Parks Advisory Board Minutes – September 4, 2014 Page 4


Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting of September 4, 2014

6:00 p.m. – Anne Kolb Nature Center – Hollywood

Board Members Present

Alex Lazowick / Daniel Mulieri / Stephanie Munson
Alicia Howard / David Flaherty / Stephen Lawson
Brittany Adkison / Guy Roper / William Norkunas
Christina Clifford / Jack Mathison
Dana MacDonald / Patrick Brochu

Board Members Absent

Howard Nelson / Terry Danger / Tyson Jones

County Staff

Adrian Anghel / Donald Purdy / Lou Metz
Carol Morgenstern / Dori Remillet / Maureen O’Rourke
Cathy Hagen / Gary Remillet / Racquel Henry
Chester Pruitt / Gayle Preston / Sarah Perkins
Cyndy Baker / Jim Federici / Susanne McKee
Donald McKee / Laurel Person / Tina Murto

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Board) meeting was called to order by Chair Mathison at 6:07 p.m., after which all present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called; a quorum was present.

Chair Mathison introduce new member Brittany Adkison to the Board.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Ms. Munson to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2014, meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mulieri and was passed unanimously.

Employees of the Quarter: Each Employee of the Quarter was introduced and presented with a framed certificate to commemorate the award, a tote bag, and a Division “Find it All” mug.

Employees for the 2nd Quarter 2014 were: Sean Gilmartin, Aquatic Coordinator, CB Smith Park, unable to attend the meeting. Donald McKee, Auto Mechanic II, Parks Maintenance Group. Donald Purdy, Account Clerk ll, Markham Park and Target Range.

Park Manager’s Report: Laurel Person, Parks and Recreation Manager V for Anne Kolb Nature Center, West Lake Park and Hollywood North Beach Park, distributed handouts with information on all three parks. She introduced Joanne Howes, Park Naturalist II, to talk about the Sea Turtles and their Babies program, which had over 900 participants this year. Ms. Howes stated that there are five species of sea turtles in Florida. From March through September the female turtles will leave the water to lay about 100 eggs in the sand. Then, in about 55 days baby sea turtles will start hatching and head toward the water. The main danger for hatchlings is artificial lighting. When the babies emerge, they instinctively move in the brightest direction. They become adults in 20 years and will live for about 60 years. All sea turtles are listed under the Endangered Species Act and it is illegal to disturb a sea turtle nest. Ms. Howes invited everyone to register for the next Sea Turtles and their Babies program when registration begins the third week of May 2015.

Bond Construction Update: Jim Federici, Parks Planning and Design, provided a brief update on current projects. He made reference to the project status report that was included with the agenda. The Central Broward Regional Park maintenance facility is complete. Deerfield Highlands and Saw Palmetto Natural Areas are complete and staff is currently working on close-out documents. Work on the design of the bridge at Everglades Holiday Park (EHP) is in the early stage. Hollywood North Beach and West Lake Park Phase 1 is complete. Staff is preparing plans and specifications for Phase 2 to renovate the observation tower at Anne Kolb Nature Center. At Miramar Pineland Park, Phase 1 is complete and the design for a new administrative office is being developed. Ms. Munson asked if there is any open communication with the Airboat Club at EHP. Mr. Federici said there is not but staff will be meeting with the club in the future and he will let everyone know at the next meeting if a date is set. Mr. Lazowick asked if the Markham Park Target Range renovation was funded by the County or the bond. Mr. Federici replied that capital funds were used, supplemented by fees collected at the Target Range over a 10-year period. Mr. Brochu requested an update on Easterlin Park. Mr. Federici reported that completion is a couple months away, and that plans include demolishing the old building and turning the area into a parking lot.

Public Comments: Senator Eleanor Sobel addressed the Board, stating that $3,000,000 was allocated to TY Park this year from the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program for the installation of high-efficiency pathway lighting and to convert existing park irrigation system to one that uses reclaimed water. This passed the Florida House and Senate but was vetoed by Governor Rick Scott. She will be applying for the grant again next year and asked for the Board’s support. She asked the Board to write a letter to Governor Scott, asking him to approve funding for TY Park and to sign the petition at

Parks and Recreation Division Update

Parks Operations, Gayle Preston: Ms. Preston made reference to the “Summer 2014: While You Were Away” report that was sent to County Administration and is included with the agenda.

Ms. Preston’s report included the following:

The Division’s new eNatualist program is a self-guided, QR-code-based tour available at Hillsboro Pineland and Tall Cypress Natural Areas.

The second Find It All magazine was printed and direct-mailed to over 158,000 County residents and governmental outlets.

The newly hired security manager has accomplished several improvements, including upgrading or installing security cameras at most regional and neighborhood parks; increasing contracted security and law enforcement coverage in regional, neighborhood and natural area sites; and reducing the number of car break-ins and illicit behaviors at the parks.

The Summer Recreation program was conducted in six neighborhood parks with attendance of 10,160 as of July 31st and with two more weeks to go. Office Depot Foundation distributed back packs to children in the program. 150 children participated in a Fishing Clinic that was sponsored by a grant through the Fish Florida Group, and 126 Summer Recreation program participants performed in the Broward Star Time Talent showcase at Parker Playhouse on July 24th.

At CB Smith Park, water park admission revenue increased 44%, food concession revenue increased 60%, and attendance increased 46% over last year due to the new water slides.

An invitation was extended to the Board members to attend the Nature Block Party on Saturday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to celebrate the completion of improvements at Saw Palmetto Natural Area. Following the opening ceremony, community/family activities will include planting a butterfly garden, geocaching, a scavenger hunt, displays from the Wildlife Care Center, sustainable arts and crafts, and more.

The Board was asked if they would be interested in viewing a presentation that Dan West made to the Commission on EHP. Members of the Board agreed to see the presentation at the next meeting.

Mr. Norkunas asked if the security manager’s position is new and inquired as to the reason for hiring a security manager. Ms. Preston responded that it is a new position that was created to provide safety and security for patrons and staff, to establish consistency and coordination of security measures throughout the parks, and to have an expert on hand to deal with security issues. Mr. Norkunas asked if the security cameras are used to record patrons’ license plates and if anything is done with the information. Ms. Preston responded that the information is sent to the local law enforcement agencies to help them pursue perpetrators of the law.

Ms. Munson asked if the permit for sea turtles at Carpenter House had been issued. Ms. Preston replied that NSU is working toward obtaining the permit.

Old Business

Secret Shopper: Ms. Hagen distributed a locator map and an updated Secret Shopper Survey form. She asked that the Board members volunteer to secret shop at a park of their choice and to let her know at the end of the meeting or send her an email.

Chair Mathison encouraged the Board members to participate in the Secret Shopper program. He said their input will be helpful in making positive changes or improvements in the parks.

New Business

Board Workshop: Ms. Hagen reported that the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Professional Standards held a Board Workshop in July for the board liaisons and coordinators. There are 72 advisory boards in Broward County that are appointed by the Commission. The next Sunset Review council is set to meet in 2016. Board members are required to inform the chair, liaisons or coordinators, if they are attending a meeting, two business days in advance, in order to determine if there will be a quorum. A quorum requires 50% of the board plus one to be in attendance. A board member cannot lobby his/her board for two years after leaving a board. Two-way communication between board members is prohibited by the Sunshine Law. All board members are to vote, and can only abstain if there is a legal conflict and is required to leave the table during the vote and to file Form 8B.

Chair Mathison inquired if there were any members of the public who wished to speak on Parks related topics. He reminded those present that remarks are to be limited to three minutes for individuals and five minutes for groups of five or more with a designated representative to address the Board on the group’s behalf.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.

Public Forum: After a five minute break, the public forum was opened for discussion at 7:07 p.m.

Matthew Competiello, program manager for the American Lung Association, stated that he is also representing the Broward Regional Health Planning Council, the Tobacco Prevention Network of Florida, and Tobacco-Free Partnership of Broward County. He stated that they are trying to create ordinances for a smoke free environment at County parks. He would like the Board to support their mission by bringing the issue to the County Commission. Chair Mathison asked what the Division’s actions have been in regards to smoking. Ms. Preston replied that there is signage at all the playgrounds asking smokers not to smoke around children’s play areas. Tina Murto, Administrative Manager, stated that the smoking issue was first addressed by the Division in 2004 with placement of signage in aquatic and play areas. In 2011, the Division received a grant from the Department of Health for signage that stated “Tobacco Free Zones,” “Young Lungs at Play,” and “Thank You for Not Smoking”. These signs are posted at all playgrounds, athletic areas, aquatic areas, and all natural areas. Ms. Munson suggested that the Board members check to see if the signs are in place when conducting the Secret Shopper park visits. Ms. Preston noted that the park managers and staff routinely check signage at the parks. Mr. Competiello stated that a Resolution urging the State Legislature to repeal State preemption in the area of regulating secondhand tobacco smoke is included in the packet he handed out.

Karen Caputo, a representative of Friends of Hollywood, Florida, a non-profit organization that is fighting to preserve Sunset Golf Course in Hollywood, addressed the Board. Ms. Caputo stated the group’s mission is to turn the golf course into a nature preserve. The golf course filters about 15,000,000 gallons of water into the aquifer and is privately owned. She asked the Board members for help or suggestions on raising money that the group would use to buy Sunset Golf Course. Mr. Flaherty asked if the County was interested in it. Ms. Preston said she would forward the information to the Parks Director.

Davie Nielsen, president of Broadview Park Civic Association, addressed the Board to ask for a status update on replacing the Sunview Park recreation center that was destroyed by a fire about five years ago. The center was replaced by a small modular building with no recreation hall, and Mr. Nielsen would like the County to secure a new recreation facility that is a suitable place for providing activities for the neighborhood children. Ms. Preston reported that funding is available to build the recreation center and asked Mr. Federici to provide an update. Mr. Federici stated that an agreement to build has been negotiated and the new recreation center should be completed in about 18 months. Ms. Preston suggested that Mr. Nielsen meet with Sunview Park Manager Marvin Burroughs to obtain updates on the progress of the project.

Adjournment: There being no other members of the public requesting an opportunity to address the Board, the Public Forum was closed at 7:37 p.m.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at Secret Woods Nature Center at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, November 7, 2014.