Mississippi Library Leadership Institute 2014

April 2-4, 2014 July 16-18, 2014 October 22-24, 2014 January 14-16, 2015


Participation in the Mississippi Library Leadership Institute is limited to thirty (30) individuals selected through a competitive application process. Applicantcompletes sections 1-4; direct reporting authority (Director, Dean, Principal, Provost, Administrative Library Board of Trustees Chair, etc.) completes section 5.

A completed Mississippi Library Leadership Institute application packet must include:

☐Completed application form

☐Answers to four essay questions

☐Letter of support from the applicant’s Director / Dean / Principal


Mail completed packet to:

Mississippi Library Commission

Attn: Jennifer Walker – Library Leadership Institute Review

3881 Eastwood Drive

Jackson, MS 39211

Nominations MUST be postmarked by January 17, 2014.

  1. Personal Information

Name / Email
Home Phone / Work Phone
  1. Professional Information

Name of Library Where Currently Employed
Position & Branch or Library Department / Years in This Position
Street Number or P.O. Box of Library / City / State
MS / Zip
Name of Director / Dean / Principal Name / Phone

Check one:

☐I have an American Library Association (ALA) accredited Masters degree in Library Science.

School & Date received:.

☐Iam currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited Masters degree program in Library Science with a scheduledcompletion date of .

  1. Essay Questions

Attach a document addressing the following four (4) topics. Limit the response to each topic to 500 words or less.

a)Professional Experience & Goals– Describe your past library experience and employment. Discuss your current library including type, number of employees, operating budget, services provided, and customers served. Describe your current job responsibilities and your futureprofessional ambitions.

b)Professional Activities & Community Service– List any professional activities including awards, honors, memberships, workshops, projects, etc. in which you are or have been involved. Include volunteer service and/or community groups with whom you are involved.

c)Statement of Interest – Describe why you want to attend the Mississippi Library Leadership Institute and how participation in the Institute will impact your contribution to your library and community.

d)Statement of Vision – What is your vision of outstanding library service? What changes you would you make in the field of librarianship over the next three to five years if you were given the opportunity, resources, and authority?In your opinion, what is the most pressing issue facinglibrarianship in the second decade of the 21st Century?

  1. Applicant Signature

I hereby certify the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.I agree if selected to attend the orientation and all four (4) Institute sessions; to complete readings and assignments; to design, develop, and implement a community leadership project for my library; and to take an increasingly active role in Mississippi library community and local community initiatives.

Signature of ApplicantDate

  1. Director /Dean / Principal Signature

I have reviewed this application and certify the answers as they pertain to this library are correct. I am including with this application a letter of support*. If applicant is selected, I agree to allow theindividual to attendthe orientation and all four Institute sessions on library time; to allow theindividual time to complete Institute assignments; and to allow the individual to design, develop, and implement a community leadership project to benefit the library.

Signature of Director / Dean / PrincipalDate

*Letter of Support – Each applicant must submit a letter of support from his/her current library Director,Dean, Principal, or other direct reporting authority. The letter should address the potential of the individual in terms of library and community leadership; the exceptional and consistent work performance exhibited by the individual; and willingness of the individual to be adaptive, flexible and to think about library services in creative, user-centric ways. (The letter of support should be no morethan one page.)

Made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services December 2013