Bluefish Swim Club
C & C Swimming, Inc.
P.O. Box 726, Attleboro, MA. 02703
Bluefish Office: 508-455-2791 Bluefish Fax: 508-455-2792
Bluefish Raynham Office: 508-823-1913Website:
E-mail: Christie: or Darlene :
Cell Phone: Christie 617-448-0777
Bluefish Swim School Class Schedule Summer 2017
Cumberland High School (CHS):
Summer 2017 Schedule: Starting Sat July 1st – Aug 19th(8weeks)
New Members Only: $10 Registration Fee
Once a week: all 30 minutes classes $115, 45 minutes classes (level 3 & 4) $140
Twice a week: 30 minutes classes $175, 45 minute classes $210 2nd day at other location
Discount :Only one discount applies per family: 3 or more in program = 10%; 4 in program = 20%
Cumberland High School (CHS):
Summer 2017 Schedule: Saturday Mornings
Time / Saturday10 / One Fish
10:30am / Level 1
11:00am / Level 2
11:30-12:15pm / Level 3
Level 4
Cumberland High School (CHS):
SUMMER 2017Schedule:CHS Afternoons
TIME / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday5:30pm
Bluefish Swim Club
C & C Swimming, Inc.
P.O. Box 726, Attleboro, MA. 02703
Bluefish Office: 508-455-2791 Bluefish Fax: 508-455-2792
Bluefish Raynham Office: 508-823-1913 Website:
E-mail: Christie: or Darlene :
Cell Phone: Chuck 617-678-0964 or Christie 617-448-0777
Registration Information Summer 2017
Cumberland High School (CHS):
We are offering a 8 week Summer session starting July 1st– Aug 19th. Cost for the session is as follows: Lessons meeting ONCE A WEEK for 30 minutes (One Fish, Level 1 & Level 2) cost is $115. Forty five minute lessons Level 3 and Level 4 classes are $140 for ONCE AWEEK. NEW BIG DISCOUNT FOR TWICE A WEEK program the total cost to $175 and $210 respectively
***Please make checks payable to C & C Swimming, Inc. P.O. Box 726, Attleboro MA, 02703 ***
TO REGISTER: TO REGISTER:Visit our website, and register ON LINE. Bluefish’s separate swim lesson webpage is: Please click lessons tab, then click link to at bottom of page, click “sign-up tab”. If you do not have a computer, please come to one of the registration days below and our staff will assist you. If you have any questions, e-mail us at , or call the Bluefish Raynham office phone at 508-823-1913. If you have any questions, e-mail us (Director Darlene), (Head Coach Christie), or call the Bluefish Raynham office phone at 508-823-1913
MAKE UP DAYS–You are allowed ONE make up per session. Make up will be held at the ATTLEBORO location weeknights the week of Aug 14th from 5-7pm
WEATHER CANCELATIONS: We do cancel for severe weather that creates unsafe driving conditions. Please call the Raynham office 508-823-1913 and the voicemail will indicate whether class has been canceled at which facility.
Children from 3-6 years old:
- ONE FISH: Intro to basic breathing drills, blowing bubbles, floating & kicking.
Children from 3 years and older:
- LEVEL 1: Learning floating, kicking and basic breathing drills. (Lesson Group Twofish Register for this class)
- LEVEL 2: Intro to rotary breathing, freestyle and backstroke. (Lesson Group Threefish Register for this class)
- LEVEL 3: Continued development of freestyle and backstroke. Learning to swim 50 yards of either stroke. Emphasis on mastery of rotary breathing.
- LEVEL 4: Development of all four competitive strokes – freestyle, backstroke, breastroke and butterfly. Intro to flip turns and racing dives. When children graduate from this class they will be invited to join our beginning competitive swim team the Goldfish Group.
Thank you for your continued patronage,
Christie Batchelor, Darlene Dusseault, and the Entire Bluefish Staff