Chairman: Ian Vigus Clerk: Mrs Jill Larcombe
Musehill Farm 6 The Old School
Oakford Chapel Street
Tiverton Tiverton
EX16 9HA EX16 6ND
Tel 01398 341256 Tel 01884 252647
These minutes might be subject to slight alteration
The Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th March 2017 at Allways End Methodist Hall at 7.30pm
Present: Cllr’s I Vigus (Chair), D Barber, C Gillett, R Gibson, R Milton, Mrs H Warne and Miss R Warne..
In attendance: County Cllr J Yabsley, eleven members of the public and the Clerk,
Mrs J Larcombe.
150/03/17. To receive apologies. Apologies were accepted from Cllr D Barber and
received from District Cllr E Ley.
151/03/17. Disclosure of interests in items on the agenda. There were no disclosures.
152/03/17. To agree the minutes of the meetings held on the 8th and 15th February
2017 as true records of the meeting. The minutes were accepted as true
records of the meetings and were duly signed by the Chairman.
153/03/17. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered on the agenda. There were
no matters arising.
154/03/17. County Cllr Report. It was agreed to include this item at this point in the
meeting so that Cllr Yabsley could leave to attend another meeting. Cllr
Yabsley said he now had £500 in his Locality Fund as another organisation
was not able to take up their funding. He has sent an application to the Clerk so
the Parish Council can apply for the funding towards a replacement springie for
the play area. The Clerk will complete the form tonight and return it to Cllr
Yabsley immediately. He will be meeting with the Highways Officer on Friday to
look at highways issues in his ward. It was reported that the ditch on the road
before New Park Farm floods and the patching work that was carried out
recently at Broomball Lane is breaking up. There have been a lot of reports of
potholes this year and only £18,000 is left from the £137,000 budget for his
ward. The County Council share of the council tax will be increasing by £5, £3
of which will be for social care.
Cllr Ley will let the Parish Council know when something happens about the
decision for the planning application at Blackerton.
Cllr Yabsley left the meeting.
155/03/17. Planning for the Village Fete.
Standing Orders were suspended for this item to allow members of the
public to take part in the discussion.
The provisional date for the fete is Saturday 15th July.
Cllr Barber’s contribution will be minimal this year.
Stewards will be needed on the day and volunteers will be needed to help set
everything up prior to the event. Some residents from Blackerton offered their
A generator will need to be hired and the cost will be about £150.
The fete will be organised in a similar way to 2016. Mrs Wynn will organise the
Dog Show.
It was suggested money raised could go to the Air Ambulance.
It was suggested asking the hunt to do the catering. They will also be asked if
their marquee is available to use on the day.
156/03/17. Public Question Time. There were no questions from members of the public.
157/03/17. Planning
a) To make a recommendation on any planning applications received by
the council before the meeting. There were no applications.
b) To note any decisions made on planning applications by NDC.
62412 Construction of clear span building for rearing young poultry. Hillands,
East Anstey has been withdrawn.
c) Any other planning matters. There were no other planning matters.
158/03/17. Highways
a) To note, for reporting to DCC/SCC, any highways problems and to note
works that have been carried out. This was discussed under item 154/03/17.
b) Any other highways issues. No other highways issues.
159/03/17. To receive the following reports:
a) District Cllr. No report.
b) Police. No report. PCSO Bray is on maternity leave.
160/03/17. Finance: to approve invoices for payment. It was resolved to make the
following payment: Mrs J Larcombe - £173.60 Clerk’s salary and expenses
(Chq no 250).
161/03/17. Play Area
a) Any points to note from the weekly inspections. Cllr Mrs Warne said
there were no points to note from her inspections.
b) To agree who will carry out inspections for the next month. Cllr Miss
Warne will carry out the inspections for the next month.
c) Any other matters arising. There were no other matters arising.
162/03/17. To discuss how Robert Blake and Peter Wood will be commemorated in
the parish. It was agreed to find out the cost of purchasing a picnic bench
and a seat for the Village Green. In the longer term there could be a memorial
in a community hall. if one was built.
163/03/17. Installation of the defibrillator – to decide how to proceed because there
is no electricity supply to the phone box. There is no longer an electricity
supply to the phone box. The supply is usually decommissioned at any point
up to five years after BT passes on ownership of a phone box. It would cost
about £3000 for Western Power Distribution to provide a new supply and the
Parish Council would also have to pay for trenches to be dug. It was agreed to
apply to the Batsworthy Wind Farm Community Fund for a grant to provide an
electricity supply to the phone box and playing field. The Methodist Church
will also be asked if they would give permission for the defibrillator to be
installed on Allways End Methodist Hall.
163/03/17. Update on possible recommendation for someone under thirty years old
to fill the vacancy on the Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Fund
Grants Panel. A young person is willing to sit on the panel and their details
will be passed onto the Devon Community Foundation.
164/03/17. Devon Air Ambulance; Cllr Barber to report on site meeting to discuss
night landing sites. Cllr Barber reported he had met with representatives of
Devon Air Ambulance to look at suitable sites. The Village Green is not big
enough as night landing sites need to be at least 50 sqm. The adjoining field
has a power line in it which would have to be remove before it could be used.
The cost to take down the line and lay it underground would be £16,000 and
this makes it unviable. It was suggested the field opposite Blakes Coaches,
which is owned by the Church, could be a suitable site. The Church will need
to be asked for permission.
165/03/17. To discuss whether a new community facility is required in the parish. It
is very likely that Allways End Methodist Hall will remain for community use for
the foreseeable future, and remain in the ownership of the Methodist Church.
It was suggested that land should be purchased for parking. It was agreed
that the issue of a community hall would be put on hold for the time being
while the Council completed other projects.
166/03/17. Matters Brought Forward at the Discretion of the Chairman. No matters
brought forward.
167/03/17. Correspondence received by the Parish Council. No other
correspondence was received.
168/03/17. Date of the next meeting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th
April at 7.30pm.
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