1. Research Project Information
- All fields are compulsory in this section
- The Short Title of Research Project field is restricted to 100 characters (including spaces)
- The Descriptive Title of Research Project field is restricted to 2 000 characters (including spaces) and should be a clearer description of what the research is about, therefore expanding on the Short Title.
1.1Applicant's Proposed Institution
1.2 Short Title of Research Project
1.3 Research Project Start Year
20181.4 Research Project End Year
1.5 Required Funding Period
6-12 months1.6Descriptive Title of Research Project
2000 charectersThe Descriptive Title of Research Project field is restricted to 2 000 characters (including spaces) and should be a clearer description of what the research is about, therefore expanding on the Short Title.
1.7 Has this research project previously been funded by the NRF?
Yes or no2. Academic Achievements
- Please calculate your accumulated grade average for all subjects in final year of previous degree as well as the average for your major subjects in the final year of your previous degree and indicate the year that your previous degree was completed.
- If your academic record does not have percentages and you have passed your degree, please enter the word “pass” in the two cumulative grade point average fields below.
2.1 Cumulative grade point average percentage for all subjects of previous degree (e.g 65 or pass)
2.2 Cumulative grade point average percentage for major subjects in the final year of previous degree (e.g 65 or pass)
2.3 Year in which previous degree was completed
3. Details of Research
3.1 Description of the problem statement informing the proposal.
5000 charecters3.2 Rationale and Literature Review
- Description of rationale including a literature review with references.
15000 characters
3.3 Aims and Objectives
- Description of the aims and objectives of the study.
5000 characters
3.4 Methodology and Proposed Research Plan
- Research methodology, work plan and project organisation.
15000 charecters
3.5 Anticipated outputs
- Anticipated realistic outputs of the research such as publications, poster and/or oral conference presentation.
5000 charecters
3.6 Potential impact
- Potential for socio-economic impact of the research in South Africa.
- In addition, Doctoral and Doctoral abroad applicants must demonstrate the novelty and scientific contribution to new knowledge. Where applicable multi-disciplinary aspect of the project must be described. Potential for socio-economic impact of the research in South Africa.
5000 characters
3.7 Alignment to National Strategies
- Alignment with one or more National Research Strategies.
5000 characters
4. Science engagement
- Indicate how you intend to communicate and engage with the wider community on the significance of your research in an effort to bridge the gap between science and society.
- Please provide a brief description of the science engagement activity you intend to undertake. You can choose a category from the dropdown list provided.
- You can add more than one
Community engagementMedia
Policy interface
School interaction
5. References
- Please consult with the Call documents to determine the compulsory number of references that need to be added.
- Please note that if an insufficient number of references is submitted, the application will not be processed for reviewing.
- Doctoral Scholarship applicants: Support from the Masters Supervisor, identified Doctoral supervisor and referee.
Title / Surname / Initials / First name / Department / Faculty / Organisation where based / Email address / Role
6. Preferred Panel
- Select a panel from the 'primary panel' drop-down list below to indicate the panel in which your application should be assessed. (will depend on your discipline)
6.1 Primary Panel
6.2 Secondary panel
7. Person history
- Proof of NSFAS or University financial aid scheme must be attached.
7.1 Previous Studies funded by
- Pick the appropriate
NSFAS bursary
NSFAS loan
University Financial Aid
Family funded
Self funded
Other Government departments
International donor funds
Not funded from any other source
7.2 Current degree funding
NSFAS bursaryNSFAS loan
University Financial Aid
Family funded
Self funded
Other Government departments
International donor funds
Not funded from any other source
8. Financials: Operating costs
- The budget should reflect only the NRF contribution regarding the Operating Costs as defined in the Call documents.
- All requested funding must relate directly to the proposed research project, as requested from the NRF.
8.1 Lecturer replacement
Motivation / 1000 characters
8.2 Running costs
(Can be more than one but within your budget)
Motivation / 1000 characters
9. Attachments
- Proof of duration of full-time, permanent or fixed-term contract of employment.