Curriculum Vitae - Christopher F. Steiner


Department of Biological Sciences


Biological Sciences Bldg., Office #3121

5047 Gullen Mall

Detroit, MI 48202, USA


Phone: 313-577-0728 (office); 313-577-6797 (lab)

FAX: 313-577-3602

Academic and Professional History

2008Assistant Professor, WayneStateUniversity, Department of Biological Sciences

2005-2008Postdoctoral Research Associate, MichiganStateUniversity, W. K. Kellogg

Biological Station. (Advisor: Christopher Klausmeier)

2004-2005Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois, Department of Animal

Biology. (Advisor: Carla Cáceres)

2002-2004Postdoctoral Research Associate, RutgersUniversity, Department of Ecology,

Evolution and Natural Resources. (Advisor: Peter Morin)

2001Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Chicago, Department of Ecology

and Evolution. (Advisor: Mathew Leibold)

2001Ph. D., MichiganStateUniversity, W. K. Kellogg Biological Station, Department

of Zoology, and the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Program.

(Advisor: Gary Mittelbach)

1992B. S., University of California, Los Angeles.

Major: Biology with concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior

Magna Cum Laude, College Honors, Departmental Honors (Undergraduate

Research Advisors: Martin Cody and Henry Hespenheide)

Grants, Fellowships, and Awards

2002-2004National Science Foundation, Microbial Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship,


2000MichiganStateUniversity, Dissertation Completion Fellowship

1998Sigma Xi, Grant-in-Aid of Research

1994-1999N.S.F. Research Training Grant, Graduate Fellowship, Kellogg Biological Station

1994-1998Michigan State University, Distinguished Fellowship

1996-1997George Lauff Research Award, Kellogg Biological Station

1994College of Natural Science Doctoral Recruiting Fellowship, MichiganState University

1994Honorable Mention, N.S.F. Predoctoral Fellowship


Waide, R. B., M. R. Willig, C. F. Steiner, G. G. Mittelbach, L. Gough, S. I. Dodson, G. P.

Juday, and R. Parmenter. 1999. The relationship between primary productivity and

species richness. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 30: 257-300.

Mittelbach, G. G., C. F. Steiner, S. M. Scheiner, K. L. Gross, H. L. Reynolds, R. B.

Waide, M. R. Willig, and S. I. Dodson. 2001. What is the observed relationship between

species richness and productivity? Ecology 82: 2381-2396.

Steiner, C. F. 2001. The effects of prey heterogeneity and consumer identity on the limitation of

trophic-level biomass. Ecology 82: 2495-2506.

Steiner, C. F. 2002. Context-dependent effects of Daphnia pulex on pond ecosystem function:

observational and experimental evidence. Oecologia 131: 549-558.

Steiner, C. F. 2003. Variable dominance in pond communities: assessing spatiotemporal variation

in competition and predation intensity. Ecology 84: 982-990.

Steiner, C. F. 2003. Keystone predator effects and grazer control of planktonic primary production. Oikos 101: 569-577.

Steiner, C. F., and A. H. Roy. 2003. Seasonal succession in fishless ponds: effects of enrichment

and invertebrate predation on zooplankton community structure. Hydrobiologia 490: 125-134.

Mittelbach, G. G., S. M. Scheiner, and C. F. Steiner. 2003. What is the observed relationship between

species richness and productivity: reply. Ecology 84: 3390-3395.

Steiner, C. F., and M. A. Leibold. 2004. Cyclic assembly trajectories and scale-dependent productivity-diversity

relationships. Ecology 85: 107-113.

Steiner, C. F. 2004. Daphnia dominance and zooplankton community structure in fishless ponds.

Journal of Plankton Research 26: 799-810.

Petchey, O., A. L. Downing, G. G. Mittelbach, L. Persson, C. F. Steiner, P. Warren, and G. Woodward. 2004.

Species loss and the structure and functioning of multitrophic aquatic systems. Oikos 104: 467-478.

Mittelbach, G. G., T. L. Darcy-Hall, N. J. Dorn, E. A. Garcia, C. F. Steiner, and J. M. Wojdak. 2004.

The impact of density-independent mortality on species coexistence: an experimental test with zooplankton. Oikos 107: 415-421.

Steiner, C. F. 2005. Temporal stability of pond zooplankton assemblages. Freshwater Biology 50: 105-112.

Steiner, C. F. 2005. Impacts of density-independent mortality and productivity on the strength and

outcome of competition. Ecology 86: 727-739.

Steiner, C. F., Z. T. Long, J. A. Krumins, and P. J. Morin. 2005. Temporal stability of aquatic food webs:

partitioning the effects of species diversity, species composition and enrichment. Ecology Letters 8: 819-828.

Steiner, C. F., T. L. Darcy-Hall, N. J. Dorn, E. A. Garcia, G. G. Mittelbach, and J. M. Wojdak. 2005. The influence of

consumer diversity and indirect facilitation on trophic-level biomass and community stability. Oikos 110: 556-566.

Steiner, C. F., Z. T. Long, J. A. Krumins, and P. J. Morin. 2006. Population and community resilience in multitrophic

communities. Ecology 87: 996-1007.

Long, Z. T., C. F. Steiner, J. A. Krumins, and P. J. Morin. 2006. Species diversity and allometric scaling jointly determine

biomass in model aquatic food webs. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 1014-1023.

Krumins, J. A., Z. T. Long, C. F. Steiner, and P. J. Morin. 2006. Indirect effects of food web diversity and productivity

on bacterial community function and composition. Functional Ecology 20: 514-521.

Steiner, C. F., C. E. Cáceres, and S. Smith. 2007. Resurrecting the ghost of competition past with

dormant zooplankton eggs. The American Naturalist 169: 416-422.

Non-peer reviewed publications

Cáceres, C. E., S. L. Mulvany, K. A. Paczolt, and C. F. Steiner. 2005. Cladoceran community assembly in a

recently created lake. Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Verhandlungen 29:1020-1024.

Steiner, C. F. 2006. Book Review: “Aquatic Food Webs: An Ecosystem Approach” in Quarterly Review of Biology vol. 81.

Professional Experience


2001 Teaching Assistant, “Applications in Biological Science Laboratory,” (ISB 208), MichiganStateUniversity

2000Teaching Assistant, “Ecology Laboratory,” (ZOL 355), MichiganStateUniversity

2000Teaching Assistant, “Advanced Field Ecology and Evolution,” (ZOL 440),

Kellogg Biological Station, MichiganStateUniversity

1999Lab Instructor. “Organisms and Populations: Introductory Organismal Biology for

Undergraduates,” (BS 110), MichiganStateUniversity.


2000Undergraduate Co-advisor. Travis Godkin, National Science Foundation,

Research Experience for Undergraduates Program, Kellogg Biological

Station, MichiganStateUniversity.

1997Undergraduate Co-advisor. Allison Roy, National Science Foundation,

Research Experience for Undergraduates Program, Kellogg Biological

Station, MichiganStateUniversity.


2002Invited participant, Workshop on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in

Aquatic Ecosystems, Ascona, Switzerland (NSF supported).

Presentations at National Meetings

2008Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI

2007Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA

2005Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada

2004Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR

2003Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA

2002Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ

2001Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Madison, WI

2000Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Snowbird, UT

1999Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA

1998Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD

Doctoral Committee

Gary Mittelbach (doctoral advisor), James Bence, Donald Hall, Stephen Hamilton, Alan Tessier

Postdoctoral Advisors

Christopher Klausmeier, Kellogg Biological Station, MichiganStateUniversity

Carla Cáceres, Department of Animal Biology, University of Illinois

Peter Morin, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, RutgersUniversity

Mathew Leibold, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago

Reviewer for

The American Naturalist, Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie, Aquatic Ecology, Ecography, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Functional Ecology,

International Review of Hydrobiology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Limnology and Oceanography, National Science Foundation (DEB),

Oecologia, Oikos, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London

Professional Societies

American Society of Naturalists, Ecological Society of America