Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting Held June14, 2016

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mt. Morris met in Regular Session in the Board Room

of Village Hall in said Village at 7:00 PM on Tuesday June 14, 2016.

The Village Presidentcalled the meeting to order and directed the acting Clerk to call the roll.

Upon roll being called, the following answered present: Don Sorensen,Jon Murray, Shane Pope, Phil Labash and Jeff Pennington. Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Pope seconded the motion to excuse Trustee Harvey. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

Rob LeSageand Corey Buck were not present.

VISITORS: Dave Warkins, Dave Saunders, Jerry Stauffer, Stan Ballard, Dan Leupkes, Ken Foss, Stephen Page, Joanne & Nelson Miller, Ferol Labash, Kelly & Bruce Denton, Howie Herman, Jeff Bold, Vicky Finfrock, Tonya Koper Bower & daughter, Chris Corcoran and Kerry Beckingham.

MINUTES: TrusteePenningtonmoved and TrusteeSorensenseconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Presidentdeclared said motion carried.



CURRENT BILLS: TrusteeLabash moved and Trustee Sorensenseconded the motion to accept the current bills as presented with the addition of $2739.00 for ammunition to Armscor and $610.00 to Zac’s Sealcoat for tennis court repairs. Upon roll being called, all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.


PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS: Stan Ballard came before the Board to question the wording in the text amendment change to Ordinance 04-02-16 Title 5, Chapter 3, Section 5-3-12. The Ordinance refers to 10 acres can be row cropped. He would like to see it changed to 12 acres as he thought there was a consensus of the Board that it read 12 acres. Ballard asks some of the Board members if they understood what they were actually voting on? Trustee Pennington responded that he felt that there was so much conversation back and forth with both 10 and 12 acres being discussed that he could understand if there was some confusion. Dan Leupkes spoke and said he agreed with Trustee Pennington and wasn’t sure if it was stated definitively. Ballard asks at this time for the change and that the Board also strike and eliminate R-2 zoning from the amendment. Village President Elsasser said he would get with the attorney.


WATER: No Report.

SEWER: Trustee Pennington came before the Board to discuss a new hire for the Sewer Dept. He said that money has been budgeted at an hourly rate of $15.00 per hr. Would like to put an SEWER CONT: ad in the local papers and on-line. Trustee Labash asks about working with the colleges. Village President Elsasser said that he has spoken with someone from Eastern. Pennington also said that he would like to see a more formal job description written for both the water and sewer depts. Pennington said he has a rough draft and will present that to the Board for their opinions. He would also like to see rate changes in water, hookup fees, deposit fees etc. He will forward his recommendations at a later date to the Board. Trustee Labash would like to see some comparisons from neighboring towns.

FIRE HYDRANT PAINTIG: Tonya Koper Bower came before the Board to discuss the painting of the fire hydrants and what a great thing it is for not only kids but adults to do. Ken Foss of McKendrie Street Café came before the Board to seek permission to extend the contest until the last Friday Night Concert in August and announce the winner at that time. Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Pennington seconded the motion to approve the Fire Hydrant Contest extension until the last Friday Night Concert in August. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Village President declared said motion carried.

FINANCE: Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Pope seconded the motion to adopt the Prevailing Wage Act under Ordinance 06-01-16. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Village President declared said motion carried.

OREGON PARK DISTRICT: Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Pope seconded the motion to approve the agreement with the Oregon Park District and the Village of Mt. Morris as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Village President declared said motion carried.

REMINDER: Trustee Labash reminds Board of the Appropriation Hearing to be held at 7:15 PM at the next Board meeting.

PARK & RECREATION: Trustee Pope reports that the Dillehay shelter is almost complete. Trustee Pope moved and Trustee Murray seconded the motion to approve the Memorial Bench for Joyce and Don Cox to be placed in Dillehay donated by their family. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

POLICE DEPT: Trustee Sorensen moved and Trustee Pennington seconded the motion to hire David Gerard as a part-time police officer at the hourly rate of $16.17 per hour. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

ORDINANCE: Trustee Murray reports that he will place an ad in the local papers for the ordinance enforcement officer.

PUBLIC PROPERTY: Trustee Murray reports that the plaque honoring Warren Reckmeyer for his years as the Kable Band Concert Director will be presented at the first concert on June 15th. Plaque will be mounted on the north side of the band shell. Jerry Stauffer reports that the additional three street lights have been ordered.




There beingno further business to come before this Board, TrusteePenningtonmoved and Trustee Murrayseconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:22PM. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

The next regular Village Board Meeting will be held onJune 28, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Village Board Room.


Paula Diehl, Village Clerk Dan Elsasser, Village President