Rockville FFA Chapter Officer Responsibilities

I. Chapter officers serve a vital function in the FFA organization. The general duties for each officer include but are not limited to the following:

A. The President is symbolized by the rising sun. The President’s duties include:

1. Appointing special committees and serving on them as ex-officio member.

2. Coordinating chapter activities.

3. Evaluating the progress of the POA (program of activities) committee.

4. Representing the chapter in official and public relation events.

5. Agenda for meetings (both) to be e-mailed to Advisor at least the day before meeting.

B. The Vice-President is symbolized by the plow. This officer’s duties are to:

1. Assume all duties of the president if necessary.

2. Develop the POA and serves as ex-officio member on all committees.

3. Coordinate all committee work.

4. Establish and maintain the chapter resource file (including POA)

5. Makes sure POA is displayed in hallway.

6. National Chapter Award Application

C. The Secretary is symbolized by the ear of corn. The Secretary’s duties include:

1. Preparing and posting meeting agenda.

2. Preparing, presenting and posting meeting minutes (chapter and/or exec.) Hole punches them and puts into officer mailboxes within two days of meeting.

3. Placing all committee reports in designated area.

4. Being responsible for chapter correspondence.

5. Maintaining member attendance and activity records.

6. Keeping POA wall chart current.

7. Preparing materials for each meeting.

8. Displays Chapter meeting minutes within two days in hallway.

Examples of Correspondence: Sends thank you letters to:

Administration that came to our picnic

State officer that comes to Welcome Freshmen Picnic

Any dignitaries that attend Picnic.

Board of Ed presentations- sends letter thanking for opportunity to present

Banquet dignitaries in attendance

D. The Treasurer is symbolized by the bust of Washington. This officer’s duties are to:

1. Gets FFA balance from Ms. Hasel at least a day before the FFA meetings.

2. Present monthly Treasurer’s reports at meetings.

3. Assists the Advisor with preparing and submitting membership roster.

6. Serve as chairperson for the Finance Committee if possible.

E. The Reporter is symbolized by the American Flag. The Reporter’s duties are to:

1. Plan public information programs with radio, TV, and news media.

2. Send news releases to local and regional media.

3. Publish a chapter newsletter.

4. Prepare and maintain a chapter scrapbook.

5. Send stories to area, district, and state FFA reporters.

6. Serve as chapter photographer.

F. The Sentinel is symbolized by the handshake. The Sentinel’s responsibilities include:

1. Assisting the president in maintaining order.

2. Keeping the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition.

3. Greeting guests and visitors.

4. Keeping the meeting room comfortable.

5. Taking charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.

6. Assisting with special features and refreshments.

7. Set up and take down/clean up of all chapter events (CDE’s , Picnics, Open Houses)

8. Following up the next day- Example: If something needs to be washed the next day

9. Set up for FFA meetings- setting up cart with Committee folders, setting committee binders out in order on agenda in front row of auditorium, handing out agendas, setting out the officer plaques.

G. The Historian

1. Maintains the chapter’s scrapbook

2. Assists reporter in providing photography for chapter needs.

3. Prepare displays of chapter activities and submit stories to the media.

4. Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter’s history.

H. The Parliamentarian –

1. Knows rules on questions of parliamentary procedure

2. Conduct parli-pro workshops at the chapter level.

3. Rule on all questions of parliamentary conduct at chapter meetings.

I. The Advisor

1. Is the liaison between the officer team and the Ag Department Teachers

2. Supports the officer team when needed

3. Keeps track of dates of events and meetings- reminds team of calendar

4. Plans the summer officer training

5. Supports the nominating committee

Officer Expectations

1. Study the latest edition of the FFA Manual and Student Handbook

2. Promote practices that will assist in making a good chapter.

3. Be regular in attendance at all FFA activities.

4. Know your duties and fulfill them.

5. Be neat in your dress and personal appearance.

6. Use good judgment. Assemble facts and figures before meetings.

7. Acknowledge courtesies extended to you or your chapter.

8. Develop good communication techniques.

9. Pass all of your classes.

10. Attend all Executive committee meetings.