The ______of Christ:

  1. He had ______parents
  2. He was ______of a ______, a ______(Matt. 1:18; 12:47; 13:55; John 1:14; Gal. 4:4)
  3. He was subject to the ordinary ______(Luke 2:40, 46, 52) ( The fact that Christ possessed divine ______does not ______against a perfectly ______development)
  4. He was ______a ______(John 4:9)
  5. He possessed a human, physical nature: ______, ______/______(John 1:14; Heb. 2:14; Luke 23:46; 24:39)
  6. He was subject to the “______” of human nature
  • He got ______(Matt. 4:2)
  • He ______(Matt. 8:24)
  • He felt ______(Matt. 23:37)
  • He desired ______(Matt. 26:36, 40)

The ______of Christ:

  1. Divine ______are given to him… He is called God (John 1:1; 1Peter 1:8; John 20:28; Titus 2:13)
  2. He is called the ______(Matt. 8:29; Mark 1:1; 14:61, 62; Luke 22:70)
  3. He is called ______(Acts 4:33; Luke 2:11; Matt. 22:43-45)
  4. He is to be ______(Rev. 22:8-9; John 20:28; Matt. 14:33; 2Cor. 12:8-10)
  5. He possesses the ______of deity
  • ______(John 1:1; 8:58; 17:5; Phil. 2:6; Col. 1:16-17)
  • ______and life-giving power (John 5:21-26; 10:17-18)
  • ______(Heb. 13:8)
  • All the ______of the ______dwells in him (Col. 2:4)
  1. Divine ______are his
  • He is the ______(John 1:3; Col. 1:16)
  • He ______all things (Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3)
  • He has the ______to ______(Mark 2:5-10; Luke 7:48)
  • He is the ______(John 6:39-40, 54; 11:25)
  • He is the ______of all mankind (John 5:22; 2Tim. 4:1)

The ______of Christ:

  1. The ______of Christ
  • The incarnation was for the purpose of the ______(Heb. 2:14; 1John 3:5; Matt. 20:28)
  • The ______theme of the scriptures (1Peter 1:11-12)
  • The ______theme of the gospel (1Cor. 15:1-3)
  • The ______in ______(Rev. 5:8-12)
  1. Four biblical descriptions of the death of Christ:
  • As a ______(Matt. 20:28; 1Peter 1:18; 1Tim. 2:6; Gal. 3:13)
  • As ______(______) (Rom. 3:25; 1John 2:2; Heb. 2:17)
  • As ______(Rom. 5:10; 2Cor. 5:18, 19; Eph. 2:16). Active reconciliation: Removing barriers between God and man. Passive reconciliation: A change of attitude and disposition on our part toward God.
  • As ______His life was given for ours. (Isa. 53:6; 1Peter 2:24; 3:18; 2Cor. 5:21)

The ______of Christ:

  1. Jesus ______(John 19:33-37; Matt. 27:57-58; Rev. 1:18)
  2. Jesus was ______from the dead
  • The fact of an ______(Matt. 28:6; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:3, 12; John 20:1, 2)
  • Those who ______him ______the resurrection (John 20:27; Luke 24: 37-39)
  • ______staked his life and ministry on the resurrection (1Cor. 15)
  • Christ’s ______before and after the resurrection (Luke 24:39; Rev. 1:18)
  • Peter’s testimony ______(he was at the tomb) (Acts 2:24-32; 1Peter 1:3, 21; 3:21)

The ______of Christ:

  1. He has entered heaven as a ______(Heb. 6:20)
  2. He has gone to ______for his people (John 14:2)
  3. He is now ______before God on ______(Heb. 9:24)
  4. He has taken his place at the ______(Heb. 10:12-13)