamentation
VOCABULARY LIST # 15: “Rape of the Lock”
- prevails [pree VAYLZ] v. to be most common or frequent
- tediousness [TEE dee uhs nuhs] n. dullness due to long length or slowness
- intrusion [in TROO zhuhn] n. an inappropriate or unwelcome addition
- languish [LAN gwish] v. become weak; lose strength
- vernal [VER nuhl] adj. of or relating to the spring; occurring in the spring
- autumnal [aw TUM nuhl] adj. of or relating to the fall; occurring in the fall
- transient [TRAN zee uhnt] adj. temporary; passing
- excursion [ek SKER zhuhn] n. an outing
- procured [proh KYOORD] v. got; obtained through some effort
- diversion [di VER zhhun] n. something that relaxes the mind or entertains
- malevolence [muh LEV uh luhns] n. wishing evil on others
- discretion [di SKRESH uhn] n. the ability to decide responsibly
- affluence [AF loo uhns] n. abundant wealth
- contentious [kuhn TEN shuhs] adj. quarrelsome
- embellishments [em BEL ish muhnts] n. decorative touches; ornamentation
VOCABULARY LIST # 15: “Rape of the Lock”
- prevails [pree VAYLZ] v. to be most common or frequent
- tediousness [TEE dee uhs nuhs] n. dullness due to long length or slowness
- intrusion [in TROO zhuhn] n. an inappropriate or unwelcome addition
- languish [LAN gwish] v. become weak; lose strength
- vernal [VER nuhl] adj. of or relating to the spring; occurring in the spring
- autumnal [aw TUM nuhl] adj. of or relating to the fall; occurring in the fall
- transient [TRAN zee uhnt] adj. temporary; passing
- excursion [ek SKER zhuhn] n. an outing
- procured [proh KYOORD] v. got; obtained through some effort
- diversion [di VER zhhun] n. something that relaxes the mind or entertains
- malevolence [muh LEV uh luhns] n. wishing evil on others
- discretion [di SKRESH uhn] n. the ability to decide responsibly
- affluence [AF loo uhns] n. abundant wealth
- contentious [kuhn TEN shuhs] adj. quarrelsome
- embellishments [em BEL ish muhnts] n. decorative touches; ornamentation